Rehearsal Facilities & Reservation Policies

Studios for Growing. Theaters for Showing.

Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED)

Student Alumni Union (SAU)

A music technology lab with mac computers

Music Technology Lab

A photo of classroom A120. The room features a baby grand piano.

A120 and A130

An open room with lockers for instrument storage


Policies and Reservation Information

Scheduling & Room Access

  • Spaces are reserved using the Request Performing Arts Rehearsal Space temple at
    • Access to the template is only available to students participating in School of Performing Arts courses or ensembles, and Performing Arts Scholars that require use of the facilities to complete their scholarship requirements.
    • If you fall into one of these categories, but you cannot access the template, contact Michael Dwyer,
  • All reservations are for a maximum of one hour. Requests exceeding one hour will be denied and the request will need to be resubmitted. Setup and tear-down times are built into your reservation.
  • SPA spaces are accessed using RIT ID cards
  • General Practice Room requests will be approved and card access granted immediately upon submission,
  • All other room requests must be submitted 48 hours in advance. Requests made within 48 hours will be considered, but there is no guarantee.Cards will be activated prior to the time of the reservation.
    • Weekend room requests that require approval must be submitted by 12:00 PM on Friday.
  • If a user arrives early to a scheduled time, they must wait for the current occupant to finish before entering. If an occupant has exceeded their reserved time, they can be politely asked to vacate the space. If the room is vacant upon arrival, rehearsal/practice sessions may begin early.
  • Space users may not occupy reserved spaces past the end time of the reservation. 
  • If a space is unoccupied for more than 10 minutes, it will be assumed available and the reservation forfeited.
  • Any personal items left in an unoccupied rehearsal space will be brought to the lost and found in the respective building.  
  • If a space is no longer needed or there is a need to reschedule, existing reservations should be canceled in EMS as soon as possible.
  • Students not involved with the School of Performing Arts or the Performing Arts Scholars program can use the practice rooms on the A-Level of the SHED (by the east elevator) during designated open hours. 

Safety & Security

  • Personal property or instruments should not be left unattended. RIT is not responsible for stolen or damaged items anywhere in its facilities.
  • Doors may not be propped open unless there is a need to facilitate moving equipment, and must be immediately shut after completion.
  • Users may never let unknown persons into the SPA facilities.
  • Spaces may not be used between 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM.

General Rules

  • Food and drink is prohibited in all spaces, except for bottled water. Exceptions to this policy for special occasions can be requested prior to your reservation, and will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Rooms must be left neat and orderly. Rooms that are in disarray should be reported to Michael Dwyer immediately so the issue can be addressed.
  • With the exception of service and emotional support animals, pets are not permitted in School of Performing Arts spaces.
  • Students or groups who repeatedly violate the above policies may lose their room reservation privileges for the semester or indefinitely. 
  • Mechanical or technical issues must be reported immediately to the School of Performing Arts via

In addition to all Performing Arts Space Policies

Dance Styles

  • Due to the nature of the Harlequin flooring, ballroom and tap dance are not allowed in the dance studio.
    • These styles can be practiced in the SHED 2120 Munson Music Loft.
    • To prevent damage to the floor, students are responsible for checking screws and taps in footwear.


  • With the exception of hip-hop courses and rehearsals, shoes are not permitted in the dance studio
    •  In the case of hip-hop, outdoor, everyday shoes may not be worn in the studio –a second pair of clean shoes that are only worn in dance classes or rehearsals is required.
  • Street shoes and belongings (backpacks, jackets, etc.) must be left outside the studio, either in the A140 Dance Lounge or placed on carpet runner outside of the studio
  • Please make use of the Dance Lounge short-term storage lockers to safely and securely store belongings, and the changing rooms to change as needed before and after class.
  • Use dust mop provided in space to quick clean dance floor after your rehearsal or class; dust and debris can collect even with clean/no footwear

General Rules
*Please note that due to the flooring, these rules differ from that of other spaces.

  •  No food or drink permitted in the space


Colby Rehearsal Studio Rules & Etiquette

Hours and Access

  • Rehearsing and use of this studio is at your own risk,
  • Studios are open 24/7, excluding holidays and Institute breaks.
  • Use of the studios is on a first come first served basis.
  • Please do not monopolize either space; the studios are open for all to enjoy.
  • Please limit sessions to 50 minutes or less, one session per day.
  • Keep entrance door closed at all times. Do no prop doors open under any circumstances.

Equipment and Security

  • Food and drink are prohibited, with the exception of water.
  • Return provided equipment to its designated space after use.
  • Ensure all technology is reset or powered down at the end of each session.
  • Be polite and respectful of others.

Room Condition

  • This facility is under 24 hour video surveillance.
  • Report any issues with equipment using the QR code posted. Please also share your ideas for how we might improve the space!
  • With the exception of installed technology, music stands, chairs, and dance bars, users must provide their own equipment.
  • RIT is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of personal instruments or belongings in the studios.
  • Remove all personal belongings and garbage at the end of your session.
  • Personal instruments, equipment, or items may not be stored in studios. 
  • Any personal belongings left in space will be delivered to Public Safety.

Questions regarding the Colby Rehearsal Studio should be directed to Katie Buckley


  • Organizations must be recognized as an official club by Center for Campus Life and approved as a performing arts-based club by the School of Performing Arts. To be considered as approved to utilize performing arts space, please email
  • Organizations must be in good standing with Center for Campus Life. This includes having no holds and having an active/re-recognized status.


  • Performing Arts student clubs may use the School of Performing Arts-managed rooms free of charge.
  • If there is a need to replace damaged, lost, stolen, or misplaced equipment, fees will be assessed as appropriate. The club may also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution if necessary.

Scheduling & Room Access

  • Requests will only be reviewed after academic space needs are met for the semester.
  • Requests must be submitted at least 4 business days in advance using the “Request Performing Arts Space -StudOrg” at 
  • Approved clubs are allotted up to two, one-hour reservations per week. Additional time can be requested if this allotment is inadequate for an organization. Requests must be submitted in writing to Michael Dwyer prior to reserving a space, and will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • The School of Performing Arts reserves the right to cancel or change reservations due to academic needs. Cancellations will be made no less than 48 hours prior to the start time of the applicable reservation. 
  • Participant numbers may not exceed the capacity limits indicated in EMS. 
  • Up to two members from a club may receive card swipe access to the respective space. The club members receiving card swipe access must be listed as the 1st and 2nd Contacts when creating the reservation request. Exceptions can be requested and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Equipment and Storage

  • Clubs must provide their own instruments and equipment with the exception of basic furniture that exists in the spaces, such as chairs and stands. 
  • The School of Performing Arts has a limited supply of audio and lighting equipment that can be used by clubs. In order to borrow the equipment, an active member of the organization must attend a regularly scheduled training session, and complete all applicable forms (provided at time of training). Questions about the training sessions should be sent to
  • Given the lack of storage space in the performing arts facilities, the school is unable to store club-owned equipment. Please contact the Center for Campus Life ( to discuss options for potential use of limited storage space.