DoE Announces $34.5M for Data Science and Computation Tools to Advance Climate Solutions

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $34.5 million to harness cutting-edge research tools for new scientific discoveries, including clean energy and climate solutions. Two new funding opportunities will support researchers using data science and computation-based methods—including artificial intelligence and machine learning—to tackle basic science challenges, advance clean energy technologies, improve energy efficiency, and predict extreme weather and climate patterns.

DOE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) will award up to $21 million over three years for research applying data science methods, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to basic chemical and materials science challenges—such as the discovery and development of new materials and chemical processes to harvest, store, and use energy more efficiently, while limiting emissions. For more information, visit the BES funding opportunity page.

DOE’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) will award an additional $13.5 million over three years for efforts to use computer-based models and networking infrastructure to help research facilities across the nation collaborate and accelerate scientific discovery. Potential applications include tools for improving energy usage, and climate and weather forecasting. For more information, visit the ASCR funding opportunities page.