Research Awards and Recognition

Research Awards and Recognition
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- Research Awards and Recognition
The National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development Program is the most prestigious award for early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education, and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.
For “Interface-mediated Ionic Transport in Mismatched Complex Oxide Heterostructures: Role of Misfit Dislocations”
For “Computational Model of Perceived Color and Appearance in Augmented Reality”
For “Learning to Solve Problems in context-rich environments: A Naturalistic study in STEM Workplaces, research labs, project-based and lab courses”
For “Magnetocaloric Effect in Metallic Nanostructures”
For “Theory of Optomechanical Nanorotation Sensing – Approaching the Quantum Regime”
For “Strain Balanced Quantum Dots for high Concentration Photovoltaics”
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards are prestigious and competitive fellowships that provide unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad. Fulbright scholars also play a critical role in U.S. public diplomacy, establishing long-term relationships between people and nations.
For researching ways machine learning-enhanced mathematical models can be applied in earth and space sciences.
For studying physics students’ computational literacy and career interest within laboratory environments.
For developing new techniques to study visual adaptation in augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR).
PI Millionaires
Since 2000, the College of Science recognized the following investigators and researchers who have achieved $1 million or more in funding by inducting them into a class of "PI Millionaires."
- Charles Bachman
- Mishkat Bhattacharya
- Scott Brown
- Manuella Campanelli
- Christopher Collison
- Paul Craig
- Feng Cui
- Gabriel Diaz
- Mark Fairchild
- Donald Figer
- Scott Franklin
- Michael Gartley
- Aaron Gerace
- Christina Goudreau Collison
- Joseph Hornak
- Seth Hubbard
- Emmett Ientilucci
- Joel Kastner
- Robert Kremens
- John Kerekes
- Carlos Lousto
- David Messinger
- Casey Miller
- Lishibanya Mohapatra
- Darren Narayan
- Dina Newman
- Zoran Ninkov
- Richard O'Shaughnessy
- Jeff Pelz
- Andrew Robinson
- Carl Salvaggio
- Joseph Sirianni
- Grover Swartzlander
- Anna Christina (Christy) Tyler
- Jan van Aardt
- Anthony Vodacek
- John Whelan,
- Leslie Kate Wright
- Ben Zwickl