Major Cohen

Major Cohen is a coffee lover who has enjoyed a dream realized. A teacher of photography and film for 20 years, he grew up during a time when coffee went from a poor quality, inexpensive commodity to a ubiquitous and often delicious inexpensive luxury. His second career as a coffee educator for one of the most influential global coffee brands, Starbucks, brought his passion for teaching and for coffee into alignment. He began a barista and moved quickly through Starbucks opportunities to a role on a special team of global coffee educators growing consumer markets and coffee origins throughout the world. Certified as an Authorized Specialty Coffee Association Trainer (AST), Major has been lead instructor, co-instructor, and station instructor in courses offered as part of the SCA’s Coffee Skills Program. Retired from corporate life but not from teaching as an AST, Major and his wife Anne and their Golden Retriever Kinta live in Seattle. Coffee for Dummies is his first book.
College of Art and Design
Photo Illustration, BFA 1973