Brenda Abu Headshot

Brenda Abu

Assistant Professor

Nutrition Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology

Office Location

Brenda Abu

Assistant Professor

Nutrition Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology


BS, University for Development Studies (Ghana); MPhil, University of Ghana (Ghana); Ph.D., University of the Free State (South Africa)


Dr. Abu is an Assistant Professor in the Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition at RIT. She was formerly a Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Nutritional Sciences Department at Texas Tech University. Dr. Abu received her PhD in Nutrition from the University of the Free State (South Africa), a Masters in Nutrition from the University of Ghana and a Bachelor of Science Degree (Honors) in Community Nutrition from the University for Development Studies (Ghana).

Dr. Abu has experience as a clinical dietician, lecturer and nutrition consultant. Her research interests include micronutrient deficiencies, food security, maternal and child nutrition, program/project design and impact assessment, and stakeholder engagement. She works with others using a multi-disciplinary approach, to addressing food and nutrition security among college students and senior citizens (USA). She is also involved with addressing anemia in low-income communities using sustainable food-based approaches while facilitating stakeholder engagement (Ghana).


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Godleski, S., Abu, B.A, and Kothari, A. "A Qualitative Needs Assessment and Analysis of Perceptions of a Mobile Health App for Low-Income, At-Risk Mothers." J. technol. behav. sci.. (2020): online. Web.
Abu, Brenda Ariba Zarhari, Jacques Eugene Raubenheimer, and Violet Louise van den Berg. "Iron-focussed Nutritional Status of Mothers with Children (6–59 months) in Rural Northern Ghana." Heliyon 6. 6 (2020): e04017. Web.
Kothari, A., Godleski, S., and Abu B.A.Z. "Mobile-based Consortium of Parenting Resources for Low-income and Underserved Mothers and Caregivers: App Development, Testing and Lessons Learned." Health Technol.. 10 (2020): 1603–1608. Web.
Abu, Brenda A.Z., Wilna Oldewage‐Theron,, and Richmond N.O. Aryeetey. "Risks of Excess Iodine Intake in Ghana: Current Situation, Challenges, and Lessons for the Future." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1446. 1 (2019): 117-138. Web.
Abu, Brenda A. Z., et al. "Qualitative Assessments of Anemia‐related Programs in Ghana Reveal Gaps and Implementation Challenges." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (2020): 1-15. Web.
Abu, Brenda and Wilna Oldewage-Theron. "Food insecurity among college students in West Texas." British Food Journal 121. 3 (2019): 738-754. Web.
Saha, Sanjoy, et al. "Available food options at local shops in relation to food insecurity among older adults in Sharpeville, South Africa." African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 19. 2 (2019): 14500-14516. Web.
Saha, Sanjoy, et al. "Is iodine deficiency still a problem in sub-Saharan Africa?: a review." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 78. (2019): 554–566. Print.
Garcia-Casal, Maria Nieves, et al. "Risk of excessive intake of vitamins and mineralsdelivered through public health interventions: objectives,results, conclusions of the meeting, and the way forward." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1446. (2018): 5–20. Web.
Oldewage-Theron, Wilna, et al. "Food insecurity and food access among seniors in Lubbock, Texas." Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. (2018): 1-15. Web.
Invited Article/Publication
Abu, Brenda, Barbara Lohse, and Leslie Cunningham-Sabo. "Parent BMI Increase 2 to 5 Years Post-study Related to Change in Age but Independent of Other Sociodemographics, Health Behavior, and Study Engagement (P16-001-19)." Current Developments in Nutrition. (2019). Print.
Abu, Brenda, et al. "Multifocal Assessment Reveals Anemia-related Program Gaps and Implementation Challenges in Ghana (P10-088-19)." Current Developments in Nutrition. (2019). Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course offers students the opportunity to learn basic research principles and integrate them with skills and knowledge from other courses to design and develop a research proposal on an area of professional interest. The research proposal includes a background section with a literature review, a plan for gathering data, sense-making and concluding why the proposed research project benefits science and society. Students will complete activities to gain skills in project management and Human Subject Research (HSRO) submission.
1 - 6 Credits
Application of writing and research skills and principles in an independent investigation of a focused problem under direction of thesis adviser. Components include review of literature, definition of research aims, data collection and analysis, interpretation and discussion of findings, preparation of written paper following specified guidelines and standards, and oral defense of thesis. Enrollment for 6 credits in one semester or as necessary over multiple semesters for a total of 6 credits.
0 Credits
This course provides students additional semester to complete their thesis research, document and defense.
3 Credits
Application of writing and research skills and principles in an independent investigation of a focused problem under direction of a project adviser. Preparation of a Project Report following specified guidelines and standards, and oral presentation of the key report components.
1 - 4 Credits
This course provides the opportunity for independent investigation, under faculty supervision, on a subject matter either not included in existing courses or further investigation of a topic of interest presented in another course. A student-driven, faculty mentored proposal is drafted that describes the plan of work, deliverables expected, evaluation criteria, and possible credit load.

In the News

  • May 24, 2022

    portrait of researcher Brenda Abu.

    RIT researcher studies pica practices and iron nutrition among pregnant women

    Brenda Abu, assistant professor in RIT’s Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition, seeks to understand the effect pica, iron deficiency anemia, and food insecurity have on maternal health during pregnancy. Pica refers to excessive craving and/or eating of non-food items, such as, clay, soil, paper, ice, and paint chips.