Mathematical Modeling PhD Students

RIT graduates of the mathematical modeling Ph.D. will have the expertise not only to use the tools of mathematical modeling in various application settings but also to contribute in creative and innovative ways to the solution of complex interdisciplinary problems and to communicate effectively with domain experts in various fields.

Ph.D. Students

headshot of Youssof Abdullah
Youssof Abdullah (2023)

headshot of Mustafain Ali
Mustafain Ali (2023)

headshot of Alberto Alonso
Alberto Alonso (2021)
Mathematical Biology


headshot of Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett (2023)
Uncertainty Quantification

headshot of Samiksha Bhagat
Samiksha Bhagat (2024)

Cameron Bundy headshot
Cameron Bundy (2022)
Stochastic Modeling and Educational Data Analytics
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headshot of Meghan Childs
Meghan Childs (2020)
Data-informed Stochastic Modeling of Disease Spread


headshot of Katherine Clemens
Katherine Clemens (2024)

headshot of Tess Collins
Tess Collins (2023)

headshot of Gargi Dabli
Gargi Dabli (2024)

headshot of Karl Daningburg
Karl Daningburg (2022)
Astrophysical/Nuclear Machine Learning
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headshot of Ava Dreher
Ava Dreher (2023)
Mathematical Biology

headshot of Carolina Estevez
Carolina Estevez Loza (2022)


headshot of Mobina Ghorbaninejad
Mobina Ghorbaninejad
Biomechanical Imaging
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headshot of Adam Giammarese
Adam Giammarese (2021)
Data-Driven Complex Systems


headshot of Zijia Gong
Zi-Jia Gong (2020)
Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems


headshot of Diksha Gunputh
Narshini Gunputh (2020)
Mathematical Biology


headshot of Daniel Hobbs
Daniel Hobbs (2022)
Nonlinear Differential Equations Fluid Dynamics
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headshot of Garrison Koch
Garrison Koch (2023)
Graph Theory

headshot of Vedat Kurtay
Vedat Kurtay (2021)
Mathematical Biology
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headshot of Jason LaRuez
Jason LaRuez (2021)
Data-Driven Modeling & Network Science


headshot of Trevor Lax
Trevor Lax (2020)
Equation-Free Modeling
of Complex Systems



headshot of Adoulay Maiga
Abdoulaye Maiga (2020)
Biomedical Mathematics especially Cancer Research, Epidemiology, Optimal Control Theory, Ecology, and Stochastic Processes


headshot of Chloe Malinows
Chloe Malinowski (2022)
Numerical Relativity
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headshot of Geoffrey Ngeru
Geoffrey Ngeru (2024)

headshot of Jordana Obrien
Jordana O’Brien (2017)
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Pediatric Lung Modeling, and Agent-Based Modeling


headshot of Abigayle Paulson
Abigayle Paulson (2024)
Email | LinkedIn

headshot of Parker Potter
Parker Potter (2024)
Email | LinkedIn

headshot of Neha Rajtiya
Neha Rajtiya (2024)
Email | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

headshot of Cade Reinberger
Cade Reinberger (2023)
Fluid Dynamics
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headshot of Rebecca Rodrigues
Rebecca Rodrigues (2023)


headshot of Rhiannan Reuf
Rhiannan Ruef (2020)
Cardiac Electrical Dynamics and Defibrillation
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headshot of Lexie Shreeve
Lexie Shreeve (2023)

headshot of Justin Sostre
Justin Sostre (2021)
Machine Learning Theory
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headshot of Ziyi Su
Ziyi Su (2023)


headshot of Riley Supple
Riley Supple (2021)
Mathematical and Computational Models for Biological Systems
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headshot of Bridget Torsey
Bridget Torsey (2017)
Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics Modeling (PK/PD)
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Summer 2024
Rachel Hawks
Rachel Hawks (2019)
Biomedical Mathematics

Summer 2024
Jenna McDanold
Jenna McDanold (2018)
Prescribed and Wildfire Behavior Modeling

Summer 2024
Yidan Yang headshot
Yidan Yang (2019)
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Applied Inverse Problems
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Spring 2024
Nastaran Naghshineh headshot
Nastaran Naghshineh (2019)
Fluid Dynamics of Liquid Films
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Fall 2023
Lauren Melcher
Lauren Melcher (2018)
Modeling Dynamic Assembly of Colloidal Networks

Summer 2023
headshot of Kim Dautel
Kimberly Dautel (2018)
Infectious Disease Modeling

Spring 2023
Pancy Lwin
Pancy Lwin (2017)
Statistical Mechanics in Biological Systems
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Summer 2022
Colin Huber
Colin Huber 
Analysis of growth & decay in neutrally stable flows


Summer 2022
Alejandro NietoRamos
Alejandro Nieto Ramos
Bayesian inference and prediction in cardiac electrophysiology models with an application to representing variability

Fall 2021
Juliette Daily
Juliette Daily
Mathematically Modeling Plastic Pollution in the Great Lakes (Great Lakes)


Spring 2021
headshot of Nicole Rosato
Nicole Rosato
Improvements and Analysis of Challenging Numerical Simulations of Binary Black Holes