Faculty Scholarship 2010

Research and Teacher Education

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John A. Albertini

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Albertini, John A. “Narrative, Reflection, and Writing: The Relation to Critical Thinking.” FST Forum, 15th Anniversary of the FST (Research Institute for the Rehabilitation of People with Communication Impairments). Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Jan. 2010. Invited Lecture.

Albertini, John A., M.K. Matchett, and R. Kelly. “Personal Factors That Influence Deaf Students’ Performance in College.” International Congress of the Education of the Deaf, July 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Presentation.

Matchett, Mary Karol, J.A. Albertini, and R.R. Kelly. “How Deaf Students’ Personal Factors Influence Their First Year Experience and Beyond: Data on Three Cohorts 2007, 2008, 2009.” First Year Experience Conference, Denver, CO. Feb. 2010. Presentation.

Berent, Gerald P., R.R. Kelly, J.A. Albertini, and R.M. Toscano. “Deaf Students’ Knowledge of English Verbs’ Argument and Event Properties.” Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Boston, MA. Mar. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Albertini, John A. “Deafness and Hearing Loss.” The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology. Ed. I. B. Weiner and W. E. Craighead. 4th ed. Vol. 2. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 461-62. Print.

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Gerald P. Berent

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Berent, Gerald P., R.R. Kelly, J.A. Albertini, and R.M. Toscano. “Deaf Students’ Knowledge of English Verbs’ Argument and Event Properties.” Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Boston, MA. Mar. 2010. Presentation.

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Carol DeFilippo

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

De Filippo, Carol. “Audiology Course.” PEN-International Teacher Education Institute. NTID at RIT, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Invited Lecture.

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Lisa Elliot

Senior Research Scientist
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Elliot, Lisa, P. Francis, and M. Stinson. “Supporting Students with Disabilities with Tablet PCs in STEM Courses.” AHEAD and PEPNet Joint Conference. Denver, CO. July 2010. Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa, and M. Stinson. “RDE-FRI: Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate Students in STEM Field Settings with Remote Speech-to-Text Services.” National Science Foundation Division of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. June 2010. Presentation.

Francis, Pamela, L. Elliot, and M. Stinson. “Captioning for Mobile Learning Situations to Support Students with Disabilities in STEM.” AHEAD and PEPNet Joint Conference, Denver, CO. July 2010. Presentation.

Stinson, Michael, L. Elliot, P. Francis, D. Easton and A. Alepoudakis. “Supporting Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing in Mobile Situations with Captioning.” Symposium on Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf. NTID at RIT, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Presentation.

Stinson, Michael, L. Elliot, P. Francis, D. Easton and A. Alepoudakis. “Effectiveness of Note-taking and Captioning for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Students with Tablet PC’s.” Symposium on Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf. NTID at RIT, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Presentation.

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Susan Foster

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Foster, Susan, and G. Long. “International Application of the Class Act Website to Increase Inclusion of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Postsecondary Education.” 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Long, Gary, et al. “Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Student Success in Online Courses.” 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Long, Gary, et al. “Perceptions of Communication, Classroom Interaction Frequency and Academic Achievement in Online Courses.” AHEAD/Joint Conference. Denver, CO. July 2010. Presentation.

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Peter Hauser

Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Hauser, Peter C. “Deaf Eyes: Visual Learning and Deaf-Gain.” Deaf Studies Digital Journal, 1.2, (2010): n.p. Web.

Hauser, Peter C., et al. “Deaf Epistemology: Deafhood and Deafness.” American Annals of the Deaf, 154.5 (2010): 486-92. Web.

Newman, Aaron J., T. Supalla, P. Hauser, E. Newport, and D. Bavelier. “Dissociating Neural Subsystems for Grammar by Contrasting Word Order and Inflection.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107.16 (2010): 7539-44. Web.

Newman, Aaron J., T. Supalla, P. Hauser, E. Newport, and D. Bavelier. “Prosodic and Narrative Processing in American Sign Language: An fMRI Study.” Neuroimage, 52.2 (2010): 669-76. Web.

Formal Presentation

Freel, B.L, M. D. Clark, M. L. Anderson, G. L. Bilbert, M. M. Musyoka, and P.C. Hauser. “Deaf Individuals’ Bilingual Abilities, American Sign Language Proficiency, Reading Skills, and Family Characteristics.” American Psychological Society. Boston, MA. May 2010. Presentation.

Hauser, Peter C. “Neuropsychology of the Deaf Individual: Current Trends.” International Mental Health and Deafness Conf. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mar. 2010. Keynote speech.

Hauser, Peter C. “Role of Cultural Capital in the Deaf Individuals’ Development and Health.” International Mental Health and Deafness Conf. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mar. 2010. Keynote speech.

Hauser, Peter C. “Understanding Deaf Culture: The Role of Deaf Cultural Capital.” Indiana Deaf Educators and Educational Interpreters Conf. Indianapolis, IN. June 2010. Keynote speech.

Hirshorn, E. A., M. W. G. Dye, P.C. Hauser and D. Bavelier, “Exploring Alternate Routes to Literacy in Profoundly Deaf Individuals.” Inter-Science of Learning Center Conf. Boston, MA. May 2010. Presentation.

Hauser, Peter C. “Deaf Gain: Our Paradigm Shift.” Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference. Florianapolis, Brazil. Nov. 2010. Presentation.

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Ronald R. Kelly

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Berent, Gerald P., R.R. Kelly, J.A. Albertini, and R.M. Toscano. “Deaf Students’ Knowledge of English Verbs’ Argument and Event Properties.” Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Boston, MA. Mar. 2010. Presentation.

Albertini, John A., M.K. Matchett, and R. Kelly. “Personal Factors That Influence Deaf Students’ Performance in College.” Paper presented at the International Congress of the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Matchett, Mary Karol, J.A. Albertini, and R.R. Kelly. “How Deaf Students’ Personal Factors Influence Their First Year Experience and Beyond: Data on Three Cohorts 2007, 2008, 2009.” Paper presented at First Year Experience Conference, Denver, CO. Feb. 2010. Presentation.

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Christopher Kurz

Assistant Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Kurz, Christopher. “Action Research in the Classroom: Deaf Learners with Diverse Needs.” Paper presented at 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Kurz, Christopher. “Number Signs: Survival of the Fittest.” Paper presented at 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

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Harry Lang

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Shannon, Nora B., Simon Ting, Cathy Clarke and Harry G. Lang. “Structured Online Academic Reading (SOAR): Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Learning through Embedded Definitions, Pictures, Videos and Questions.” Symposium on Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf. NTID, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Presentation.

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Gary Long

Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Long, Gary, et al. “Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Student Success in Online Courses.” 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf. Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Mallory, James, G. Long, and J. Stanislow. “Using the Virtual World in ‘Second Life’ to Teach Technology.” 21st International Congress on Education of the Deaf. Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

Foster, Susan, and G. Long. “International Application of the Class Act Website to Increase Inclusion of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Postsecondary Education.” Paper presented at the 21st International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2010. Presentation.

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Vincent J. Samar

Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Published Article

Dean, Robyn K., R.Q. Pollard, and V.J. Samar. “RID Research Grant Underscores Occupational Health Risks: VRS and K-12 Settings Most Concerning.” VIEWS, 27.1 (2010): 41-3. Print.

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Sara Schley

Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Schley, Sara. “Effect of Postsecondary Education on the Economic Status of Persons Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing.” National Science Foundation, REESE Program Principal Investigators Meeting. Arlington, VA. Mar. 2010. Presentation.

Published Article

Schley, Sara, G.G Walter, R.R. Weathers II, J. Hammeter, J.C. Hennessey, and R.V. Burkhauser. “Effect of Postsecondary Education on the Economic Status of Persons who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing.” NTID Research Bulletin, 14.1 (2010): 1-4. Web.

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Michael Stinson

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2010 Submissions

Formal Presentation

Stinson, Michael, L. Elliot, P. Francis, D. Easton and A. Alepoudakis. “Effectiveness of Note-taking and Captioning for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Students with Tablet PC’s.” Symposium on Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf. NTID, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Presentation.

Stinson, Michael, L. Elliot, P.Francis, D. Easton and A. Alepoudakis. “Supporting Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing in Mobile Situations with Captioning.” Symposium on Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf. NTID, Rochester, NY. June 2010. Presentation.

Stinson, Michael. “Using Assistive Technology to Facilitate Engagement and Participation of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Classroom.” Paper presented at Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Preconference, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community of Practice, Milwaukee, WI. Mar. 2010. Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa, and M. Stinson. “RDE-FRI: Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Undergraduate Students in STEM Field Settings with Remote Speech-to-Text Services.” Paper presented at National Science Foundation Division of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. June 2010. Presentation.

Francis, Pamela, L. Elliot, and M. Stinson. “Captioning for Mobile Learning Situations to Support Students with Disabilities in STEM.” Paper presented at the AHEAD and PEPNet Joint Conference, Denver, CO. July 2010. Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa, P. Francis, and M. Stinson. “Supporting Students with Disabilities with Tablet PCs in STEM Courses.” Paper presented at AHEAD and PEPNet Joint Conference, Denver, CO. July 2010. Presentation.

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