Willem "Bill" Brouwer Endowed Fellowship


Established in 2019, this fellowship provides support for students enrolled in the Imaging Science Ph.D. program. Funds will be used to cover student stipends, travel, and other direct expenses related to research for this doctoral program. The fellowship is renewable. Eligible students must be enrolled full-time in the Imaging Science Ph.D. program, with additional criteria determined by the Carlson Center for Imaging Science. If no eligible students are available from this program, the funds will be used to support students in the most closely related field or another area of study at RIT.


Through this fellowship, the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science honors its first director, Willem "Bill" Brouwer. Dr. Brouwer joined RIT in 1983 as a visiting professor and became the founding director of the Carlson Center for Imaging Science. He came to RIT after a distinguished career as a designer of high-performance optical systems, having founded and served as president of Diffraction Limited, a private company in Bedford, Massachusetts, that designed ultra-high-performance optical systems for industry and government customers. Among the systems he designed were the navigational sextant for the U-2 ultra-high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and the long-range optical system for the SR-71 long-range reconnaissance aircraft. Bill was also the inventor of the now-ubiquitous matrix method in geometrical optics. The subject of his doctoral dissertation, he first taught this method in courses at Boston University in the 1960s, where he met Edward O'Neill, a pioneer in the field of Fourier optics. Bill and Ed deepened their knowledge by 'swapping' courses at BU, recognizing that the best way to master a subject was to teach it. Bill eventually shared the methods he developed as a graduate student in his monograph Matrix Methods in Optical Instrument Design, published in 1964 as part of the Lecture Notes and Supplements in Physics series.

A gifted teacher and mentor, Bill profoundly impacted many former students, introducing them to the worlds of imaging, optics, and research. In his memoir, My Odyssey, The Life of a Dutch Boy Born in Indonesia, he wrote: 'I tell my students that to learn anything, they should first sit down with a glass of Chablis and think of how they would attack the problem. This lesson has served me very well in life.'"

group shot with Willem Brouwer

Willem Brouwer with his family

Willem Brouwer on a mountain

Willem Brouwer cooking out

"Bill was central to establishing the Center for Imaging Science at RIT, shaping both its structure and research impact. His mentorship transformed my journey from photographer to Imaging Scientist, introducing me to the fascinating world of vision science. Bill’s teaching emphasized exploration over instruction, inspiring students to embrace the unknown. He built deep connections across disciplines, recognizing that understanding the art, craft, and technology of imaging was crucial to advancing the science."
— Dr. Jeff B. Pelz


The Willem Brouwer Endowed Fellowship currently has $357,500.64 committed towards a goal of $500,000.

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