Integrated Sciences Academy


The Integrated Sciences Academy was created in 2017 as the innovative home to multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary academic and research programs in the College of Science at RIT. The Academy is home to interdisciplinary minors, the Center for Applied Neuroscience, and to the color science program which explores all aspects of color from lighting, through material properties, to human perception.


And only color science Ph.D. program in North America


Years of history with one of RIT’s oldest academic research laboratories, the Munsell Color Science Laboratory

Latest News

  • August 21, 2023

    two people looking at a computer monitor displaying a scan of a brain.

    RIT introduces new neuroscience BS program

    RIT is offering a new bachelor’s degree in neuroscience beginning this fall. The Bachelor of Science degree will focus on how the brain works and how to apply that knowledge to develop systems for new frontiers, such as advancing artificial intelligence, combating neurodegenerative diseases, and assisting those with learning disabilities.

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Undergraduate Programs

The science exploration program allows first-year students time to explore the range of experiences that the College of Science has to offer prior to selecting a science major for the remainder of their program. Other undergraduate programs and minors are in planning and proposal stages.

In the neuroscience BS degree, you’ll learn how the brain works and apply that knowledge to develop systems for new frontiers such as advancing artificial intelligence, combating neurodegenerative diseases, and assisting those with learning disabilities.

Learn more about the Neuroscience BS program

Graduate Programs

The Master of Science and Ph.D. color science programs explore all aspects of color, from lighting, through material properties, to human perception. The program is closely associated with the Munsell Color Science Laboratory, which is considered one of the world’s top research facilities in the science of color.

A unique master’s degree that decodes how humans perceive and interact with color, providing limitless real-world applications.

Learn more about the Color Science MS program

Earn a color science Ph.D. at the world’s leading university for color science research and education.

Learn more about the Color Science Ph.D. program


Explore the biological underpinnings of cognition, delving into the science of the brain to understand the mental processes behind cognition and perception, particularly visual perception.

Learn more about the Applied Cognitive Neuroscience Minor program

Explore the impact of art on science and science on art along with the synergistic overlaps between the two. Specifically, students learn how art and design can be applied in good scientific practice and how the sciences impact the materials, processes, and ultimate perceptual enjoyment of the visual arts.

Learn more about the Art of Science/Science of Art Minor program

This interdisciplinary immersion introduces students to the scientific, technological, and social issues surrounding global environmental climate change.

Learn more about the Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Problem Immersion program

Munsell Color Science Laboratory

The Program of Color Science and Munsell Color Science Laboratory unite to form one of the world's foremost color science research and educational organizations. Our mission is to provide world-class education, research, and outreach in all areas of color science. These include: physical spectral and colorimetric measurements of materials and light sources; understanding the capture, processing, and display of color and spectral power distributions; and quantifying the human sensation of color matches and the higher-level perceptions of color appearance and chromatic adaptation.

Read More about the Munsell Color Science Laboratory

Center for Applied Neuroscience

The Center for Applied Neuroscience is a new multidisciplinary research collaboration where knowledge at the intersection of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, and computational modeling is generated and applied to develop novel solutions and create technological advances.

Read More about the Munsell Color Science Laboratory

Student Resources

Here you will find additional resources for the Integrated Sciences Academy, such as program information, lab information, etc.

See Resources