Admission Overview

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- English Language Center/
- Admission/
- Admission
The English Language Center admits students 17 years and older whose purpose is to study English for academic purposes.
Full-time students must be prepared and able to study and practice both written and spoken English. Students cannot study only in written mode or only in spoken mode. All students are required to have a working personal computer or tablet with audio and camera features to complete assignments and to participate fully in courses.
Note: Deaf and hard of hearing applicants to RIT who seek English instruction must apply through RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), which has a developmental English program.
RIT Graduate and Undergraduate Students
If you are admitted to an RIT degree program with English language requirements or contingencies, you will receive automatic admission to the English Language Center. Your application fee is waived as you have already submitted RIT degree application fees. Students are placed into English levels by TOEFL or IELTS scores.
RIT degree-seeking students with no English requirements are welcome to take courses in the ELC program. Please contact an ELC administrator about openings in courses, as enrollment will be based on availability. Please note, ELC courses are a separate fee from RIT degree tuition.
English Language Students (Non-Degree)
Full-time English Classes
In our academically challenging full-time study program, you will be in class alongside RIT degree students preparing for academic and professional English.
Admission Requirements:
- Provide a high school or university transcript with at least a C grade point average according to WES
- Obtain or maintain a USA study visa
- Provide a financial statement showing support for the intended period of study (required for visa)
Application Checklist for Full-time Non-degree Study:
- A bank statement showing that you or your sponsor has funds to cover your planned length of study: one semester, one summer or one year.
- If the financial statement is not in your name, submit a signed sponsor form.
- A non-refundable application fee of $150 in US funds.
- An official grade transcript in English from the last school or college you attended.
- Scan of your passport biographical page (photo, name, etc.).
Part-time English Classes
If you are interested in part-time English courses, you may apply to enroll in one or two courses per term for two terms. Enrollment is based on availability. Students who take more than two courses per term or who study for more than two consecutive terms must meet the requirements for the full-time program.
Admission Requirements:
- Contact the English Language Center for an interview
- Must be a US resident or must hold a visa that allows part-time study
- Provide proof of completion of high school or equivalency certification