Get Experience

Where learning becomes practice – you become a professional.

At RIT, we enable students to apply what they’re learning through lectures, labs, assignments, and projects to a variety of experiences outside the classroom. Students broaden their perspectives by refining their professional and intellectual competencies, cultivating their leadership abilities, advancing their career development, and further developing their talents.

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For students in majors that do not require co-op, there is sometimes confusion over how best to craft a roadmap that prepares you to launch your career or continue your studies in graduate school. Let us help you navigate the journey.

Your Career Readiness Roadmap


Cooperative education, or co-op, is full-time, paid work experience in a professional setting. Directly related to your field of study, co-op will help define your career path after graduation. More than 4,500 students complete over 6,200 co-op assignments each year and are employed by more than 3,400 employers throughout the U.S. and abroad.
Learn More about Co-op


An internship is practical, hands-on work experience over the summer or coordinated around a student’s academic schedule. Differing from a co-op, an internship is not always full-time work or a paid position. Some academic programs offer internship opportunities in addition to co-op.

Learn More about internships


Research experiences allow RIT students to work with professionals in a wide variety of fields and environments. Students work directly with faculty members, scientists, and engineers in their labs, gaining valuable, hands-on experience, and working with cutting-edge technology on projects that support the mission of the organization. Research options available for students include REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates), SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships), SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship), and Research with RIT Faculty.

Learn More about Research Experiences for Undergraduates

International Experience

Gain co-op experience and credit overseas through our International Experience program. Review our top destinations through our trusted partners to create an experience unlike any other.

Learn Moreabout international experiences

On-Campus Student Employment

We continue RIT’s tradition of experiential education through student employment on-campus. No matter the opportunity, your experience will develop vital skills and a strong work ethic to prepare you for your full-time search.

Learn More about On-Campus Student Employment