NSF: New Research.gov Resources

Effective March 22, the National Science Foundation (NSF) added new Training Resources:

  • New and updated system-related FAQs by topic are available on the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page left navigation menu. 
  • A new 16-minute Research.gov proposal demo video has been added to the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page Video Tutorials section. 
  • The video highlights key proposal preparation steps including:
    • Setting up a proposal 
    • Uploading a document and compliance messaging 
    • Preparing Proposal File Update/Budget Revisions 
  • A new How-to Guides section has been added to the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page left navigation menu. The initial topic-specific guide is posted, and new guides will be added to this section going forward.