DOE Announces $54M for Microelectronics Research to Power Next-Generation Technologies

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $54 million in new funding for the agency’s National Laboratories to advance basic research in microelectronics. Microelectronics are a fundamental building block of modern devices such as laptops, smartphones, and home appliances, and hold the potential to power innovative solutions to challenges like the climate crisis and national security.

More microelectronics research is needed to pave the way for the next generation of revolutionary technologies. Potential applications include clean energy technologies that will help America combat the climate crisis, such as developments to make the nation’s grid more efficient, more responsive to fluctuations in energy demand, and more resilient to extreme weather events.

New research could also help revive American production of semiconductors—critical computer chips that power everything from cars to medical equipment. Currently, the nation largely depends on semiconductors that are manufactured abroad, and recent global shortages have threatened to disrupt major U.S. industries.

National Laboratories may apply for the three-year awards, to be selected based on peer review. Up to $36 million of the $54 million in planned funding is contingent on congressional appropriations.

More information is available at the Office of Science’s National Lab Announcement page.