International Scholarship and Fellowship Search

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Mediterranean Diet in Greece - Perrotis College, RIT Study Abroad Scholarship
RIT students applying to the Mediterranean Diet in Greece summer program through Perrotis College are eligible for RIT scholarship funding. Students with completed applications in the RIT Compass (including scholarship essay) for the Mediterranean Diet in Greece program will automatically be considered for this scholarship. No additional application is required and students will be informed of scholarship decisions shortly after program application deadlines. Email with questions about the scholarship.

Undergraduate student at RIT, complete application in Compass (including essay), priority will be given to students with high financial need

Award Amount: Three RIT students will be awarded a fully funded fellowship to participate in this program. There will be NO tuition or program fee, just out of pocket costs. All other participants will receive significant scholarship funding between $1,500 and $3,000.
Deadline: March
Country: Greece

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Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)
The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers six to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research on non-US or U.S. Indigenous cultures and societies. Eighty fellowships are awarded annually. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $23,000. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research.

Applicants must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December, whichever comes first. Non-U.S. citizens are eligible to apply, however, they must be PhD candidates at an American university.

Award Amount: Depends on research plan, average of $23,0000
Deadline: November

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Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program
The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program trains emerging leaders in the fight to end hunger worldwide. It is a unique two-year program that combines field and policy work. Leland Fellows will be matched with a host organization around the world- an NGO, agency, foundation, or private sector entity that works to build food and nutrition security.

Must be authorized to work in the United States and possess a recent graduate-level degree.

Award Amount: Travel, Accommodations, Monthly Stipend
Deadline: January

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Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship
The Japanese Government Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho or MEXT) sponsors the Monbukagakusho Scholarship to enable foreign students from around the world to earn undergraduate degrees, study Japanese language and culture at the undergraduate level, train in Japanese specialized training colleges, and research a broad range of topics at the graduate level in Japanese universities. Offers four different types of scholarships, for different education levels and fields of study.

For undergraduate study, born between April 1994-April 1999; for Graduate study, born after April 1981 and have an undergraduate degree.

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Country: Japan

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Mortimer Hays-Brandeis Travelling Fellowship
The Mortimer Hays-Brandeis Traveling Fellowship provides support to students in the visual and fine arts, including art history, conservation, studio art and photography, for travel and living expenses outside the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii in accordance with a program of study or other activities approved by the fellowship selection committee. Must be an NTID or cross-registered NTID-RIT student to apply.

An individual must have received an undergraduate degree no more than three years prior to the award, previous language skills for country of choice, preference given to recent graduates. Must be an NTID or cross-registered NTID-RIT student.

Award Amount: $19,000
Deadline: January

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National Geographic Society Research and Exploration Grant
The National Geographic Society awards grants for scientific field research and exploration through its Committee for Research and Exploration. All proposed projects must have both a geographical dimension and relevance to other scientific fields and be of broad scientific interest. Applications are generally limited to the following disciplines: anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, biology, botany, geography, geology, oceanography, paleontology, and zoology. The award funds projects in science, conservation, storytelling, education, and technology, in fields related to the ocean, land, wildlife, human history and cultures, and human ingenuity.

Award Amount: Level I: Up to $20,000 Level II: Up to $100,000
Deadline: April, October

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National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) annually awards scholarships to outstanding students with Italian-American heritage in the summer for use during the following academic year.

Must have Italian American ancestry; minimum 3.5 GPA; Member of NIAF (student may use a family member's membership); attending a U.S. accredited institution; studying abroad on semester or academic-year full-time programs

Award Amount: Up to $12,000
Deadline: March

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National Society of Leadership and Success
The NSLS Foundation Scholarship and Awards Program supports members for their desire to make a difference, leadership growth, service, member excellence, and financial need. As a member of NSLS, you can apply for a variety of scholarships or grants.

Member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, demonstrated leadership experience

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: March, October

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Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
NIAS Individual Fellowships are awarded to senior scholars to carry out advanced research in the humanities and the social sciences. Fellows have at least three years of post-PhD degree academic experience and have already made a considerable contribution to their field. Each year, NIAS awards around 30 fellows with a NIAS Individual Fellowship. This Fellowship allows scholars to come to Amsterdam and become a member of a diverse, interdisciplinary collaborative learning community where one can challenge boundaries, explore detours and get new perspectives.

At least 3 years of post-Ph.D. degree academic experience; Affiliation with a university or research institute

Award Amount: Housing, living stipend
Deadline: April
Country: Netherlands

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Nobel Week Dialogue
Fueled by a common belief that in order to change the world you need to experience it, EF College Study and The Forum on Education Abroad have created a first-of-its-kind, high-impact student scholarship program, in collaboration with EF's educational partner the Nobel Prize Museum. This interdisciplinary program is dedicated to including students from diverse backgrounds, and future leaders from all over the world are invited to apply. Only 10 students will be selected to attend the prestigious program, and all applications are due in early May. During this fully-funded program, the selected students will participate in an online project-based course, travel to Sweden for an international field study, and attend sessions at the Nobel Week Dialogue: a collaborative event that brings some of the world's leading scientists, policy-makers, and thinkers together to explore scientific topics through a global lens. Led by distinguished international faculty-leaders, scholarship recipients will tackle global challenges through action learning projects (ALPs).

Award Amount: Fully funded
Deadline: May
Country: Sweden

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NORAM Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarships are to provide financial support for Americans to study in Norway. The aim is to support post-graduate study or research in areas of mutual importance to Norway and the United States. By awarding scholarships to American students or researchers, knowledge and understanding will increase,  and it will strengthen the ties of friendship between the two countries. Every year, up to ten scholarships are offered to American students, based on merit and need.

U.S. Citizen; Must hold a bachelors degree; Students can apply without being accepted to an institution before the application deadline, but must submit documentation of admission/invitation if awarded a scholarship; The project/academic field must be of mutual benefit to the two countries.

Award Amount: Between $1,500-$5,000
Deadline: April
Country: Norway

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Norway-America Association
SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AMERICANS TO STUDY IN NORWAY The purpose of the scholarships is to provide financial support for Americans to study in Norway. By supporting post-graduate study or research in areas of mutual importance to Norway and the United States, we hope to bring the two countries closer. Through awarding scholarships to American students and researchers, we invest in the growth of knowledge and understanding and it will strengthen the ties of friendship between the two countries. Every year, we offer up to ten scholarships to American students, based on merit and need

Award Amount: NOK 10,000-40,000
Deadline: February
Country: Norway

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NTID - Hayes Scholarship
The NTID-Hayes scholarship is an RIT-administered scholarship that provides funding for Deaf/HOH students and ASL Interpreting majors with high financial need to study abroad. Students who are Deaf/HOH and/or Interpreting majors will automatically be considered for this scholarship when applying for a program in the RIT Study Abroad Compass. No additional application is required and students will be informed of scholarship decisions shortly after program application deadlines. Email with questions about the scholarship.

Deaf or hard of hearing, ASL-Interpreting major, high financial need

Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Aligns with RIT application deadlines for study abroad programs

NTID - Murai Scholarship
The NTID-Murai scholarship is an RIT-administered scholarship that provides funding for Deaf/HOH students and ASL Interpreting majors with high financial need to study abroad. Students who are Deaf/HOH and/or Interpreting majors will automatically be considered for this scholarship when applying for a program in the RIT Study Abroad Compass. No additional application is required and students will be informed of scholarship decisions shortly after program application deadlines. Email with questions about the scholarship.

Deaf or hard of hearing, ASL-Interpreting major, high financial need

Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Aligns with RIT application deadlines for study abroad programs

Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America - Study Abroad Scholarships
The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America offers scholarships for U.S. citizens of Italian descent to study abroad in Italy. Scholarships are available for students studying abroad at the following institutions: American University of Rome and John Cabot University. An Italian language scholarship is also offered for students majoring or minoring in Italian language.

U.S. citizens of Italian descent enrolled in a four-year undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited academic institution

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Country: Italy

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Organization of American States (OAS) Fellowships
The OAS Academic Scholarship Program (Regular Program), established in 1958, grants a variety of scholarships every year for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees, Doctoral Degrees and Graduate Research leading to a university degree in international locations including the Caribbean, Latin America, Canada, and Europe.

OAS Academic Scholarships are awarded for full-time studies at any university in an OAS Member State, with the exception of the applicant’s sponsoring country. OAS Scholarship Recipients must return and remain in the sponsoring country for a period of no less than twenty four (24) months after completing the program of study. Be a citizen or permanent resident of an OAS Member State. Must have obtained a university degree by the time of application.

Award Amount: Up to $30,000
Deadline: Varies

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Peace Corps
The Peace Corps Volunteer program is often called life-defining by the more than 230,000 Americans who have served. Get the chance to fully integrate into a host country community, where you will live and work on projects ranging from education to business development. The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated change makers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation. To promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three goals: To help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women. To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served. To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Service time is 2 years, plus 3 months of training

18 years or older

Award Amount: Monthly living allowance
Deadline: Rolling

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Phi Beta Kappa Society, Walter J. Jensen Fellowship for French Language, Literature, and Culture
Each year, Phi Beta Kappa Society awards 1 young American to study and research in France for at least 6 months, in order to improve their knowledge of the French language.

Must be under the age of 40. For those on a career path that does or will involve active use of the French language. Must have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year institution with a 3.0 minimum GPA in French language and literature as a major. Must demonstrate superior competence in French.

Award Amount: A stipend of $16,900 plus single round-trip airfare
Deadline: January
Country: France

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Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning
Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate professional development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc.

Must be an active Phi Kappa Phi Member. Must have received an undergraduate degree.

Award Amount: $500
Deadline: June

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Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Fifty grants are awarded each year.

3.75 GPA, accepted into a study abroad program. Applicants do not have to be Society members but must attend an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter.

Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: March

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Residency at the International Center of Recollets
The purpose of the residence program is to host artists and writers who have a specific project to develop in Paris. This project should preferably be carried out in partnership with a previously specified local institution or other structure, a company, or an artist, in Paris or the surrounding area for artists in the fields of visual or performing arts and for writers as part of a research project.

Award Amount: Monthly stipend of €1500
Deadline: June
Country: France

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Rhodes Scholarship
The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. 32 awards are given each year. Rhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead. If applying for this scholarship, you must meet with the RIT Education Abroad & International Fellowships office. Email to set up an appointment.

• At least 18 but not yet 24 years of age (i.e., the applicant must still be 23 on October 1 in the year of application) • Have bachelor's degree by Oct 1 • The applicant must be eligible to apply through one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia: either in the state where he or she was legally resident on April 15 in the year of application, or where he or she will have received at least two years of college training and a bachelor’s degree before October 1 in the year following election. (U.S. citizens who are residents of U.S. territories are only eligible to apply if they will have at least two years of college training and a bachelor’s degree from a college or university in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.)

Award Amount: Tuition at Oxford, plus £13,658 annual stipend
Deadline: October
Country: England

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RIT College of Art & Design Career Preparation Resource Fund
The Career Preparation Resource Fund aids students in completing unpaid domestic or international career-related experiences (co-op/internship). It helps students who would not normally be able to take advantage of an unpaid career-related experience or would have a difficult time doing so. Both BFA undergraduate and MFA graduate students are eligible to apply.

Current, matriculated BFA undergraduate or MFA graduate student in the College of Art and Design. Must have completed two academic terms and is in good standing. Secured an unpaid domestic or international career-related experience (preferably with an accomplished RIT alumna/alumnus).

Award Amount: Up to $8,000
Deadline: April, November

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RIT College of Liberal Arts Global Opportunity (GO) Grant
All College of Liberal Arts majors/double majors receive an automatic $500 grant to study abroad. You do not need to apply for the GO Grant. The RIT Education Abroad office will automatically award the scholarship funds once you’ve been accepted and confirmed on your study abroad program. The grant will post to your RIT eServices account in the term you are registered for your study abroad program. The GO Grant can only be used once for a study abroad experience. Email with any questions about this scholarship.

RIT College of Liberal Arts major (or double major); meets eligibility requirements to study abroad; applying for an RIT study abroad program in the Compass

Award Amount: $500
Deadline: Aligns with RIT application deadlines for study abroad programs

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RIT College of Liberal Arts Student Travel Fund
COLA Travel Fund will support student travel to present original papers at conferences as well as study or research abroad. Contact CLA Associate Dean, LaVerne McQuiller Williams ( for more information.

Must be a College of Liberal Arts major or double major.

Award Amount: $500-$750
Deadline: February, September, November

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RIT Education Abroad Travel Grant
RIT Education Abroad Travel grants supports study abroad on RIT Global Campus, Exchange, Faculty-Led, or International Research programs. You do not need to complete a separate scholarship application for this award. When applying for an eligible program in the RIT Study Abroad Compass, "opt-in" to be considered for the scholarship in the financial aid section of your application. The RIT Education Abroad office will automatically consider any student who opted-in, based on financial need. You will receive notice of your scholarship status shortly after the application deadline for your program. The scholarship will post to your RIT eServices account in the term you are registered for your study abroad program. Email with any questions about this scholarship.

Participating in an RIT Faculty-Led, Global Campus, Exchange, or International Research program; High financial need; 2.5 GPA or higher; Clear conduct record with RIT Conduct Office

Award Amount: $500-$1,000
Deadline: Aligns with RIT application deadlines for study abroad programs

RIT Honors Travel Grant
To encourage study abroad, participation in conferences, and faculty-sponsored research, the Honors Program offers each RIT Honors student a one-time grant of up to $500 (in aggregate, not each). Students can be reimbursed for travel, hotel, conference registration, meals and expenses for materials. To apply, please contact the RIT Honors office.

Must be part of the RIT Honors Program

Award Amount: Up to $500
Deadline: Rolling

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RIT School of Design Study Abroad Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to a 2nd (sophomore) or 3rd year (junior) School of Design undergraduate student enrolled in a study abroad experience during Spring, Summer or Fall semester. Eligible students must be in good academic standing and submit a 250-word proposal describing the study abroad experience and the potential impact it will have on their design work. Financial need will be considered, but is not a requirement. Input from School of Design faculty will be considered in the selection process. Email Peter Byrne, School of Design Administrative Chair, for more information, application instructions, and deadlines.

2nd or 3rd year student in the RIT School of Design (CAD)

Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: November

RIT The Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement
Applications are available on-line. Please note that the qualifications for each scholarship are different, but there is only one common application. Based on your responses to the demographic questions, the application will populate which scholarships you are eligible to apply for. All submissions, however, must include a complete application, an essay, a resume, and two letters of recommendation. Please note that some scholarships require additional materials.

Award Amount: $500-$5,000
Deadline: February

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Rockefeller Foundation Bellagion Center Residency - Gender Equality
The Rockefeller Foundation is committed to improving access to electricity, food, healthcare, and economic opportunity for all. Through the Gender Equality Residency, we are seeking to encourage participation from women leaders, and, support a wide range of projects aiming to realize gender equality, building a world where all people can access the resources they need to thrive and exercise the freedom necessary to pursue their dreams. Gender Equality Residency This Residency track is targeted towards applicants who are dedicated to advancing gender equality through initiatives, policymaking, and public advocacy. This residency is available to a wide range of diverse actors such as: Academics advancing research and scholarship on women’s economic justice and rights, gender studies, women’s leadership, etc. Artists and writers disseminating messages about the impact and urgency of gender equality through the medium of their work Policymakers who aim to build governance frameworks, coalitions and more, which will enable action addressing this pressing issue Practitioners, who are working ‘on the ground’ and on the frontlines of this issue in communities globally, and whose work necessitates an environment for deep thinking on approaches and avenues to impact

Award Amount: Room and board, private studio, travel funding provided based on financial need
Deadline: May
Country: Italy

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Rockefeller Foundation Bellagion Center Residency
he Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center has a track record of spurring action and impact to address pressing global challenges. The Foundation is seeking candidates from a broad range of fields, areas of practice and expertise, with diverse backgrounds and cultural perspectives. The General Open Call Residency is for all practitioners, academics and artists working in any discipline or area of study. Projects can be based on any topic but must demonstrate clear social impact and charitable purpose. This residency is available to a wide range of diverse actors such as: University and think tank-based academics, researchers, professors, and scientists working in any discipline Artists and writers, including but not limited to composers, fiction and non-fiction writers, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers, dancers, musicians, and visual artists who share in the Foundation’s mission of promoting the well-being of humankind, and produce work that enhances our shared understanding of pressing global or social issues Senior-level policymakers, nonprofit leaders, journalists, private sector leaders and public advocates in a variety of fields and sectors

Award Amount: Room and board, private studio, travel funding provided based on financial need
Deadline: May
Country: Italy

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Rotary Peace Fellowships
The fellowship funds master's degrees and professional development at Rotary Peace Centers. Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops the capacity of peace and development professionals to become effective catalysts for peace. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study expenses. Master’s degree programs Accepted candidates study peace and development issues with research-informed teaching and a diverse student body. The programs last 15 to 24 months and include a two- to three-month field study, which participants design themselves. Professional development certificate program During the one-year blended learning program, experienced peace and development professionals with diverse backgrounds gain practical skills to promote peace within their communities and across the globe. Fellows complete field studies, and they also design and carry out a social change initiative. This program is intended for working professionals. Fellows earn a post-graduate diploma upon completion of the program.

Proficiency in a second language is strongly recommended where there are Rotary clubs located around the world. Demonstrated work experience in relevant field. Must have a Bachelor's degree. Must have at least 3 years of relevant experience for the Masters program, and 5 years for the professional program.

Award Amount: Fully funded Masters Degrees & Professional Development, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study experiences.
Deadline: May

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Royal Anthropological Institute and Anthropologists’ Fund for Urgent Anthropological Research (AFUAR)
The fellowship is designed to support ethnographic research on currently threatened indigenous peoples, cultures and languages. Its primary aim is to contribute to anthropological knowledge through detailed ethnography.

Award Amount: £30,000
Deadline: August

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Ruth Landes Memorial Research Fund
Grants are available to scholars and other professionally qualified individuals of recognized merit for work toward a doctoral dissertation, for postdoctoral work, or for independent scholarship that relate to Ruth Landes' work (anthropology).

Award Amount: $10,000-$60,000
Deadline: Rolling

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SAI Fellows Program
SAI is an RIT study abroad affiliate partner. The purposes of the SAI Faculty Fellows Program are to foster a deeper connection between faculty from affiliate schools and Italian institutions and to provide opportunities to faculty for continuing their research and studies. In addition to pursuing individual research interests, the Faculty Fellow may serve as an occasional guest lecturer in their area of study for the SAI program in Florence or Rome and Milan. Proposed topics should be submitted as part of the application. The fellowship is individually designed, based on the faculty’s needs and interests.

Criteria for selection include demonstration of the faculty’s interest in pursuing scholarly activities that develop or expand breadth and depth of knowledge regarding Italy. No knowledge of Italian language required.

Award Amount: Air travel and housing
Deadline: January
Country: Italy

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SAI Study Abroad Scholarships
SAI is an RIT study abroad affiliate partner. SAI has provided more than $2 million in financial assistance to students. Many SAI scholarships are paired with volunteering, interning, or professional experience, granting students more opportunities to become involved in the local or study abroad community. Students apply for SAI scholarships through the SAI application portal.

Must be applying for a SAI study abroad program

Award Amount: $200-$3,000
Deadline: March, June, October
Country: France, Spain, Italy

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Samuel Huntington Public Service Fellowship Award
The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award provides a $30,000 stipend for a graduating college senior to pursue one year of public service anywhere in the world. The award allows recipients to engage in a meaningful public service activity for one year before proceeding on to graduate school or a career. 

Must be graduating from a U.S. institution. Project must be related to public service.

Award Amount: $30,000
Deadline: January

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Saunders Undergraduate Scholarship
Each year many generous alumni and corporate donors contribute funds to dozens of Saunders College of Business scholarships. These donations enable the Saunders College to distribute awards to Saunders College of Business students who have demonstrated strong leadership abilities and who have excelled within their academic programs. Funds can be used to study abroad.

Completed at least 12 credits at RIT, GPA 3.5 or higher, enrolled as full-time undergraduate student in Saunders College of Business.

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: February

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School for Field Studies Scholarships
School for Field Studies is an RIT affiliate study abroad partner and offers need-based scholarships for students applying for School for Field Studies programs.

Must be applying for a School for Field Studies study abroad program. High financial need.

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: February, April, December

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Schwarzman Scholars
Apply for a one-year, fully-funded master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, designed to build a global community of future leaders who will serve to deepen understanding between China and the rest of the world. Schwarzman Scholars supports up to 200 Scholars annually from the U.S., China, and around the world for a one-year master’s in global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University — ranked first in Asia as an indispensable base for China’s political, business, and technological leadership. Scholars chosen for this highly selective program will live in Beijing for a year of study and cultural immersion — attending lectures, traveling around the region, and developing a better understanding of China.

Aged 18-28, earned a Bachelor's degree, English language proficiency

Award Amount: All tuition, fees, room and board, health insurance, travel, laptop, smartphone, stipend.
Deadline: September
Country: China

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Scotland's Saltire Scholarship
Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships is a programme of scholarships offered by the Scottish Government in collaboration with Scottish universities and colleges. The scholarships are available to students as part of a wider strategy to promote Scotland as a study destination and showcase Scotland’s higher education offering in international markets.

Acceptance into Scottish University studying science, technology, creative industries, financial services, renewable and clean energy/demonstrate ability to fund the remainder of stay in Scotland

Award Amount: Provides £8000 for any one year of full time study towards a degree at a Scottish university.
Deadline: June
Country: Scotland

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Society for Classical Studies
A variety of awards available for teachers and scholars of the classics.

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies

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Sons of Norway Foundation Scholarships
Sons of Norway provide scholarship opportunities for students to study in Norway

May need to be current member of Sons of Norway (or child/grandchild of current member)

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: February
Country: Norway

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SRISA Scholarships - Santa Reparata International School of Art - Florence, Italy
SRISA is an RIT study abroad affiliate partner. The SRISA Scholarship Program provides an invaluable opportunity for prospective SRISA students to study abroad in Florence. The program is designed to assist academically qualified and/or artistically talented students with a certified financial need.

Applying for a SRISA semester or summer study abroad program. Minimum GPA 2.5

Award Amount: Varies from $1,000 to full tuition
Deadline: February, May, October
Country: Italy

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Taiwan Ambassador Summer Scholarship Program
Summer program for American students to intensively study Chinese (Mandarin) and immerse themselves in Taiwanese culture for two months.

No Taiwanese or Chinese heritage; 3.0 GPA on 4.0 Scale

Award Amount: The scholarship covers tuition, dormitory fees, off-campus excursions, and accident insurance (includes outpatient medical, but no hospitalization). You are responsible for expenses for meals, dormitory electricity and airfare to/from Taiwan.
Deadline: March
Country: Taiwan

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Teaching Assistantship in France
The Teaching Assistant Program in France offers you the opportunity to work in France for 7 months, teaching English to French students of all ages. Each year, over 1,100 American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of French such as Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion.

French proficiency (minimum level of B1), between 20-35 years old, native English speaker, 3+ years of postsecondary education

Award Amount: Monthly stipend of €785
Deadline: January

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The Asia Institute: International Engineering Program Scholarships
To support the global competencies and knowledge of engineering students, The Asia Institute offers $1,000 in scholarship funding each year. This scholarship support students seeking to participate in global learning experience in Asia. Scholarship applications on March 1 and must include a student-faculty join submission.

Major or minor in Engineering, study abroad program in Asia. Host country must be a country different from the student's nationality and/or birthplace.

Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: March

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The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust
The Cambridge Trust is a major source of funding to scholars at Cambridge and offers a number of scholarships for postgraduate students.

High financial need, academic merit

Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: December
Country: England

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The Leifur Eiriksson Foundation
The Leifur Eiríksson Foundation funds scholars who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents from U.S. universities for graduate research or study at universities in Iceland, and scholars who are Icelandic citizens or permanent residents from universities in Iceland to conduct graduate research or study at universities in the United States.

Admitted to a graduate program at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or Iceland prior to receiving the first payment of the Fellowship; A well-defined research or scholarly project that necessitates an exchange to Iceland; An undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree must be completed by the start of the exchange

Award Amount: $25,000 in project costs, travel to and from research/study site
Deadline: November
Country: Iceland

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The Nahum Goldman Fellowship Program
The purpose of the International Nahum Goldmann Fellowship is to provide a constructive space for young leaders to test questions and assumptions, practice critical leadership skills, and learn about the diversity and shared values across the Jewish world. International Nahum Goldmann Fellowships are unique week long seminars for emerging Jewish leaders between the ages of 25-40 worldwide. The Fellowship brings together Jews of vastly different religious and political affiliations and exposes them to the highest level of Jewish learning, to the myriad challenges facing Jewish communities around the world and to the dynamic responses to these challenges. International Fellowships have been held in Israel, Uruguay, Poland, Croatia, Australia, South Africa, Sweden, India, Brazil, Russia, Germany, U.K.

Interest in Jewish culture, leadership and education. Age 25-40.

Award Amount: Covers room and board.
Deadline: Varies

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