Climate Week NYC 2024 - Now Accepting Proposals

The Exchange is soliciting proposals for Climate Week NYC 2024 events that could be hosted in The Exchange’s temporary space on Governors Island or co-sponsored with The Exchange elsewhere across NYC. Please find more information in the attached PDF and submit proposals using this form: The Exchange Climate Week Event Proposal Form. Priority will be given to submissions received on or before May 3, 2024.

The Exchange will prioritize proposed events that have the most potential for impact and align most closely with The Exchange’s vision and 2024 work plan. Please note that the terms of any co-sponsorship will be determined once a proposal is selected. We will continue to accept proposals until our schedule of events is full.

In addition to these proposed events, The Exchange will also lead programming in the temporary space on Governors Island. We look forward to discussing further as these Exchange-led events come together.

We are eager to develop a robust schedule for Climate Week that demonstrates the power of The Exchange and our partners. Thank you for your submissions, and please reach out with any questions.

If you have any additional questions, please contact