


Odden, Tor Ole B. and Zwickl, Benjamin 2024, How Physics Students Develop Disciplinary Computational Literacy, arXiv:2403.15028v2, 25 March 2024.

Yang, Zixin, Simon, Richard, Merrell, Kelly, Linte, Cristian. A. 2024, Boundary Constraint-free Biomechanical Model-Based Surface Matching for Intraoperative Liver Deformation Correction, arXiv:2403.09964v1, 15 March 2024.

Hufford, Fiona, Wills, Ryan, and Zemcov, Michael 2024, Cross-Correlation of NIR and UV Images to Constrain Sources of the Extragalactic Background Light, 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 56(2), 14 March 2024.

Chen, Gong  and Qiao, Jie 2024, Optical structuring and finishing toward mid-spatial-frequency error reduction using femtosecond lasers, Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group, 49, 6, 1560-1563,, 14 March 2024.

Garcia, Sophia, Mercado, Dale, and Zemcov, Michael 2024, Integration of a Cryogenic Fourier Transform Spectrometer for FIR Device Characterization, 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 56(2), 14 March 2024.


Balage, Pierre, Bonamis, Guillaume, Lafargue, Manon, Guilberteau, Theo, Delaigue, Martin, Honninger, Clemens, Qiao, Jie, Lopez, John, and Manek-Honninger, Inka 2023, Advances in Femtosecond Laser GHz-Burst Drilling of Glasses: Influence of Burst Shape and Duration Micromachines 2023, Volume 14, Issue 5, Pages 1158. 30 May 2023

Nwabunwanne, Solumtochukwu, Melanson, Bryan, Zhang, Jing, and Donaldson, William 2023, Investigation of AlGaN-Delta-GaN Based UV Photodiodes in a Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Configuration for Efficient and Fast Solar Blind UV Sensing, TechRxiv. 21545526.v1. 25 May 2023

Upendra, Roshan Reddy, Simon, Richard, and Linte, Cristian A. 2023, Deep learning architecture for 3D image super-resolution of late gadolinium enhanced cardiac MRI, Journal of Medical Imaging Volume 10, Issue 5, 051808, 24 May 2023

Hu, W., Gebremichael W., Fernandes J., Kilinc, M., Dorrer, C., and Qiao, J. 2023, Single-scan ultrafast laser inscription of waveguides in IG2 for type-I and type-II operation in the mid-infrared, Optics Express Volume 31, Issue 12, pp. 18949-18963. 23 May 2023

Schneelock, James, Birittella, Richard J., Tison, Christopher C., Howland, Gregory A., Fanto, Michael L., and Alsing, Paul M. 2023, Nonlinear Optics as a source of high-dimensional tripartite entanglement,  arXiv:2305.09809, 16 May 2023.


Deng, Shan, Beyer, Sven, Gong, Xiao, Kurinec, Santosh, Ni, Kai, et al. 2022, Unraveling the dynamics of Charge Trapping and de-Trapping in Ferroelectric FETs, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 69, Number 3, pp. 1503-1511. 28 January 2022

Kurinec, Santosh, and 19 others 2022, Efficiency of Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistors: An Experimental Study, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, volume 69, Number 3. 25 January 2022

Abrand, Alireza, Polly, Stephen J., Manfreda-Schulz, Evan, Hubbard, Seth M., Mohseni, Parsian K., et al. 2022, Localized Self-Assembly of InAs Nanowire Arrays on Reusable Si Substrates for Substrate-Free Optoelectronics, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 10.1021/acsanm.1c03557. 20 January 2022

Kesgin, Muhammet, Murthy, Rajendran, and Lagiewski, Rick 2022, Profiling food festivals by type, name and descriptive content: a population level study, British food Journal, Vol. 124 No. 2, pp. 530-549. 14 January 2022

Zohrabi Alaee, Dina, Campbell, Micah K., and Zwickl, Benjamin M. 2022, Impact of virtual research experience for undergraduates experiences on students’ psychosocial gains during the COVID-19 pandemic, Physical Review Physics Education Research, 18, 010101 (2022). 04 January 2022


Kaulfuss, P. L., Alsing, P. M., Hach III, E. E., Smith, A. M., Fanto, M. L., 2021, Direct interferometric test of the nonlinear phase-shift gate, American Physical Society Physical Review A 103 (2), 022405, 3 February 2021.

Symons, Teresa, Zemcov, Michael, Bock, James, Cheng, Yun-Ting, Crill, Brendan, Hirata, Christopher, and Venuto, Stephanie, 2021, Superresolution Reconstruction of Severely Undersampled Point-spread Functions Using Point-source Stacking and Deconvolution, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 252, 24, 1 Feb 2021.

Nguyen, C., Zwmcov, M., and 29 colleagues, 2021, Probing the Near-Infrared Extragalactic Background Light with the CIBER missions, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53, 410.06D, 11 January 2021.

Cheng, Y., Arai, T., Bock, J. J., Chang, T., Cooray, A. R., Feder, R. M., Kim, M., Korngut, P. M., Lee, D., Liu, L., Matsumoto, T., Matsuura, S., Nguyen, C., Smidt, J., Tsumura, K., and Zemcov, M., 2021, Studying Near-Infrared Intra-Halo Light with CIBER Mission, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53, 411.05D, 11 January 2021.

Butler, V., Feder, R., Mantz, A., Mercado, D., Montana, A., Sayers, J., Vaughan, B., Zemcov, M., and Zitrin, A., 2021, Determining Thermodynamic Properties of Cluster Gas Using Herschel-SPIRE, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 53, 512.06, 11 January 2021.


Grover, S., Sahu, S., Zhang, P., Davis, K. O., and Kurinec, S. K., 2020, Standardization of Specific Contact Resistivity Measurements using Transmission Line Model (TLM) 2020 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), pp. 1-6, 10.1109, 04 June 2020.

Jot, S., Zyarah, A., Kurinec, S., Ni K., Zohora, F. T., and Kudithipudi, D., 2020, FeFET-Based Neuromorphic Architecture with On-Device Feedback Alignment Training, 2020 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 317-322, 09 July 2020.

Melanson, B., Starling, D., Hartensveld, M., Howland, G., Preble, S., and Zhang, J., 2020, Narrow Linewidth Photoluminescence from Top-Down Fabricated 20 nm InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots at Room Temperature, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest, paper STh4H.2, 15 May 2020.

Oram, Kathleen, Ninkov, Zoran, Irwin, Alexis, Vorobiev, Dmitry, and Carts, Martin, 2020, Further investigation of the effects of total ionizing dose on digital micromirror devices, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 11294, 112940I, 28 February 2020.

Serafini, J., Spiecker, D. Steidle, J., Fanto, M., Hach, E., and Preble, S., 2020, Two photon interference via coupled ring resonators on a silicon photonic chip, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper FTu4C.7.


Fanto, Mike, 2019, Quantum Integrated Photonics Panel, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170O, 27 August 2021.

Hach III, Edwin, 2019, Linear optical quantum information processing in silicon nanophotonics, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 1191706, 27 August 2021.

Howland, Gregory, 2019, Efficiently certifying large amounts of entanglement in high-dimensional quantum systems, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170X, 27 August 2021.

Preble, Stefan, 2019, Quantum integrated photonics, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170A, 27 August 2021.

Zwickl, B., Wysocki, B., Dudley, E., Soltani, M., Tongue, T., and Anant, V., 2019, Career and Education Panel, Proc. SPIE 11917, Photonics for Quantum 2019, 119170C,27 August 2021