Five Day Deadline for Sponsored Research Proposals

Effective October 15, 2019, proposals for external funding must be received by the office of Sponsored Research Services a minimum of five business days before the sponsor deadline.


The administrative and compliance requirements associated with proposals for research funding have increased significantly in recent years. The five day deadline will allow research administrators to review budgets, institutional/sponsor compliance,* adherence to sponsor style guidelines (e.g., length, margins, line spacing, font size, etc.), and that all required information is provided.  Compliance with these sponsor requirements will minimize the possibility of rejection or return without review.

What needs to be completed for the five day deadline?

  • Proposal review form (PRF) routed with approvals through the dean or equivalent;
  • Budget with justification, executive summary and draft narrative;
  • Identification of project personnel, participating organizations, subrecipients and collaborators;
  • Individual scopes of work for sub-recipients and collaborators

What can still be in progress up to the sponsor deadline?

  • Proposal narratives and supporting documentation (biosketches, references, etc.)
  • Minor budget changes (<10% of sponsor request)**

Are there exceptions?

Exceptions will be considered in special circumstances, including sponsor‐directed efforts with short turnaround, personal emergencies, and weather closures. Rationale for exceptions must come from the dean or divisional equivalent to the director of Sponsored Research Services.

* Institutional eligibility, subrecipients, conflicts of interest or commitment, human subjects, vertebrate animals, genetically modified organisms, radiation, biological agents, toxins, hazardous materials, international activities, facilities and/or renovation, stem cells, export controls, background intellectual property, ITAR restrictions or controlled unclassified information, etc.
** The PRF does not need to be re-routed for minor budget changes that do not impact RIT cost-share commitments.