Support & Resources

Support & Resources

Are you a researcher looking for collaborators or support for your active or future project?

Affiliate your funded research projects with the PHT180 Research Center to qualify for support services with no impact to overhead distribution! Affiliated faculty and other individuals with projects seeking sponsorship have access to all of the services listed below.
Become a Faculty Affiliate Now

Are You Seeking Grant Funding?

Our research development specialists continually scan and identify funding opportunities that may align with your research. If you are seeking funding opportunities, please connect with one of our PHT180 specialists at

A finger pressing on a screen to select research

Grant Development, Editing Services & Peer Review

Technical editing services are available to help ensure the success of your grant proposal and manuscripts. The PHT180 Grant Review Committee can provide you with detailed feedback from experienced researchers to strengthen your grant proposals.

Find Collaborators & Research Partners

Connect to research partners, find relevant mentors, learn about other grant and research opportunities.

Promote your Research Online

We offer seed funding and facilitation with RIT Web Services to create or update your RIT web presence.

Do You Have an Active Grant?

We provide the following resources and services to assist you with managing your grant. 

Smart phone being used by a person to do a research search

Grant Management Services

Faculty with affiliated grants have access to administrative support to help with grant managementsponsorship reporting, and budget projections.

NIH Budget Reduction Table

This guide summarizes the administrative budget adjustment policy of each NIH Institute & Center. This provides information to researchers who are developing grant budgets to plan for award amounts after an administrative adjustment and still have adequate funds to conduct the proposed work.

Creative Services: Design, Illustration and Web Services

Access professional design and illustration services to visually enhance your journal articles, grant proposals, posters, and presentation materials. Promote your research online by creating an RIT branded and supported website for your lab or project.

Supplemental Funding Program

Request of funds to support research activities supplementing an active externally-funded grant (referred to as "parent grant") affiliated with PHT180.

Brain Neurons Graphics in blue and red on a black background, Photo Credit: Wenrong He

Grant Showcase
NIH R01: Innovative Mental Health Services Grant

Illustration Credit: Wenrong He
The healthcare landscape in the United States is constantly changing, creating new challenges to the delivery of high-quality treatments and services to children, youth, adults, and older adults with unmet or under-met mental health needs.

The purpose of this funding announcement is to encourage innovative research that will inform and support the delivery of high-quality, continuously improving mental health services to benefit the greatest number of individuals with, or at risk for developing, a mental illness.