Programs of Study / Minors

Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree have the option of completing a minor, which can complement a student’s major, help them develop another area of professional expertise, or enable them to pursue an area of personal interest. Completion of a minor is formally designated on the baccalaureate transcript, which serves to highlight this accomplishment to employers and graduate schools. In contrast to the optional minor, as part of their bachelor's degree requirements, students must complete an immersion—a concentration of three courses in a particular area. View full list of RIT minors and immersions.

Please note: A minor is a related set of academic courses consisting of no fewer than 15 credit hours. The following parameters must be met in order to earn a minor:

  • At least nine credit hours of the minor must consist of courses not required by the student’s home major.
  • Students may pursue multiple minors. A minimum of nine credit hours must be designated towards each minor; these courses may not be counted towards other minors.
  • The residency requirement for a minor is a minimum of nine credit hours consisting of RIT courses (excluding “X” graded courses).

Not all minors are approved to fulfill general education requirements. Please check with an adviser in regards to minors approved to fulfill these requirements.

The actuarial science minor prepares students for work in insurance companies, investment firms, banks, for the government, and in the health care industry where there is a need to analyze the financial consequences of risk. The actuarial science minor prepares students for two exams administered by the Society of Actuaries: the Exam P: Probability, which assesses a candidate's knowledge of the fundamental probability tools for quantitatively assessing risk, and the Exam FM: Financial Mathematics, which assesses a candidate's understanding of the fundamental concepts of financial mathematics and how those concepts are applied in a variety of areas.

Learn More about the Actuarial Science Minor

Explore the biological underpinnings of cognition, delving into the science of the brain to understand the mental processes behind cognition and perception, particularly visual perception.

Learn More about the Applied Cognitive Neuroscience Minor

Deepen your technical background and gain further appreciation for modern mathematical sciences and the use of statistics as an analytical tool.

Learn More about the Applied Statistics Minor

Explore the impact of art on science and science on art along with the synergistic overlaps between the two. Specifically, students learn how art and design can be applied in good scientific practice and how the sciences impact the materials, processes, and ultimate perceptual enjoyment of the visual arts.

Learn More about the Art of Science/Science of Art Minor

This minor provides students with an opportunity for additional study in astronomy in order to build a secondary area of expertise in support of their major or other areas of interest. It will provide students with a broad foundational background in astronomy in preparation for graduate studies in astronomy or astrophysics. The minor is interdisciplinary and offered jointly by the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science.

Learn More about the Astronomy Minor

The bioinformatics analysis minor immerses students in the core challenges and strengths of the field of bioinformatics, as well as the ethical issues involved. Students gain hands-on experience implementing some of the core algorithms utilized by professionals in the field.

Learn More about the Bioinformatics Analysis Minor

The biology: cellular and molecular minor provides students with opportunities to experience and explore topics related to both the cellular and molecular aspects of modern biology to broaden and enhance their educational experience.

Learn More about the Biology: Cellular and Molecular Minor

The biology: ecology and evolution minor provides students with the opportunity to experience both the ecological and evolutionary underpinnings of modern biology. The minor explores these areas of biology through laboratory and field experiences.

Learn More about the Biology: Ecology and Evolution Minor

Chemistry is intrinsically a part of our society from the fuels we use, the air we breathe, and the water we drink to the complex chemical behaviors of our own bodies. Chemistry is involved in the development of myriad materials such as computer chips, packaging materials, and alternative fuels. Increasing numbers of policy and ethical choices facing the global community involve issues where chemistry plays a pivotal role. This minor provides students with the opportunity to study chemistry in order to build a secondary area of expertise in support of their major or as an additional area of interest.

Learn More about the Chemistry Minor

The environmental science minor introduces students to the complexities of environmental issues and concepts, and provides them with opportunities to further investigate many of these issues through advanced course work. Central to this minor are the development of field, analytical, and problem solving skills and an understanding of the multiple perspectives often embedded in environmental issues. Students interested in becoming citizen scientists, or those pursuing employment or an advanced degree with an environmental focus, will find this minor beneficial.

Learn More about the Environmental Science Minor

Imaging science is a highly interdisciplinary field of study that incorporates elements from mathematics, engineering, computer science, and physics to understand, design, and utilize imagery and imaging systems to study scientific phenomena. The imaging science minor is designed to allow students from various departments across RIT to study how to use imaging to enhance their primary field of study or discover how to incorporate imaging science into their major discipline to solve complex, interdisciplinary problems in imaging, imagery exploitation, and the design and evaluation of imaging systems.

Learn More about the Imaging Science Minor

The mathematics minor is designed for students who want to learn new skills and develop new ways of framing and solving problems. It offers students the opportunity to explore connections among mathematical ideas and to further develop mathematical ways of thinking.

Learn More about the Mathematics Minor

Optical science techniques are used in a variety of consumer products (digital cameras, CD players), communication technologies (optical fibers), medical imaging (infrared imaging), and the sciences (surveillance, remote sensing, astronomical systems). This minor can be an important complement to studies in electrical and microelectronic engineering, the biological sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, technical photography, and various majors in the field of applied science and technology.

Learn More about the Optical Science Minor

In a broad sense, the aim of physics as a discipline is to develop interconnected unifying threads bridging the vast number of seemingly diverse phenomena observed in the physical world around us. The minor provided students with the opportunity for additional study in physics in order to build a secondary area of expertise in support of their major or other areas of interest.

Learn More about the Physics Minor

The minor in quantum information science and technology provides an introduction to the foundational concepts of quantum information science. Topics focus on how quantum devices are designed and operate and how they are being applied in emerging technologies, such as quantum computing, cryptography, and sensing.

Learn More about the Quantum Information Science and Technology Minor