West African Percussion Ensemble
A multi-cultural ensemble of instrumentalists, singers, and dancers organized to explore and perform a variety of music and dance from cultures around the world.
The cultures to be studied will be dependent on enrollment. Participants native to the represented cultures will be enlisted to assist in the teaching of basic performance practices and concepts. Enrollment is open to all students, faculty, and staff who are competent instrumentalists, singers and/or dancers from both Western and non-Western traditions who enjoy exploring the dynamic percussive traditions of Guinea. Led by master drummer and dancer, Kerfala “Fana” Bangoura, the ensemble combines the iconic djembe hand drum with a trio of drums played with sticks, known as dunun, sangban, and kenkeni. The powerful, multi-part relationships established by this trio of drums provide a rhythmic foundation for the ensemble, enabling djembe players to develop technique in executing both accompaniment and solo pad music. Drums provided.
Enroll in West African Percussion Ensemble via FNRT-253. Contact Kerfala Bangoura for enrollment details.