RIT College of Science Grant Awards

Faculty across the College of Science are leaders in receiving peer-reviewed federal and state grants to support our students and research laboratories. 

May 2024

The Role of Galaxy Mergers and Interactions in Fueling Star Formation and Black Hole Activity
Initial Award: 05/14/24
PI: Jeyhan Kartaltepe

Lake Ontario Center for Microplastics and Human Health in a Changing Environment-Administrative/Facilities/Research/Community Engagement Core
Initial Award: 05/05/24
PI: Anna Tyler

April 2024

General aperture freeform high-definition metrology using reconfigurable CGH powered by deep learning (Year 3)
Initial Award: 04/24/24
PI: Jie Qiao

Conference: Tracing Binary Star Metamorphosis: Chandra+JWST Imaging of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae
Initial Award: 04/23/24
PI: Joel Kastner

REU Site: Multimessenger Astrophysics
Initial Award: 04/22/24
PI: Jeyhan Kartaltepe

Ultrafast Laser Figuring and Finishing of Freeform Optics (Year 2 and Year 3)
Initial Award: 04/21/24
PI: Jie Qiao

Analysis of occupations, expertise, and educational pathways within the quantum information science and technology workforce in industry and government
Initial Award: 04/01/24
PI: Benjamin Zwickl

March 2024

The X-Ray Nature of the Young EXOPLANET TOI 1227B
Initial Award: 03/14/24
PI: Joel Kastner

Conference: Diffuse Cosmic Backgrounds and the Low Surface Brightness Universe
Initial Award: 03/14/24
PI: Michael Zemcov

February 2024

Viral vector-mediated gene activation to facilitate large-scale genetic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Initial Award: 02/13/24
PI: Maureen Ferran

NIH DEIA Prize Competition- Inclusive Excellence and RISE Programs
Initial Award: 02/12/24
PI: Lea Michel

NIH DEIA Prize Competition- Inclusive Excellence and RISE Programs
Initial Award: 02/09/24
PI: Lea Michel

Advancing Radiation-Hardened CMOS Deterctors for NASA Missions
Initial Award: 02/05/24
PI: Don Figer

Supplement request to NSF Includes Alliance: Incisive Graduate Education Network
Initial Award: 02/05/24
PI: Casey Miller

January 2024

Using Body-worn Camera Footage for Training and Continual Improvement in Constitutional Policing
Initial Award: 01/26/24
PI: Ernest Fokoué

Design and Fabrication of Arrayed Waveguide Grating Using Ultrafast Laser Inscription
Initial Award: 01/16/24
PI: Jie Qiao

The COSMOS High-z ALMA-MIRI Population Survey (CHAMPS): A Wide-Area Comprehensive Survey of the Dusty Universe
Initial Award: 01/04/24
PI: Jeyhan Kartaltepe