Your Career Readiness Roadmap

Develop Your Readiness for Careers, Graduate School, and Beyond.

Planning your journey to graduation should include all of the opportunities RIT offers. Build an amazing resume that includes course knowledge, career experience, undergraduate research, and skills gained beyond the classroom.

For students in majors that do not require co-op, there is sometimes confusion over how best to craft a roadmap that prepares you to launch your career or continue your studies in graduate school.

Let us help you navigate the journey.

Experience That Makes A Difference

A women smiling with a number of national geographic magazines behind her

Co-op and Internships

There’s a reason RIT is ranked 5th among top schools for co-op and internship programs by U.S. News & World Report (2024). Our cooperative education program is designed to provide you with career experience–early and often–in a variety of industries and environments. Co-ops and internships are available and encouraged in all majors. Gain the experience that employers look for in their next top hires. 

a person talking to two blurry people in the foreground with charts and diagrams to their right.

Undergraduate Research

At RIT, undergraduate research starts on day one, and is driven by you. Working alongside top faculty researchers, you’ll conduct original research, design your own project, carry out all the experiments, and analyze and interpret the results. And, you’ll have ample opportunities to present your findings at scientific conferences or publish your work in professional science journals.

a person leaning up against a glass pane that says RIT Croatia

Global Experiences

In our today’s world, global engagement–living, learning, and studying–in a culture different from your own prepares you to become a global citizen. With four global campuses in China, Croatia, Dubai, and Kosovo, and 600+ opportunities to study at universities around the world, you can immerse yourself in a new culture and broaden your horizons.

Your Career-Ready Planning Guide

RIT has you covered with a year-by-year timetable for what you need to focus on for each step of your journey, whether you’re interested in launching your career after graduation or you plan to earn an advanced degree in graduate school.

Career Prep Timeline: What To Do and When


  • Visit Career Services’ Explore a New Path, a guide to help you examine academic programs and where their career paths can lead you.
  • Using Career Connect, make an appointment with a Career Services career counselor to complete career assessments and receive help in identifying your interests, values, and personality type.



  • Explore research opportunities with professors in your college.
  • Shadow professionals, especially alumni, to learn more about career paths.
  • Visit the Study Abroad office and consider studying or completing a co-op or internship abroad.


  • Speak with faculty and alumni in your area of study to learn about career paths and opportunities.


  • Maintain membership in clubs, organizations, and intramurals.
  • Join college chapters of national organizations related to your major.
  • Become a leader in a student group.
  • Continue to participate in Career Services’ programs and workshops on interviewing, resume writing, and more.
  • Attend lecture series and participate in events where you can learn more about career paths and opportunities.


  • Update your resume and have it reviewed by Career Services.
  • Consider doing a study abroad program.
  • Complete a co-op or internship: Utilize Career Connect to identify and apply for co-op or internship positions relevant to your major.
  • Observe university-wide or specialized career fairs to get a sense of these events before attending as a participant.
  • Continue your research experience, explore publishing your research and/or presenting at a conference or other research event.
  • Create your LinkedIn profile, join a professional organization related to your major, and start to network with alumni and other professionals.


  • Talk to your professors about graduate programs related to your major and learn more about the application process.
  • Search online for graduate programs that align with your career or research objectives.
  • Identify which graduate schools require entrance exams, begin researching testing dates, and gather and take practice tests.
  • Write a draft of your admission essay(s) and have them reviewed by the Writing Center, a faculty member, and/or the Career Services career counselor.


  • Maintain membership in clubs, organizations, and intramurals.
  • Join college chapters of national organizations related to your major.
  • Become a leader in a student group.
  • Attend lecture series and participate in events where you can learn more about career paths and opportunities.


  • Complete a co-op or internship: Utilize Career Connect to identify and apply for co-op or internship positions relevant to your major.
  • Attend RIT’s university-wide or specialized career fairs.
  • Research employers for your field, follow employers’ social media accounts, and stay up to date with employer news and trends.
  • Connect with RIT alumni in your field of study via Tigers Connect, RIT’s online mentoring and professional networking platform.
  • Interact with guest speakers and recruiters from employers or career fields of interest to you


  • Identify a final list of graduate schools you’ll apply to.
  • Gather and complete application requirements: Take entrance exams, ask for letters of recommendation; request academic transcripts be sent to graduate schools; finalize essays or personal statements, etc.


  • Update your resume and have it reviewed by Career Services.
  • Conduct mock interviews with Career Services.
  • Seek references from professors or supervisors from co-ops or internships.
  • Maintain relationships with your references and provide them with a copy of your resume.
  • Identify open positions on Career Connect, Indeed, LinkedIn, employer websites, and more; and begin submitting applications.
  • Attend RIT’s university-wide or specialized career fairs.
  • Take advantage of virtual and on-campus employer information sessions.
  • Update your LinkedIn profile and expand your professional network.
  • Connect with RIT alumni in your field of study via Tigers Connect, RIT’s online mentoring and professional networking platform.

Career Services Counseling and Resources

RIT’s Career Counseling is provided to all students to support their career and academic exploration as well as guide their decision-making process. Career counselors provides one-on-one appointments, workshops, and presentations to help students connect their interests, skills, and values to their studies and their future in the world of work. The goal is to help students make confident choices that lead to job satisfaction throughout their career journey. Connect with Career Services to learn more about resources available to you: