All Contacts

Review the full list of contacts that support the Office of Career Services and Co-op and Student Employment Office.

Bausch & Lomb Center

Maria Richart headshot
Director Career Services and Cooperative Education
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Kate Caliel headshot
Senior Associate Director
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Michelle Magee headshot
Senior Associate Director for Employer Engagement
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Jim Bondi headshot
Associate Director
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs

The career counselor position at Career Services requires a specialized skill set that we currently do not have on our team. While we are actively working to fill this role, the process will take some time. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer career counseling services until the position is filled. Thank you for your understanding.

Career Services Coordinators offer support and guidance for co-op and full-time job searches, resume and cover letter reviews, mock interview practice, and more.

Find your coordinator by college

Cara Dugan headshot
Senior Staff Specialist for Recruiting
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Alana Hough headshot
Career Services Data Specialist
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Deborah Resch headshot
Coordinator of Operations
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Jade Rood headshot
Marketing Specialist
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Cathleen Slocum headshot
Senior Career Services Assistant
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs


Rachel Nemeth headshot
Senior Associate Director
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs
Amanda Henry headshot
Assistant Director Student Employment
Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education
Academic Affairs