Student Guide

Configuring Your Profile

In the profile settings, you can customize your Starfish experience. The Edit Profile page is a place where you can add additional contact information to set up text message notifications. This information is visible to faculty, academic, and support advisors. The Notifications page is where you determine how you want to receive meeting reminders.

Video Instructions

Edit Profile

  1. Access Starfish
  2. From the Starfish My Success Network page, click the Blue square with three horizontal white lines. navigation menu (upper left corner of the screen), click your name, and then click Edit Profile.
    Blue Web banner with the menu Icon in left corner with "Starfish" next to it; Below is another menu bar with two tabs "Edit Profile" and "Notifications"
  3. On the top menu bar, confirm you are on the Edit Profile tab. On the Edit Profile tab, update your information:Blue Web banner with the hamburger button in left corner with "Starfish" next to it; below is another menu bar with two tabs "Edit Profile" and "Notifications". The “Edit Profile” tab is selected. Under this, there is a heading “Edit Profile” and below that there is the section for student basic details. In this section, there is a circle to hold the student’s profile picture with the Student Name next to it. Under the name, there is “Username” which has “abc1234” text under and “Institution Email” which has “” under it. The next section has heading “Contact Information” with subtext “Some of your information is automatically updated by your institution and cannot be edited”. There are multiple fields under this section: Username, Institution Email, Alternate Email, Phone, Cell Phone, Video Phone and, Time Zone. The Username and Institution Email fields are filled with “abc1234” and “” respectively and have a padlock at the end of their textboxes to indicate they cannot be changed. All other fields are left empty asides from Time Zone which has “(GMT -05:00) Eastern Time” selected from a dropdown menu. At the bottom of the page, there is a hyperlink on the left to clear changes and a button on the right to save changes.
    • Photo, User Name & Institutional Email are pulled from SIS and displayed in Starfish. User Name and Institutional Email fields can not be edited. Photos are imported directly from ID Card images. For more details about how to change your photo, click here
    • Alternate Email:
      • If you would like communications also sent to an alternate email address, add your other email address, and then click the box for Send notifications to my alternate email address. 
      • Phone: This information is pulled from SIS; if it's inaccurate, click here to view instructions on how to update your phone in SIS. 
      • Cell Phone: If your cell phone is stored in SIS, it will display here; if no number displays, you can add a number here. If your cell phone is not a US phone number, click on the flag to designate the country.
      • Text Notifications:
        • If you would like to have communications sent via text message, click the blue check box blue square with a white check mark in the center for Send text notifications to my cell phone.
          There is an alternate email heading with a phone icon. Under that, there is a field to enter an alternate email with text “”. Under that there is a check box that is ticked with text “send notifications to my alternate email address” and hyperlink “edit notification preferences” below that.
      • Video Phone: If you have a video phone, you may enter the information here.
      • Time Zone: The default is (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time, if you are taking classes from any other timezone, check the Display all time zones button and then select your time zone.
    • Click the Save Changes button to save all changes you have made to the page.

    Notification Preferences

    1. On the top menu bar, select the Notifications tab.
      Starfish headers menu with menu bar below with two options, Edit Profile and Notifications. Notifications is selected
    2. On the Notifications tab, update your preferences: Blue Web banner with the hamburger button in left corner with "Starfish" next to it; below is another menu bar with two tabs "Edit Profile" and "Notifications". The “Notifications” tab is selected. Under that there is a heading of “Notifications” with subtext “Customize notifications of reminders and updates of Starfish Activity below. Be sure to verify your profile contact information is accurate.” There is the “Text Notifications” section which has its toggle bar toggled on. In this section, there is text “Will send my Cell Phone Number:” underneath this text it states “+15555555555 Edit in Profile” and under the phone number there is another statement explaining, “You may receive texts about Starfish activity, such as appointment reminders and other updates, depending on your institution’s settings. Message and data rates may apply. Frequency varies. See Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Not receiving texts?” There is another section “Email Notifications” which has its toggle bar toggled off and has text “You can provide a valid alternate email to receive notifications to a preferred inbox”.  Under this, there is the “Appointment” section which has subtext under the heading “Customize the timing of your appointment reminders.” Below this there is a checkbox that is not ticked with text “Remind me before the start 15 minutes”. There is another checkbox that is ticked with text “Remind me of the appointment” with two dropdowns set to “8:00am” and “the day of” respectively. At the bottom of the page, there is a hyperlink on the left to clear changes and a button on the right to save changes.
    • Email Notifications - Toggle the button on or off to determine if you want to receive notifications to your Alternative Email (provided on the previous tab) and your RIT email address.
    •  Preferences - Appointments - We recommend leaving the default checked to receive a reminder about advising appointments set up in Starfish.
      • If you would like to receive an email reminder about your appointment before the start of a meeting, check the box and select the timing of the reminder.
      • If you would like to receive an email reminder about your appointment first thing in the morning, we recommend leaving the default 8:00 am email reminder checked.
  4. Click the Save Changes button to save all your changes on the page.