Portfolio Requirements for Select Graduate Programs

Portfolio Requirements
Graduate Admissions
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- Portfolio Requirements for Select Graduate Programs
Your portfolio is an opportunity to showcase your talents and skills alongside your application. Select RIT graduate degree programs require applicants to submit a portfolio in order to be considered for admission.
View a Degree's Requirements
The following graduate degrees require a portfolio. Select a degree to view its portfolio requirements and submission details.
- Architecture M.Arch.
- Art Education (Visual Art-All Grades) MST
- Ceramics and Ceramic Sculpture MFA
- Film and Animation MFA
- Fine Arts Studio MFA
- Furniture Design MFA
- Glass MFA
- Game Design and Development MS
- Industrial Design MFA
- Medical Illustration MFA
- Metals and Jewelry Design MFA
- Photography and Related Media MFA
- Visual Communication Design MFA
Architecture M.Arch.
Applicants must submit a portfolio of creative work, which may include sketches, graphics, photographs, sculpture, technical drawing, or other non-visual creative content.
Standard Admission Portfolio Content: In recognition that you do not have an architectural background, any variety of creative or technical work in your portfolio is acceptable. While we value work related to architecture and the built environment, it is not essential if you do not have prior architectural portfolio content. Your portfolio should reflect your academic background and potential for creative expression by including things such as personal drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, crafts, or anything related to a design endeavor. Photography and creative writing such as poetry and music are also acceptable. Your portfolio can also include your technical abilities such as drafting, woodworking, construction, or metal work. Overall, the portfolio should display evidence of the potential for creative expression and critical inquiry.
Advanced Standing Portfolio Content: A portfolio of architectural design work is required for all Advanced Standing applicants. The admissions committee is interested in the quality of the work, not the quantity, so applicants should limit the portfolio to no more than 20 pages. Architectural design work can be academic or professional. If multiple people worked on a project is included, applicants should indicate their contribution to the group-based project. The committee strongly encourages applicants to include process work, hand drawings, and physical model images as well as final design drawings and 3D computer renderings.
All applications must include a portfolio submission in PDF format. Portfolio PDF files should be a singular multi-page PDF; print or bound portfolios or digital portfolios in formats other than PDF will not be accepted or reviewed. Portfolios should be submitted through the admissions portal in the materials section. Log into your admissions portal
File size: PDF portfolio file should not exceed 10.0MB.
Page dimensions and orientation: There are no requirements for portfolio page dimensions and orientation; these choices are up to each applicant. However, as a baseline, the committee recommends US Letter size (8.5”x11”) or Tabloid (11x17) pages formatted in a landscape orientation.
Image Quality: Image and page resolution should be between 300 and 600 DPI to help reduce file size while providing acceptable graphic resolution. In the event the review committee requires additional information or higher resolution images, the applicant will be notified.
Image enhancement: If the image files of your work are not accurate after photographing, image-editing software is allowed to correct the appearance of the files you are submitting. Please use caution. It is important to maintain the integrity of the original artwork. Images should be clear and free of reflections or ‘hot spots.'
Additional Portfolio formatting notes:
To best show off your creative talents and personality, an applicant’s portfolio should have a clear format, structure, and flow. Below is a list of ways applicants may format and present their work; however, this is not an exhaustive or required list. Applicants are encouraged to be creative in formatting and designing their portfolio (which is another way to demonstrate creative abilities).
- Portfolios should include:
- A title page
- A table of contents
- Clearly delineated creative work submissions (ie. Project 1, 2, etc.)
- Each creative piece or sample should include a title, approximate date, and a brief description.
- Applicants should showcase their best work
- Limit the portfolio to no more than 10 pieces within the 20-page suggested limit.
- If you have more to showcase, note that some portfolios we have received have their last page used as an assortment/collage of other work.
- Portfolios must be submitted digitally in a PDF, and can be created using various software including, but not limited to one of the following:
- Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop
- Adobe Acrobat (create Portfolio)
- Microsoft Publisher or PowerPoint (saved as PDF)
Game Design and Development MS
The Game Design and Development MS degree program requires a portfolio as part of the application process. The portfolio is intended to be a space where you can show off your expertise in game art, game design, game development (programming), and game audio. These may be solo work or group work, but for group work include an explanation of your role in the project and identify which sections you were responsible for on your own.
The portfolio examples may include, but certainly are not limited to, the following:
- 2D objects and characters
- 3D objects and characters
- Concept art
- Environment art
- User interface design
- Analog games
- Design treatments (write up of characters, worlds, story plotting, etc.)
- Game narratives
- Gameplay scripting
- Level designs
- Paper prototypes of digital games
- Game artificial intelligence
- Gameplay programming
- Network programming examples
- Simple game engines
- Small games from undergraduate work
- Graphics programming (shaders, procedural art, technical art samples)
- Website development
- Audio effects
- Game audio
- Music composition
The primary purpose of the portfolio is twofold. One, we want examples that show expertise in basic programming concepts: object-oriented programming, scripting and markup (html), basic digital development (including Maya, Blender, Houdini, Photoshop, etc.), and use of APIs in digital development. Two, we want examples of thoughtful and creative design and development that show your passion for making games.
Within your admissions portal, you may submit a link in the materials section to your portfolio. The link may be to a website or a shared drive. Along with the link, you will be prompted to include a portfolio description. The description should include a summary of each piece in the portfolio with details such as what role you had in its creation and if it earned any awards.
Film and Animation MFA
The review committee is looking for work that is original in concept and content. It does not need to be motion media but should showcase a sense of creativity and storytelling. Examples can include, but are not limited to:
- Films/Video
- Animation
- Photos
- Drawings
- Paintings
- Sculpture
- Stop-Motion Puppets
- Storyboards
- Scripts
- Original Music
The applicant should present what they consider to be the best of their work. An inventory sheet or table of contents should also be submitted with your portfolio. If it is not obvious in the work, clearly indicate what your contribution was to group and collaborative pieces.
- Production / Screenwriting Option: Submit 5-10 examples of your best work
- Animation Option: Submit 10-15 examples of your best work
In addition to the portfolio, all applicants must submit a 2-3 minute video self-portrait. You must appear on camera and speak to the lens. Please talk about where you are from, why you want to attend the RIT School of Film and Animation, and which concentration you want to pursue. This is in addition to your written essay. Please make sure the sound and picture quality are acceptable.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Industrial Design MFA
The portfolio provides a visual statement of the applicant’s performance, design skills, aesthetic development, professional interests, and maturity.
Examples should demonstrate proficiency in design skills such as storytelling, model making, CAD, sketching, visualization, etc., as well as an aptitude for connecting design with other disciplines. Including elements that show the development process, concept exploration and problem-solving are as important as showing the final design.
Applicants from a non-design background can submit projects that show their skills for fabrication and/or problem-solving, even if they are not traditional design projects. Applicants are encouraged to submit only their best original work rather than to submit a large portfolio with pieces that are less relevant. A portfolio that includes 4-6 projects, organized in 5-10 pages each tends to provide a cohesive body of work.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Medical Illustration MFA
Submit 10-20 pieces of your best work.
At least half of the pieces should demonstrate your ability to draw from direct observation of the subject (i.e., not from your imagination or copied from photographs). Drawings of the human figure and/or other body parts (hands, feet, portraits) are preferred, but drawings of other organic objects (animals, plants, still lifes of natural objects) are also acceptable, as long as they are drawn from your own observation.
The remaining portfolio pieces can be anything that demonstrates your understanding of composition, design, and creativity as well as the range of media you have mastered (drawings, paintings, prints, graphic design, digital media, sculpture, crafts, etc.). You are not required to submit any pieces depicting medical or scientific subject matter, although you are free to include these if they demonstrate your drawing ability or mastery of a particular medium.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Photography and Related Media MFA
Applicants should submit a portfolio of between 15 - 20 images representing a cohesive body or bodies of recent work. Through your Graduate Admissions account, you will also submit your Personal Statement of Educational Objectives and an Artist’s Statement.
The one-page Artist's Statement should discuss the submitted work and the applicant’s creative process. The Personal Statement of Educational Objectives should explain why the applicant is interested in obtaining an MFA and specifically why RIT would be a successful fit for their pursuit of a professional study degree.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Degrees within the School for American Crafts
- Ceramics and Ceramic Sculpture MFA
- Furniture Design MFA
- Glass MFA
- Metals and Jewelry Design MFA
Portfolios submitted to the School for American Crafts should consist of between 15 - 20 examples of the applicant’s best visual work. The examples can include a range of media, methods and subject matter. The work should reflect your understanding of compositional organization, the elements and principles of art, creativity, attention to detail, and craftsmanship.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Degrees within the School of Art
- Art Education (Visual Art-All Grades) MST
- Fine Arts Studio MFA
Portfolios submitted to the School of Art should consist of 15 - 20 examples of the applicant’s best visual work. The examples can include a range of media, methods, and subject matter. The work should reflect your understanding of compositional organization, the elements and principles of art, creativity, attention to detail, and craftsmanship.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.
Visual Communication Design MFA
As part of the entrance requirements, applicants must demonstrate an understanding of design principles and visual computer skills using Adobe products. A portfolio of 15-20 examples must demonstrate a good sense of design, typography, and illustration in addition to the applicant’s interests in and aptitudes for advanced study and, specifically, potential for success at RIT. The examples can include a range of media, methods and subject matter. Applicants are encouraged to submit only their best original work. Applicants should not submit work copied from film, television, photographs, magazine/book illustrations or other sources.
All applicants must submit a portfolio through the admissions portal.
No hard copy portfolios, DVDs, or any other materials sent through the mail will be considered.
For all drawings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc., each example of work must be submitted as a single PDF in RGB color mode.
Each PDF file must be a single example of work and must not exceed 20 MB (or less) in size per PDF.
If you have multiple views of a single example, submit a multi-page PDF with a maximum of 3 pages.
All video files must be submitted in either M4V, MOV, MP4, or WMV format. Audio file formats such as MP3, AIFF, or WAV are not accepted.
Videos should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels for optimal viewing and should not exceed 60 MB (or less) in size per media.
Do not submit more than 3 minutes total of media in your application.
- All submitted work MUST be clearly labeled.
- Add details such as title, medium, and description for all uploaded examples.
- For descriptions, include details such as assignment or theme (if any), thought process, role(s) such as director, writer, editor, and any exhibition/award notations.
For any questions about the portfolio process please contact gradinfo@rit.edu.