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Featured Project

Digital Therapy Platform Improves Access to Mental Health Care
The need for easy access to mental health care is higher than ever in the post-COVID era. Rural populations face additional barriers to consistent access to care simply due to the location of services and associated transportation challenges. In response, Dr Cory Crane, Dr Cassandra Berbary and team are leading a large NIH-sponsored research project focused developing and rolling out resources to individuals and providers in rural communities. The plan is to create a new way to access therapeutic resources for opioid addiction, substance abuse and other co-occurring mental health conditions – digitally! Examples of resources available include a digital avatar to assist with treatment for mood disorders, a digital legal resource and public service announcements for behavioral health stigma.
Cory Crane, Principal Investigator
Cassandra Berbary, Co-PI
Caroline Easton, Co-PI
For more information, please visit the Priority Behavioral Health Clinic website.
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