OVPR Designated Research Centers

OVPR Designated Research Centers

The AMPrint Center is a New York state supported Center for Advanced Technology that works with industry and government partners to develop next-generation additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP) technologies. The Center has one of the most impressive AM/3DP facilities in the country, and it is supported by a team of faculty and research staff members with decades of experience in AM/3DP technologies, materials, and applications.

Visit AMPrint Center Website


The Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning is dedicated to theory-driven foundational and applied discipline-based STEM education research. Center research includes content-specific topics grounded in a single discipline, issues of learning and culture at the interface between disciplines, and broad, fundamentally interdisciplinary subjects.

Visit Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning (CASTLE) Website


Our understanding of the universe has seen significant transformations in the last decade, and we expect this trend to continue in the coming years. Astrophysics, in particular, has been revolutionized by discoveries like thousands of extrasolar planets, early stars, distant galaxies, supermassive black holes, and advancements in gravitational wave detection. Ongoing projects such as JWST and LIGO are rapidly unveiling the profound mysteries of the universe, while upcoming projects hold even more potential for deepening our understanding.

At the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG), we specialize in studying the most energetic phenomena in the universe. This includes colliding black holes and neutron stars, merging supermassive black holes and galaxies, gamma ray bursts, relativistic jets, spinning neutron stars, exploding stars, and even the birth of the universe itself. These phenomena generate powerful gravitational waves, electromagnetic radiation, and high-energy particles, which are crucial components of the emerging field of multi-messenger astrophysics.

Our mission is to push the boundaries of knowledge and discovery in relativistic astrophysics, gravitational physics, and astronomical observations. We are dedicated to exploring new and exciting research avenues, always aiming to stay connected with the latest experiments and observations.

As part of our interdisciplinary flagship research program, we support groundbreaking studies in Frontiers in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (FGWA). This program focuses on advancing multi-messenger astrophysics and gravitational wave observations. To encourage this research, the CCRG offers prestigious postdoctoral fellowships and visiting scholarships for scientists and students interested in joining our research programs.

We are committed to fostering a vibrant and collaborative research community, providing opportunities for talented individuals to contribute to the forefront of scientific discovery. If you are passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the universe, we extend a warm invitation to join us at the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation.

Visit Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning (CASTLE) Website


The RIT Center for Human-aware AI (CHAI) mission is to conduct transformative research on computing systems capable of tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence or enable humans to perform effectively, and work toward the development of AI systems that are continually learning, trustworthy and capable of solving complex tasks with minimal resources.

Visit Center for Detectors Website


The RIT Center for Human-aware AI (CHAI) conducts transformative research on computing systems capable of tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence or that enable humans to perform optimally. The center also works toward the development of AI computing systems that are continually learning, trustworthy, and capable of solving complex tasks with minimal resources.

Visit Center for Human-aware AI Website


CIRE brings together resources from all over campus to strengthen and broaden opportunities for all students. For more information, please visit the RIT's Diversity and Inclusion website - https://www.rit.edu/diversity/.

The Center for Public Safety Initiatives (CPSI) is a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research center that examines strategies to reduce crime and enhance the administration of justice. It provides program evaluation, data analytics, and project management services to area law enforcement, community non-profits, and other criminal justice professionals, and it contributes to general knowledge generation of the nature and causes of crime and violence.  Its educational goals include training graduate and undergraduate students in strategic planning, program evaluation, and policy analysis.

The DIRS Laboratory focuses on the development of tools to extract information about the Earth from aerial and satellite imaging systems with an emphasis on the application of science and engineering to solving end-to-end remote sensing problems using a systems engineering approach. DIRS has on-going research partnerships with multiple federal agencies, large and small companies, and other academic institutions.

Visit Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory (DIRS) Website


The Future Photon Initiative (FPI) develops photonic devices in pursuit of answers to grand questions, leveraging efforts of existing RIT research groups who develop technology for the generation, transmission, manipulation, absorption, and detection of photons. FPI cross-disciplinary teams collaborate with external university groups, industry, and national laboratories to develop and commercialize new photonic device technology. Potential markets include solar energy, biophotonics, high performance imaging, astrophysics, communication, electronics, quantum information, and computing. Eleven groups across the RIT campus make up FPI: Center for Detectors, Integrated Photonics Group, Nanolithography Research Lab, NanoPower Research Labs, Photonic Systems Lab, Photonics and Optics Workforce Education Research Project, Semiconductor Microsystems Fabrication Lab, and the Simone Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Visit Future Photon Initiative Website


At RIT’s ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute, we explore and open the frontiers for cybersecurity research and education. Through collaborative and interdisciplinary research, Our diverse faculty and students investigate network, system, and wireless security, reinvent AI-enabled cyber security, safety and privacy, and push the boundaries of computation and information theories. This corpus of research has been supported by NSF, DARPA, IARPA, NSA, ONR, ARO, AFOSR, and many industry partners and foundations. RIT’s ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute is a nexus of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence research and education.

Please visit https://www.rit.edu/cybersecurity/ for more information

The K-12 Outreach and Enrichment center at Rochester Institute of Technology creates transformative opportunities for youth and educators in science, technology, engineering, art and math. Our mission is to inspire, engage and prepare the next generation of STEAM innovators, by fostering collaborations among the university and community to provide high-quality education and workforce development experiences that will shape the changemakers and problem-solvers of the future. This comes with a commitment to recognizing strength in differences, and remove barriers to access and support pathways to success.

Visit K-12 University Center Website


The mission of LAMA is to foster the utilization and advancement of cutting-edge techniques in multiwavelength astrophysics by RIT faculty, research staff, and students, so as to improve human understanding of the origin and fate of the universe and its constituents.

Visit Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics Website


The RIT MAGIC Center is a university-wide research center with a multi-disciplinary entrepreneurial approach to digital media research and production. With a focus on Media, Arts, Games, Interaction, and Creativity, MAGIC blurs the lines between art and technology.

Visit MAGIC Center Website


The NanoPower Research Labs (NPRL) represents a consortium of seven RIT faculty from both the Kate Gleason College of Engineering and the College of Science. Their work covers a broad range of applications, involving nanomaterials and nanotechnology in energy and photonics. Research is focused on new materials, devices and technologies for power generation, energy storage, energy harvesting and transmission (such as solar cells, batteries and wires) as well as optoelectronic devices and systems including lasers, power convertors, LEDs and detectors.

Visit NanoPower Research Laboratory Website


The Personalized Healthcare Technology (PHT180) initiative is transforming the landscape of data, devices, and patient interaction to enhance healthcare access, personalize diagnoses and therapies, and dramatically reduce the cost of healthcare delivery. One of RIT’s five signature interdisciplinary research areas, PHT180 integrates talent from all nine colleges to create radically diverse teams that tackle problems in unconventional ways. From basic science to applied research, devices to psychosocial behaviors, PHT180 is creating a new future in healthcare delivery and individually empowered health.

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