Supplemental Funding Program Request Form

The following supplemental funding form is to request funds to support research activities supplementing an active externally-funded grant affiliated with PHT180. The application will be reviewed by the PHT180’s Leadership Team, and the decision will be made known to the applicant within one month of the application. Once approved, the PI will be notified and will work with PHT180’s Research Program Administrator on the expenditure associated with the approved supplemental funds.

Contact for more information. 

*V1 11/23 Content of this webform is subject to continuous revision
Title Award Number Funding Agency Start Date End Date Operations
Please refer to this link for allowable categories of expenses. Examples include research equipment, software, and materials, lab supply, postdoc and research assistant support, travel, and publication.
Examples of expected outcomes include (but are not limited to) generation of preliminary data in preparation for an external grant application, dissemination of research outcome (in publications, presentation, etc), and continuation and completion of current research during a funding gap.
Please provide the dollar ($) amount of the requested budget.