Vinay Abhyankar Headshot

Vinay Abhyankar

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Director of the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Ph.D. program

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
160 Lomb Memorial Dr Rochester, NY 14623

Vinay Abhyankar

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Director of the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Ph.D. program


BS, Binghamton University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin


Prof. Vinay Abhyankar received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Binghamton University and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he developed technologies to study cell motility in 3D environments. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA, where he designed molecular diagnostic techniques and modular microphysiological (organ-on-a-chip) systems.

Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at RIT and serves as the Director of the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering PhD program. His research laboratory, funded by the NIH and NSF, operates at the interface of engineering, biomaterials, and biology. Current focus areas include: i) developing 3D tissue models to investigate how complex microenvironment cues direct cell positioning during disease progression, and ii) creating instrumented microphysiological barrier tissue models to study endothelial and tissue dysfunction.

These technology platforms are ideal for both undergraduate and graduate research involvement, combining simulation-based design, prototyping, and experimental studies to better understand human disease.

Select Scholarship

RIT students are in bold

Joshi, I.M., Mansouri, M., Ahmed A., Simon, R.A., Esmaili, P., Desa, D.E., Elias T.M., Brown III E.B., Abhyankar, V.V. (2023).Microengineering 3D Collagen Matrices with Tumor-Mimetic Gradients in Fiber Alignment, Advanced Functional Materials,

Mansouri M, Hughes A.R., Audi L.A., Carter A.E., Vidas J.A., McGrath J.L., Abhyankar V.V., 2023 Transforming Static Barrier Tissue Models into Dynamic Microphysiological Systems. JoVE

Lomeli-Martin, A, Ahamed, N., Abhyankar, V.V.,* Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* (2023). Electropatterning - Contemporary developments for selective particle arrangements employing electrokinetics. Electrophoresis 44 884-909,, *corresponding authors

Ahmed, A., Joshi, I. M., Goulet, M. R., Vidas, J. A., Byerley, A. M., Mansouri, M., Day, S. W., & Abhyankar, V. V. (2022). Microengineering 3D Collagen Hydrogels with Long-Range Fiber Alignment. J. Vis. Exp., e64457.

Mansouri, M., Ahmed, A., Ahmad, S. D., McCloskey, M. C., Joshi, I. M., Gaborski, T. R., Waugh, R. E., McGrath, J. L., Day, S. W., & Abhyankar, V. V. (2022). The Modular μSiM Reconfigured: Integration of Microfluidic Capabilities to Study in vitro Barrier Tissue Models under Flow. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2200802.

McCloskey, M. C., Kasap, P., Ahmad, S. D., Su, S.-H., Chen, K., Mansouri, M., Ramesh, N., Nishihara, H., Belyaev, Y., Abhyankar, V. V, Begolo, S., Singer, B. H., Webb, K. F., Kurabayashi, K., Flax, J., Waugh, R. E., Engelhardt, B., & McGrath, J. L. (2022). The Modular µSiM: A Mass Produced, Rapidly Assembled, and Reconfigurable Platform for the Study of Barrier Tissue Models In Vitro. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2200804.

Hsu, M.-C., Mansouri, M., Ahamed, N. N. N., Larson, S. M., Joshi, I. M., Ahmed, A., Borkholder, D. A., & Abhyankar, V. V. (2022). A miniaturized 3D printed pressure regulator (µPR) for microfluidic cell culture applications. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 10769.

Ahmed, A., Mansouri, M., Joshi, I. M., Byerley, A. M., Day, S. W., Gaborski, T. R., & Abhyankar, V. V. (2022). Local extensional flows promote long-range fiber alignment in 3D collagen hydrogels. Biofabrication, 14(3), 035019.


Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The focus of this course will be on the interaction between organ systems for the purpose of maintaining overall homeostasis. Attention will be paid to feedback mechanisms that involve electrical and chemical feedback and control systems. The interactions between systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal) and how they affect fluid and electrolyte balance, material exchange and disease processes will be discussed. Throughout the course, diseases and disorders of the various systems will be discussed. Students will learn to analyze the systems in a quantitative manner based on engineering analysis.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in biomedical engineering.
2 - 6 Credits
This course will give students supervised practical training within academic research laboratories prior to conducting their own dissertation research. Students will identify a laboratory or laboratories to conduct the research with the permission of the graduate director and principal investigator. For each practicum, students will complete a brief critical literature review in the sub-field of the particular laboratory with the principal investigator. Students will then be trained on experimental or computational methods and learn relevant applied data analysis techniques. The practicum will conclude with a written summary and oral presentation. A typical 2 credit practicum is 120 hours of research training in a laboratory. Students will typically enroll in either 2 or 4 credits per semester (1 or 2 practicums) with a maximum of 6 credits earned during the degree program.
3 Credits
This course emphasizes collaboration in modern research environment and consists of five modules. Students will introduced to the concepts of inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research conducted from both a scientific and an engineering perspective. Students will learn how to write a dissertation proposal, statement of work, timeline for their program of study and the elements of an effective literature review. Students will develop skills related to reviewing and annotating technical papers, conducting a literature search and proper citation. Students will demonstrate an understanding of (a) ethics as it relates to the responsible conduct of research, (b) ethical responsibility in the context of the engineering professions, (c) ethics as it relates to authorship and plagiarism, (d) basic criteria for ethical decision making and (e) identify professional standards and code of ethics relevant to their discipline. Students demonstrate an ability to identify and explain the potential benefits of their research discoveries to a range of stakeholders, including policy makers and the general public.
1 Credits
This seminar course presents topics of contemporary interest to graduate students enrolled in the program. Presentations include off campus speakers, and assistance with progressing on your research. Selected students and faculty may make presentations on current research under way in the department. All doctoral engineering students enrolled full time are required to attend each semester they are on campus. (Graduate standing in a technical discipline)
3 Credits
This course is used by students who plan to study a topic on an independent study basis. The student and instructor must prepare a plan of study and method of evaluation for approval by the program director prior to course registration.

In the News

  • December 20, 2023

    two college students and a professor test cell movement on a tiny scissor lift in a lab.

    RIT researchers develop new technique to study how cancer cells move

    In tumors, cells follow microscopic fibers, comparable to following roads through a city. Researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology developed a new technique to study different features of these “fiber highways” to provide new insights into how cells move efficiently through the tumor environment.

  • July 25, 2022

    professor and two students talking in a lab.

    Vinay Abhyankar receives NSF grant to assess cancer cell migration processes

    Cancer spreading from the primary tumor location to another is called metastasis and is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Research efforts today focus on discovering the guidance cues, or indicators, that promote movement of cancer cells toward blood vessels during early metastasis, and some of that work is taking place at RIT and the University of Rochester.

  • May 8, 2020

    Lab instrument closeup

    Vinay Abhyankar Awarded $79K from NIH

    Vinay Abhyankar and this team will develop the commercial-ready µSiM platform with three nanoporous membrane offerings that provide glass-like imaging properties and integrate a removable fluidic module to apply physiological fluid shear stresses to form a viable vascular barrier. These tissue barriers are an important component of a growing market for 3D cell culture.