Interdisciplinary STEM Ed Research Forum (ISERF)

Interdisciplinary STEM Ed Research Forum (ISERF)
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- Interdisciplinary STEM Ed Research Forum
The Interdisciplinary STEM Ed Research Forum (ISERF) is a collaboration of STEM education research groups across campus sharing ideas and further research goals.
The Forum welcomes attendees and research presenters from all RIT colleges, schools and programs. It offers opportunities to discuss and form partnerships in education research.
Organizing Committee
Jeanne Christman
Mike Eastman
Sharon Mason
Past Forums
Pencil Puzzles as a Gender-and Experience-Neutral Context for Introductory Computer Science
Zachary Butler (GCCIS)
Computational Study of Individual Behavior and Social Interactions
Ifeoma Nwogu (GCCIS)
Web Tools and Analysis of Assessment Data for Biology Education Research
Dina Newman (COS)
Knowledge Flows: "virtual water" as a case for understanding prizes impact on STEM
Kaitlin Stack Whitney (COS/COLA)
Teaching Through Sociology and Chemical Perspectives to High School Students
Makini Beck (SOIS)
Investigation Question Asking Behavior during Undergraduate STEM Design Projects
Sue Rothwell (COS)
Contact Us
Mike Eastman