A Journey of Creativity and Discovery: My Story at RIT

Four students posing by "Indy" sign.

Students of RIT’s Packaging and Graphic Media Science Department at Dscoop Indy’24, Indianapolis along with Professor Bilge Altay.

I am a current grad student of Print and Graphic Media Science in the Department of Packaging and Graphic Media Science. I can hardly believe it's been almost a year since I stepped onto the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) campus, leaving behind my home country. As I sit down to pen my thoughts, I'm overwhelmed by the whirlwind of experiences and emotions that have shaped my journey as an international student here. 

From the moment I arrived in the fall of 2023, the RIT community embraced me with open arms, offering a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and opportunities. As someone deeply passionate about packaging design and the print media industry, I knew I had found my niche in the Print and Graphic Media Science program. 

Five students with awards and trophies.

Team RIT won 3 awards at Phoenix Challenge Competition in Atlanta.

The transition wasn't without its challenges, of course. Adapting to a different education system, culture, food and even adjusting to the chilly Rochester weather presented their fair share of hurdles. But with each challenge came growth, resilience, and a newfound sense of independence.

One of the highlights of my time at RIT has been my experiences that extend far beyond the classroom. Whether it's diving into the world of packaging design, writing research papers or attending conferences and competitions, every day brings with it a new opportunity to learn, explore, and innovate.

As a graduate research assistant, I've had the privilege of working alongside esteemed faculty members on projects that push the boundaries of knowledge in my field. From designing experiments to analyzing data, every step of the research process has been a testament to the power of collaboration and intellectual curiosity.

But it's not just the academic pursuits that have left a lasting impression on me. It's the moments of connection, camaraderie, and shared experiences that have truly made my time at RIT unforgettable. Whether it's bonding with classmates over late-night study sessions or exploring the beauty of Upstate New York, the sense of community here is palpable, fostering lifelong friendship.

Six students in a panel on a stage.

Attended a discussion session as a student panel member at Dscoop Indy’ 2024, conducted by HP in Indianapolis.

As I look ahead to the final stretch of my master's program, I'm filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement for what the future holds. Armed with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experiences gained at RIT at my co-op with Apple and Brook + Whittle, I am ready to take on the next chapter of my RIT journey with confidence and enthusiasm.

To my fellow international students embarking on their own journeys, here’s advice: Embrace the unknown, seize EVERY opportunity, and never lose sight of the passion that brought you here. And to the RIT community, thank you for welcoming me into your fold and for shaping me into the person I am today.

As I bid farewell to another semester and eagerly await the co-op adventures that lie ahead, I am reminded of the words of Steve Jobs: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” Here's to embracing the journey, chasing our dreams, and making every moment count.

Until next time,

Kanishka Sahu

About the author

Print and Graphic Media Science MS

My name is Kanishka Sahu, a graduate student in MS Print and Graphic Media Science program. Almost a year ago, I left my home country to join the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). As an international student passionate about packaging design and print media, I've found my place here.

My journey has been filled with growth, resilience, and countless opportunities. From collaborating on research projects to forging lifelong friendships, RIT has shaped me in profound ways. Additionally, writing this blog marks a new skill I've developed, allowing me to share my experiences and insights with you.

Thank you, RIT, for embracing me and helping me grow.