The Machine and Neuromorphic Perception Laboratory


The Machine and Neuromorphic Perception Laboratory (a.k.a. kLab) in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) uses machine learning to solve problems in computer vision. The lab's primary interests are goal-driven scene understanding and lifelong learning. Almost all of our current research uses deep learning. The lab also studies learning and vision in animals as a source of principles that can be used to create brain-inspired algorithms. kLab is part of RIT's Multidisciplinary Vision Research Laboratory (MVRL). kLab is directed by Dr. Christopher Kanan.

Recent projects have included algorithms for visual question answering, studying incremental learning in neural networks, low-shot deep learning, new methods for eye movement analysis, saliency algorithms, perception systems for autonomous ships, algorithms for top-down and bottom-up saliency, tracking in video using neural networks, active vision algorithms, and feature learning in hyperspectral imagery.

Research Topics

VQA algorithms attempt to answer questions about images.


We were early pioneers in self-taught feature learning, and we heavily use deep learning.

  • Yousefhussien, M., Browning, N.A., and Kanan, C. (2016) Online Tracking using Saliency. In: WACV-2016.
  • Wang, P., Cottrell, G., and Kanan, C. (2015) Modeling the Object Recognition Pathway: A Deep Hierarchical Model Using Gnostic Fields. In: CogSci-2015.
  • Kanan, C. (2014) Fine-Grained Object Recognition with Gnostic Fields. WACV-2014. doi:10.1109/WACV.2014.6836122
  • Khosla, D., Huber, D.J., and Kanan, C. (2014) A Neuromorphic System for Visual Object Recognition. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 8: 33-45.
  • Kanan, C. (2013) Recognizing Sights, Smells, and Sounds With Gnostic FieldsPLoS ONE, 8(1): e54088.

People make 180,000 eye movements per day. We have developed algorithms for predicting what a person is doing from their eye movements and saliency models for predicting where a person will look in an image.

Lifelong learning deals with algorithms that incrementally learn from data streams, which poses unique challenges.

Motivated by human eye movements, we built computer vision algorithms that sequentially sample images to recognize objects.

Lab Members

headshot of Christopher Kanan
Dr. Christopher Kanan
Lab Director & Principal Investigator


Chris Beam
Dr. Ashish Gupta


headshot of Kushal Kafle
Kushal Kafle
Imaging Science PhD Candidate


headshot of Manoj Acharya
Manoj Acharya
Imaging Science PhD Student

headshot of Tyler Hayes
Tyler Hayes
Imaging Science PhD Student
Co-Advisor: Nathan Cahill

headshot of Ryne Roady

Ryne Roady
Imaging Science PhD Student

headshot of Robik Shrestha

Robik Shrestha
Imaging Science PhD Student
Deep Learning

headshot of Rodney Sanchez
Rodney Sanchez
Electrical Engineering BS Student


headshot of Usman Mahmood
Usman Mahmood
Imaging Science PhD Student
Deep Learning for Radiology

headshot of Zhogchao Qian
Zhogchao Qian
Imaging Science PhD Student
Lifelong Learning

headshot of Justin Namba
Justin Namba
CIT BS Student


headshot of Sophia Kotok
Sophie Kotok
Math Modeling PhD Student


headshot of Frank Cwitkowitz
Frank Cwitkowitz
Computer Engineering MS Student


Affiliate Lab Members

headshot of Aneesh Rangnekar
Aneesh Rangnekar
Imaging Science PhD Student


headshot of Michal Kucer
Michal Kucer
Imaging Science PhD Student


headshot of Anjali Jogeshwar
Anjali Jogeshwar
Imaging Science PhD Student