Carlos Lousto Headshot

Carlos Lousto


School of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science

Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30pm-3:00 pm and by appointment.
Office Location

Carlos Lousto


School of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science


Ph.D., Universidad Nacional de la Plata (Argentina); Ph.D., Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Healy, James, et al. "GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ∼3.4M⊙." Astrophysical Journal Letters. (2020): 24. Web.
C., Gancio, et al. "Upgraded Antennas for Pulsar Observations in the Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy." Astronomy & Astrophysics 633. (2020): 12. Web.
Lousto, Carlos O., et al. "Model Comparison from LIGO-Virgo Data on GW170817\'s Binary Components and Consequences for the Merger Remnant." Classical and Quantum Gravity. (2020): n/a. Web.
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Lousto, Carlos O. "From Simulations of Binary Black Holes to Insights into Astrophysics and Gravitational Waves." APS April Meeting 2019. APS Physics. Denver, CO. 14 Apr. 2019. Conference Presentation.
Lousto, Carlos O. "First Pulsar Timings in South-America." Fall 2018 Collaboration Meeting at Green Bank Observatory. NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center. Green Bank, VA. 16 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
Lousto, Carlos O. "Relatividad Numerica: Técnicas y Resultados sobre agujeros negros binarios, materia y estrellas de neutrones." Minicurso Ondas Gravitacionales. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Argentina, n/a. 13 Dec. 2018. Keynote Speech.
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External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013
     (XSEDE) is supported by the National Science Foundation
     Amount: 17259113 SU
Published Article
Zlochower, Yosef, M. Campanelli, C.O. Lousto. “Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using NumericalRelativity.” Physical Review D, 82 (2010): 104057. Web. É  «
Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Mergerof Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Physical Review D, 81 (2010): 084023. Web. É  «
Lousto, Carlos O., M. Campanelli, Y. Zlochower. “Remnant Masses, Spins and Recoils from the Merger of Generic Black-Hole Binaries.” Classical Quantum Gravity, 27 (2010):114006. Print. É  «
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Formal Presentation
Lousto, Carlos.“Extreme-Mass-Ratio-Black-Hole-Binary Evolutions with Numerical Relativity.” 20th Annual Midwest Relativity Meeting. Guelph, Canada. 5-6 Nov. 2010. Presentation.
Lousto, Carlos.“Statistical Studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries.” American PhysicalSociety Meeting. Washington, DC.13-16 Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Currently Teaching

1 - 3 Credits
Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis
1 - 6 Credits
Dissertation research by the candidate for an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis
3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to boundary value problems. Topics include Fourier series, separation of variables, Laplace's equation, the heat equation, and the wave equation in Cartesian and polar coordinate systems.
3 Credits
This course covers numerical techniques for the solution of nonlinear equations, interpolation, differentiation, integration, and the solution of initial value problems.

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