Halfway Point at RIT (What have I learned?)

Student smiling while taking a selfie.

Luke Solby watching the Solar Eclipse on campus last April and recording his reaction to it.

Now that I'm entering my third year, I am halfway through my undergraduate degree! The time has flown by, but here are some of my tips for RIT life and just being a college student in general! Here are some valuable tips that can enhance your RIT life and enrich your college experience overall:

1. Just Be Yourself. (As cliche as it sounds…)

I know everyone tells you, “Just Be Yourself!” but it’s true! You will find both yourself and your friends by being yourself! Being yourself is so important to your growth at this time in your life and finding your people. When you're genuine, you attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your values, interests, and personality. These are the people who will support you, challenge you, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep.

In my first year, I definitely didn’t follow this closely enough, but in my second year, I made sleep one of my top priorities! I don’t know about you, but I genuinely can’t function without at least 8 hours of sleep. Maybe it’s because I turned 20 in October, but for me, this is so essential! Research suggests the optimal amount of sleep for each person may vary, but generally college-aged populations should aim for 7-9 hours per night. By prioritizing adequate sleep, you're investing in your physical health, mental well-being, and academic success, setting yourself up for a fulfilling and productive college experience.

3. Fuel Yourself Up.

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a midday snack, eating enough food and drinking water throughout the day is so important! If you don’t fuel yourself, you don’t function as your best self in both classes and just in general. By prioritizing nutrition and hydration, you're not only supporting your physical health but also enhancing your cognitive function and overall well-being. You'll find that you're better able to focus in class, retain information more effectively, and manage stress more efficiently when your body is properly nourished and hydrated.Plus, RIT has many dining options so no need to worry about eating the same old thing every day. And when it comes to your physical and mental health, wellness is a key component of student life at RIT.

The Gordon Field House at RIT

Gordon Field House at RIT is home to an aquatics center for both competition and recreational use, plus a fully equipped 16,000-square-foot fitness center.

4. Don’t be afraid to take naps.

I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever napped as much as I’ve napped at college. Naps are so important to recharge and to just feel less tired and feel better overall! Taking a short nap, even just 20-30 minutes, can work wonders for your productivity and overall well-being. It gives your brain a chance to rest and consolidate information, making it easier to retain what you've learned and stay focused when you return to your tasks. Additionally, napping can help improve your mood, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function, all of which are crucial for academic success!

5. Study Hard. (But also take breaks!)

While having fun at college is super important, don’t forget about your academics as well. If you know you have an exam coming up (or it’s finals week) don’t forget to study hard! It’s so important to study to make sure you feel prepared for these exams! Don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well and don’t burn yourself out.

The Takeaways

So, whether you're navigating the challenges of a demanding course load, forging new friendships, or exploring your passions and interests, remember to be true to yourself, prioritize your well-being, and seize every opportunity for growth and learning. Your college years are a time of incredible potential and possibility, embrace them fully and enjoy the journey ahead!

About the author

Photographic and Imaging Arts - Visual Media

Hi! I’m Luke Solby, a second-year Photographic and Imaging Arts - Visual Media in RIT’s College of Art and Design! I love being involved in many student organizations here on campus, like Photo House and the RIT Concert Band! I love playing the flute, musical theatre, and iced coffee! I hope you’ll enjoy the content we create! Go Tigers!