Grant Review Roundtable
How to Submit Proposal or Sponsor Critique for Review
Proposal review requests must be submitted to a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled round table session. Please click here for the full PHT180 Grant Review Roundtable Guidelines.
Submit a request for review to
The area chair will assemble a small group of faculty to participate in the discussion.
Option 1 - Full Proposal Review
During round table discussion, PIs submitting the proposals will be responsible for taking notes of the round table discussion. At least two weeks prior to the scheduled roundtable discussion submit to the following:
Full proposal
Grant PA or RFP
Option 2 - One-page project summary and Presentation
At least two weeks prior to the scheduled roundtable discussion, email to a one-page summary and target solicitation. At the roundtable discussion, the Affiliated Faculty member will present for 15 minutes and then be responsible for taking notes of ensuing roundtable discussion.
The Presentation should include: Proposed research, Rationale, Prior Arts, Timeline, Budget and Collaborators.
After the presentation the roundtable participants will ask questions and provide useful feedback for 45 minutes.
Grant Review Roundtable
The PHT180 Grant Review Roundtable assists affiliated faculty through a pre submission critique.
Goals of this process:
- Increase the quality and scientific rigor of proposal writing
- Enhance proposal success with external funding agencies.
How often:
- External grant proposal review forums will be held monthly during the academic year, and by special request in the summer.
For the complete PHT180 Grant Review Roundtable Guidelines please click here.
How it works:
- One Chairperson will oversee and coordinate the monthly event.
- Submitted proposal request will be reviewed and discussed in small group during round table meeting, coordinated by area chairs with appropriate expertise for the topic areas of the proposal
- Proposal review request must be submitted two weeks ahead of a scheduled round table meeting
Current list of Area Chairs (as of February 2023)
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Vinay Abhyankar
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Sandia National Labs, Post Doctoral Fellow, Biotechnology and Bioengineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison, MS, PhD, Biomedical Engineering
Binghamton University - Binghamton, NY, BS, Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Research
Biomaterials | Microfluidics |
Microengineering | Tissue-on-a-chip |
Molecular diagnostics. | |
Funding Sources
NIH R21 | NSF (CBET standard grant) |
NIH R16 | |
NIH R43 | |
NIH R44 | |
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Thomas Gaborski
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
University of Rochester, MS, PhD, Biomedical Engineering
Cornell University, BS, Biological Engineering
Areas of Research
Nanomaterials | Biomaterials |
Tissue Engineering |
Lab-on-a-chip |
Funding Sources
NIH (R35, R21, R43, F31) | NSF (STTR Phase I and II) |
André Hudson
Dean, College of Science
Program Faculty, School of Chemistry and Materials Science
Virginia Union University, BS
Rutgers University, PhD
Rutgers University, Post Doc
Areas of Research
Amino acid metabolism | Antiobiotic resistance |
Novel antibiotics | Bacterial cell wall metabolism |
Genome sequencing | Genomics |
Structural biology |
Funding Sources
Bayer Corporation | NOAA |
Sweetwater Energy | Natcore Technology |
Iridium Biosciences |
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Linwei Wang
Professor, Computing & Information Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology, PhD, Computing and Information Sciences
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, MPhil, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Zhejiang University, BS, Optic-electrical Engineering
Areas of Research
Statistical inference | Medical image / signal analysis |
Uncertainty quantification |
Machine learning |
Funding Sources
NSF (Career) |
NIH (R21, R15, R01) |