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Nowalis, Sarah, Stephanie Godleski, and Lindsay Schenkel. "Attachment as a Moderator in the Relation Between Child Maltreatment and Symptoms of Depression." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37. (2022): NP1516-NP1543. Print.
Ostrov, Jamie, et al. "Development of bullying and victimization: An examination of risk and protective factors in a high-risk sample." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37. (2022): 5958-5984. Print.
Zhao, Junru, et al. "Child exposure to community violence in an at-risk sample: Developmental trajectories, caregiving risks, and the role of child temperament." Psychology of Violence 12. 6 (2022): 382-392. Print.
Godleski, Stephanie, et al. "Developmental pathways from prenatal substance exposure to reactive aggression." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 83. (2022): 101474. Web.
Godleski, Stephanie, Brenda Abu, and Ammina Kothari. "A qualitative needs assessment and analysis of perceptions of a mobile health app for low-income, at-risk mothers." Journal of Technology in Behavior Science 6. (2021): 100-105. Print.
Perry, Kristin, et al. "Pathways from early family violence to adolescent reactive aggression and violence victimization." Journal of Family Violence 36. (2021): 75-86. Print.
Ostlund, Brendan, et al. "Prenatal substance exposure and maternal hostility from pregnancy to toddlerhood: Associations with temperament profiles at 16-months of age." Development and Psychopathology 33. (2021): 1566-1583. Print.
Schuetze, Pamela, Stephanie Godleski, and Jenna Sassaman. "Prenatal opiate exposure and postnatal caregiving." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 87. (2021): 107019. Web.
Godleski, Stephanie, et al. "Maternal Smoking and Psychosocial Functioning: Impact on Subsequent Breastfeeding Practices." Breastfeeding Medicine 15. 4 (2020): 246-253. Print.
Nickerson, Amanda, et al. "A Longitudinal Study of Gun Violence Attitudes: Role of Childhood Aggression and Exposure to Violence, and Early Adolescent Bullying Perpetration and Victimization." Journal of School Violence 19. (2020): 62-76. Print.
Kothari, Ammina, Stephanie Godleski, and Brenda Abu. "Mobile-based consortium of parenting resources for low-income/underserved mothers and caregivers: App development, testing and lessons learned." Health and Technology 10. (2020): 1603-1608. Print.
Eiden, Rina, et al. "Risk and resilience in the development of substance use problems in early adolescence." Adversity and Resilience Science 1. (2020): 107-119. Print.
Godleski, Stephanie, et al. "Etiological Pathways to Rejection Sensitivity in a High Risk Sample." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45. 5 (2019): 715-727. Print.
Godleski, Stephanie, Barbara Lohse, and Jodi Stott. "Confirmatory Factor Analyses Support a 4-Factor Structure of the Satter Eating Competence Inventory and Migration of an Internal Regulation Item to the Eating Attitudes subscale." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 51. 8 (2019): 1003-1010. Print.
Godleski, Stephanie, et al. "Co-use of tobacco and marijuana during pregnancy: Pathways to externalizing behavior problems in early childhood." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 69. (2018): 39-48. Print.
Godleski, Stephanie, Cory Crane, and Kenneth Leonard. "Parents’ Concordant and Discordant Alcohol Use and Subsequent Child Behavioral Outcomes." Addictive Behaviors 79. (2018): 81-85. Print.
Przybyla, Sarahmona M, et al. "Meta-Analysis of Alcohol and Serodiscordant Condomless Sex Among People Living With HIV." Archives of Sexual Behavior. (2017): 1-16. Web.