Astronomy Minor
- RIT /
- College of Science /
- Academics /
- Astronomy Minor
Overview for Astronomy Minor
This minor provides students with an opportunity for additional study in astronomy in order to build a secondary area of expertise in support of their major or other areas of interest. It will provide students with a broad foundational background in astronomy in preparation for graduate studies in astronomy or astrophysics. The minor is interdisciplinary and offered jointly by the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science.
Notes about this minor:
- Posting of the minor on the student's academic transcript requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the minor.
- Notations may appear in the curriculum chart below outlining pre-requisites, co-requisites, and other curriculum requirements (see footnotes).
- At least nine semester credit hours of the minor must consist of specific courses not required by the student’s degree program.
The plan code for Astronomy Minor is ASTRO-MN.
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Astronomy Minor
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Course | ||
Prerequisites | ||
MATH-181 | Calculus I |
This is the first in a two-course sequence intended for students majoring in mathematics, science, or engineering. It emphasizes the understanding of concepts, and using them to solve physical problems. The course covers functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, rules of differentiation, applications of the derivative, Riemann sums, definite integrals, and indefinite integrals. (Prerequisites: MATH-111 or (NMTH-220 and NMTH-260 or NMTH-272 or NMTH-275) or equivalent courses with a minimum grade of B-, or a score of at least 60% on the RIT Mathematics Placement Exam.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring). | ||
MATH-182 | Calculus II |
This is the second in a two-course sequence. It emphasizes the understanding of concepts, and using them to solve physical problems. The course covers techniques of integration including integration by parts, partial fractions, improper integrals, applications of integration, representing functions by infinite series, convergence and divergence of series, parametric curves, and polar coordinates. (Prerequisites: C- or better in MATH-181 or MATH-181A or equivalent course.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring). | ||
PHYS-211 | University Physics I |
This is a course in calculus-based physics for science and engineering majors. Topics include kinematics, planar motion, Newton's Laws, gravitation, work and energy, momentum and impulse, conservation laws, systems of particles, rotational motion, static equilibrium, mechanical oscillations and waves, and data presentation/analysis. The course is taught in a workshop format that integrates the material traditionally found in separate lecture and laboratory courses. (Prerequisites: C- or better in MATH-181 or equivalent course. Co-requisites: MATH-182 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 6 (Fall, Spring). | ||
PHYS-212 | University Physics II |
This course is a continuation of PHYS-211, University Physics I. Topics include electrostatics, Gauss' law, electric field and potential, capacitance, resistance, DC circuits, magnetic field, Ampere's law, inductance, and geometrical and physical optics. The course is taught in a lecture/workshop format that integrates the material traditionally found in separate lecture and laboratory courses. (Prerequisites: (PHYS-211 or PHYS-211A or PHYS-206 or PHYS-216) or (MECE-102, MECE-103 and MECE-205) and (MATH-182 or MATH-172 or MATH-182A) or equivalent courses. Grades of C- or better are required in all prerequisite courses.) Lec/Lab 6 (Fall, Spring). | ||
PHYS-213 | Modern Physics I |
This course provides an introductory survey of elementary quantum physics, as well as basic relativistic dynamics. Topics include the photon, wave-particle duality, deBroglie waves, the Bohr model of the atom, the Schrodinger equation and wave mechanics, quantum description of the hydrogen atom, electron spin, and multi-electron atoms. (Prerequisites: PHYS-209 or PHYS-212 or PHYS-217or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer). | ||
Required Course | ||
PHYS-220 | University Astronomy |
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of astronomy and astrophysics for scientists and engineers. Topics include the celestial sphere, celestial mechanics, methods of data acquisition, planetary systems, stars and stellar systems, cosmology, and life in the universe. (Prerequisites: PHYS-211 or PHYS-211A or PHYS-207 or PHYS-216 or (MECE-102 and MECE-103 and MECE-205) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
Astrophysics | ||
Choose one of the following: | ||
PHYS-370 | Stellar Astrophysics |
This course presents concepts of stars and stellar systems at an intermediate level. Topics include the observed characteristics of stars, stellar atmospheres, stellar structure and evolution, interaction of stars with the interstellar medium, and the populations of stars within the Milky Way Galaxy. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 . | ||
PHYS-371 | Galactic Astrophysics |
This course describes the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way galaxy. It provides an overview of the major constituents of the Milky Way, their interactions, and the methods by which astronomers study them. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
PHYS-372 | Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology |
This course provides a survey of the structure of the universe on the largest scales, including galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The course also provides an overview of the history of the universe from the Big Bang to the current day, and describes the observational evidence for our current values of the cosmological parameters. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
Experimental | ||
Choose one of the following: | ||
IMGS-528 | Design and Fabrication of Solid State Cameras |
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with hands-on experience in building a CCD camera. The course provides the basics of CCD operation including an overview, CCD clocking, analog output circuitry, cooling, and evaluation criteria. (Prerequisites: PHYS-111 or PHYS-211 or PHYS-207 or PHPS-106) Lab 6, Lecture 1 (Fall). | ||
PHYS-373 | Observational Astronomy |
This course provides a practical, hands-on introduction to optical astronomy. Students will use the RIT Observatory's telescopes and CCD cameras to take images of celestial objects, reduce the data, and analyze the results. The course will emphasize the details of image processing required to remove instrumental effects from CCD images. (Prerequisites: PHYS-220 or equivalent course. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lab 2, Lecture 2 (Spring). | ||
Electives | ||
Choose two of the following: | ||
IMGS-361 | Image Processing |
This course provides an introduction to the concepts and methods of image processing. The student will be exposed to sampling and quantization methods; descriptors and enhancement techniques based upon the image histogram; geometrical manipulations; interpolation and resampling; feature generation with direct application to image registration/stitching and redundancy reduction; pixel and object-level classification; frequency-domain applications, including automated image registration, data embedding, and image reconstruction; and image data redundancy and compression concepts. Emphasis is placed on efficient algorithmic implementations and applications, in an object-oriented development environment. (Prerequisite: MATH-173 or MATH-182 and IMGS-180 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
IMGS-362 | Machine Learning for Image Analysis |
This course is considers the more advanced concepts of digital image processing. The topics include image reconstruction, noise sources and techniques for noise removal, information theory, image compression, video compression, wavelet transformations, frequency-domain based applications, morphological operations, and modern digital image watermarking and steganography algorithms. Emphasis is placed on applications and efficient algorithmic implementation using the student’s computer programming language of choice, technical presentation, and technical writing. (Prerequisites: IMGS-361 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
IMGS-451 | Imaging Detectors |
This course provides an overview of the underlying physical concepts, designs, and characteristics of detectors used to sense electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths ranging from as short as X-rays to as long as millimeter radiation. The basic physical concepts common to many standard detector arrays will be reviewed. Some specific examples of detectors to be discussed include photomultipliers, micro channel plates, hybridized infrared arrays, positive-intrinsic-negative (PIN) detectors, and superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixers. The use of detectors in fields such as astronomy, high energy physics, medical imaging and digital imaging will be discussed. (Prerequisites: IMGS-251 and IMGS-341 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
IMGS-528 | Design and Fabrication of Solid State Cameras |
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with hands-on experience in building a CCD camera. The course provides the basics of CCD operation including an overview, CCD clocking, analog output circuitry, cooling, and evaluation criteria. (Prerequisites: PHYS-111 or PHYS-211 or PHYS-207 or PHPS-106) Lab 6, Lecture 1 (Fall). | ||
PHYS-370 | Stellar Astrophysics* |
This course presents concepts of stars and stellar systems at an intermediate level. Topics include the observed characteristics of stars, stellar atmospheres, stellar structure and evolution, interaction of stars with the interstellar medium, and the populations of stars within the Milky Way Galaxy. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 . | ||
PHYS-371 | Galactic Astrophysics* |
This course describes the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way galaxy. It provides an overview of the major constituents of the Milky Way, their interactions, and the methods by which astronomers study them. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
PHYS-372 | Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology* |
This course provides a survey of the structure of the universe on the largest scales, including galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The course also provides an overview of the history of the universe from the Big Bang to the current day, and describes the observational evidence for our current values of the cosmological parameters. (Prerequisites: PHYS-213 and PHYS-220 or equivalent courses. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
PHYS-373 | Observational Astronomy |
This course provides a practical, hands-on introduction to optical astronomy. Students will use the RIT Observatory's telescopes and CCD cameras to take images of celestial objects, reduce the data, and analyze the results. The course will emphasize the details of image processing required to remove instrumental effects from CCD images. (Prerequisites: PHYS-220 or equivalent course. Students in the PHYS-BS program are also required to complete PHYS-275 prior to taking this course.) Lab 2, Lecture 2 (Spring). | ||
PHYS-493 | Astrophysics Research |
This course is a faculty-directed student project or research involving observational or theoretical work in astrophysics that could be considered of an original nature. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Research (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
† At least two courses must be taken at the 300-level or higher.
* PHYS-213 (Modern Physics I) is a prerequisite for PHYS-370 (Stellar Astrophysics), PHYS-371 (Galactic Astrophysics), and PHYS-372 (Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology).
NOTE: PHYS-370, PHYS-371,PHYS-372, and PHYS-373 are offered in alternate years. Contact the Astronomy Minor Advisor for the schedule.
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- Andrew Robinson
- Director Astrophysical Sciences and Tech PhD Program
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- College of Science
- 585‑475‑2726
School of Physics and Astronomy