Ernest Fokoue
Ernest Fokoue
BSc, University of Yaounde; Maitrise, University of Yaounde; MSc, Aston University; Ph.D., University of Glasgow
Ernest Fokoué is a professor of statistics at Rochester Institute of Technology in the School of Mathematical Sciences. His research interests include statistical learning theory, bayesian statistics, theoretical statistics, statistical machine learning, ring theoretic learning, computational statistics, philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysics. He leads the statistical machine learning and data science lab as well as the data science research group, which spearheads the creation and development of state of the art and avant-garde algorithms, learning machines and methods for knowledge discovery.
Ernest Fokoué is currently exploring the interface of differential equations and empirical processes, with the finality of reconciling first principles traditional mathematical modeling with empirical data driven approach of statistics and statistical machine learning.
Select Scholarship
Featured Papers
Mixtures of factor analysers. Bayesian estimation and inference by stochastic simulation
E. Fokoué, DM. Titterington
Machine Learning 50, 73-94
Efficient approaches to Gaussian process classification
L. Csató, E. Fokoué, M. Opper, B. Schottky, O. Winther
Advances in neural information processing systems 12
Mixtures of factor analyzers: an extension with covariates
E. Fokoué
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 95 (2), 370-384
Model selection for optimal prediction in statistical machine learning
E Fokoué
Not. Am. Math. Soc 67 (2)
Dropout fails to regularize nonparametric learners
RW. Murray, E. Fokoué
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 15, 1-20
Estimation of atom prevalence for optimal prediction
EP. Fokoue
Contemporary Mathematics 443, 103-130
Principles and theory for data mining and machine learning
B. Clarke, E. Fokoue, HH. Zhang
Springer Science & Business Media
Currently Teaching
In the News
November 21, 2024
In and out of Africa
Africa is rich in natural resources and contains one of the most diverse ecosystems across the globe. The Sahara Desert itself is larger than the continental United States. With all the unique landscapes, wildlife, and growing urban areas, more than 30 RIT faculty have recognized the importance of traveling to the continent, all backed by RIT Global.
March 6, 2024
Bringing the depths of data to light
The Rochester Beacon talks to Ernest Fokoué, professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, about data analytics.
March 10, 2023
RIT scientists develop technology to analyze police body-cam footage
WHEC-TV talks to John McCluskey, professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, about a grant received by Ernest Fokoue, professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences, to study how to analyze body-worn camera footage. McCluskey is also part of the research project.
March 14, 2023
RIT gets $1M to analyze body-worn camera footage
March 13, 2023
RIT professor to use machine-learning for RPD body-cam analysis
March 13, 2023
RIT teaming with Rochester police to analyze body-worn camera footage
March 9, 2023
RIT professor will use machine learning to analyze RPD body camera footage