Journal Club


The RIT CASTLE Research group runs a weekly journal club and monthly seminar series, open to all, consulting with faculty interested in incorporating research-based methods and assessment into their classrooms.

For Spring 2025 CASTLE Journal Club will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 11:00am-11:50am in Gosnell-3305.

Journal Club Readings

Tuesday, March 25, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Role of analogies with classical physics in introductory quantum physics teaching
Rodriguez, L. V., van der Veen, J. T., & de Jong, T. (2025).
Physical Review Physics Education Research21(1), 010108.

Tuesday, March 18, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Spontaneous Anthropocentric Language Use in University Students’ Explanations of Biological Concepts Varies by Topic and Predicts Misconception Agreement
Nielson, C., Pitt, E., Fux, M., Nesnera, K. D., Betz, N., S. Leffers, J., ... & Coley, J. D. (2025).
CBE—Life Sciences Education24(1), ar11.

Tuesday, March 11, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Is This Science? Students’ Experiences of Failure Make a Research-Based Course Feel Authentic
Goodwin, E. C., Anokhin, V., Gray, M. J., Zajic, D. E., Podrabsky, J. E., & Shortlidge, E. E. (2021).
CBE—Life Sciences Education20(1), ar10.

Tuesday, March 4, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Computational modelling in high school biology: A teaching intervention
Musaeus, L. H., Tatar, D., & Musaeus, P. (2024).
Journal of Biological Education58(4), 812-828.

Tuesday, February 25, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Evolving study strategies and support structures of introductory physics students
Shafer, D., Girotti-Hernandez, D., & Stelzer, T. (2024).
Physical Review Physics Education Research20(2), 020114.

Tuesday, February 18, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
A system approach to instructional change in academia
Cruz, J. M., Hampton, C., Adams, S. G., & Hosseinichimeh, N. (2019, June).
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

Tuesday, February 11, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Instrumental and documentational approaches: from technology use to documentation systems in university mathematics education
Gueudet, G., Buteau, C., Mesa, V., & Misfeldt, M. (2014).
Research in Mathematics Education16(2), 139-155.

Tuesday, February 4, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Accessible Design is Mediated by Job Support Structures and Knowledge Gained Through Design Career Pathways
Andrew, S., & Tigwell, G. W. (2022).
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction6(CSCW2), 1-24.

Tuesday, January 28, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
It made me feel like a bigger part of the STEM community': Incorporation of Learning Assistants Enhances Students’ Sense of Belonging in a Large Introductory Biology Course
Clements, T. P., Friedman, K. L., Johnson, H. J., Meier, C. J., Watkins, J., Brockman, A. J., & Brame, C. J. (2022).
CBE—Life Sciences Education21(2), ar26.

Tuesday, January 21, 11am-12pm Gosnell 3305
Complex multiple-choice questions are inequitable for low-income and domestic students (and difficult for everyone)
Young, N. T., Mills, M., Matz, R. L., Bell, E. F., & Hayward, C. (2023).
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11068.

Wednesday, December 4, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
University chemistry students’ interpretations of multiple representations of the helium atom
Allred, Z. D. R., & Bretz, S. L. (2019).
Chemistry Education Research and Practice20(2), 358-368.

Wednesday, November 6, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Group dynamics in inquiry-based labs: Gender inequities and the efficacy of partner agreements
Dew, M., Hunt, E., Perera, V., Perry, J., Ponti, G., & Loveridge, A. (2024).
Physical Review Physics Education Research20(1), 010121.

Wednesday, October 30, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Team factors in ethical decision making: A content analysis of interviews with scientists and engineers
Watts, L. L., Nandi, S., Martín-Raugh, M., & Linhardt, R. M. (2024).
Science and Engineering Ethics30(5), 1-23.

Wednesday, October 23, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Factors Associated with Faculty Use of Student Data for Instructional Improvement
Svinicki, M. D., Williams, K., Rackley, K., Sanders, A. J., Pine, L., & Stewart, J. (2016).
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning10(2), n2.

Wednesday, October 16, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
How curriculum developers’ cognitive theories influence curriculum development
Boudreaux, A., & Elby, A. (2020).
Physical Review Physics Education Research16(2), 020144.

Wednesday, October 9, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
How Can We Design Instruction to Support Student Reasoning About Physicists’ Ethical Responsibilities in Society
Olmstead, A., Gutmann, B., Ochoa-Madrid, E., Vasquez, A., Pike, C., & Barringer, D. (2023).
The Physics Teacher61(5), 343-343.

Wednesday, September 25, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
The practices of professional development facilitators
Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2024).
Professional development in education50(1), 144-156.

Wednesday, September 18, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Computational thinking through the lens of biological evolution learning: enhancing understanding through the levels of biological organization and computational complexity
Christensen, D., & Lombardi, D. (2024).
Evolution: Education and Outreach17(1), 10.

Wednesday, September 11, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Educational trajectories of graduate students in physics education research
Van Dusen, B., Barthelemy, R. S., & Henderson, C. (2014).
Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research10(2), 020106.

Wednesday, September 4, 10am-11am Gosnell 3305
Student understanding of eigenvalue equations in quantum mechanics: Symbolic blending and sensemaking analysis
Citation: Piña, A. R., Topdemir, Z., & Thompson, J. R. (2024).
Physical Review Physics Education Research20(1), 010153.

Monday, April 22, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Coding Code: Qualitative Methods for Investigating Data Science Skills
Theobold, A. S., Wickstrom, M. H., & Hancock, S. A. (2023).
Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 1-13.

Monday, April 15, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Beyond performance, competence, and recognition: forging a science researcher identity in the context of research training
Pfeifer, M. A., Zajic, C. J., Isaacs, J. M., Erickson, O. A., & Dolan, E. L. (2024).
International Journal of STEM Education11(1), 1-22.

Monday, March 25, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
The sociopolitical in human genetics education
Duncan, R. G., Krishnamoorthy, R., Harms, U., Haskel-Ittah, M., Kampourakis, K., Gericke, N., ... & Yarden, A. (2024).
Science383(6685), 826-828.

Monday, March 18, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Race and Gender Differences in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Structures and Research Outcomes
Aikens, M. L., Robertson, M. M., Sadselia, S., Watkins, K., Evans, M., Runyon, C. R., ... & Dolan, E. L. (2017).
CBE—Life Sciences Education16(2), ar34.

Monday, March 11, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
State of the art on immersive virtual reality and its use in developing meaningful empathy
Villalba, É. E., Azócar, A. L. S. M., & Jacques-García, F. A. (2021).
Computers & Electrical Engineering93, 107272.

Monday, February 26, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Characteristics of departments with high-use of active learning in introductory STEM courses: implications for departmental transformation
Lau, A. C., Henderson, C., Stains, M., Dancy, M., Merino, C., Apkarian, N., Raker, J., & Johnson, E. (2024).
International Journal of STEM Education11(1), 10.

Monday, February 19, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
(Re)Shaping the socialization of scientific labs: Understanding women’s doctoral experiences in STEM lab rotations
Wofford, A. M., & Blaney, J. M. (2021).
The Review of Higher Education44(3), 357-386.

Monday, February 12, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Challenges facing interdisciplinary researchers: Findings from a professional development workshop
Daniel, K. L., McConnell, M., Schuchardt, A., & Peffer, M. E. (2022).
Plos one17(4), e0267234.

Monday, February 5, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Gender and retention patterns among U.S. faculty
Spoon, K., LaBerge, N., Wapman, K. H., Zhang, S., Morgan, A. C., Galesic, M., ... & Clauset, A. (2023).
Science Advances9(42), eadi2205.

Monday, December 4, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Gender and retention patterns among U.S. faculty
Spoon, K., LaBerge, N., Wapman, K. H., Zhang, S., Morgan, A. C., Galesic, M., ... & Clauset, A. (2023).
Science Advances9(42), eadi2205.

Monday, November 27, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Reducing achievement gaps in undergraduate general chemistry could lift underrepresented students into a 'hyperpersistent zone'
Harris, R. B., Mack, M. R., Bryant, J., Theobald, E. J., & Freeman, S. (2020).
Science advances6(24), eaaz5687.

Monday, November 20, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Integrating artificial intelligence-based methods into qualitative research in physics education research: A case for computational grounded theory
Tschisgale, P., Wulff, P., & Kubsch, M. (2023).
Physical Review Physics Education Research19(2), 020123.

Monday, November 13, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Trajectories of Knowledge and Desire: Multilingual Women Scholars Researching and Writing in Academia
Lillis, T., & Curry, M. J. (2018)
Journal of English for Academic Purposes32, 53-66.

Monday, November 6, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Hidden Patterns: Using Social Network Analysis to Track Career Trajectories of Women STEM Faculty
Collins, R., & Steffen-Fluhr, N. (2019)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal38(2), 265-282

Monday, October 30, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Characterizing Faculty Motivation to Implement Three-Dimensional Learning
Nelson, P. C., Matz, R. L., Bain, K., Fata-Hartley, C. L., & Cooper, M. M (2023)
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research5(1), 11.

Monday, October 16, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Big Data for Thick Description of Deep Learning
Williamson Shaffer, D.
In Millis, K., Long, D., Magliano, J., Wiemer, K. (eds.) Deep Comprehension: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Understanding, Enhancing, and Measuring Comprehension, pp. 262–275, 1st ed. Routledge (2018)

Monday, October 2, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Identifying Group Work Experiences That Increase Students' Self-Efficacy for Quantitative Biology Tasks
Aikens, M.L., & Kulacki, A.R.
CBE - Life Sciences Education, 22(2), ar19 (2023)

Monday, September 25, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Assessing Computational Thinking: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies
Tang, Xiaodan, Yue Yin, Qiao Lin, Roxana Hadad, and Xiaoming Zhai
Computers & Education 148 (April 2020): 103798.

Monday, September 18, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Using Story-Based Methodologies to Explore Physics Identities: How do moments add up to a life in physics?
Gonsalves, A.J, Danielsson, A.T., Avraamidou, L, Nystrom, A.S, and Esquivel, R
Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19(2), 020106 (2023)

Monday, September 11, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
A Revaluation of Computational Thinking in K-12 Education: Moving Toward Computational Literacies
Kafai, Y.B, & Proctor, C.
Educational Researcher, 51(2), 146-151 (2022)

Monday, August 28, 12pm-1pm Gosnell 3305
Integrating Computation into Science Education
Gouvea, J.S.
CBE - Life Sciences Education, 22(3), fe2 (2023)

Monday, April 10, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Shifting the Paradigm from Deficit Oriented Schools to Asset Based Models: Why Leaders Need to Promote an Asset Orientation on Our Schools
Renkly, Shannon, and Katherine Bertolini
Empowering Research for Educators 2, no. 1 (2018)

Monday, March 27, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
How Instructors can view knowledge to implement culturally relevant pedagogy
Clausell Mathis, Abigail R. Daane, Brandon Rodriguez, Jessica Hernandez, and Tra Huynh
Phys. Rev. Phys. Edu. Res. 18, 010105, 7 February 2023

Monday, March 20, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
The role of teachers' motivation and mindsets in predicting a (de)motivating teaching style in higher education: a circumplex approach
Vermote, B. Aelterman, N. Beyers, W. et all.
Motiv Emot 44, 270-294 (2020)

Monday, March 6, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Early Morning University Classes Are Associated with Impaired Sleep and Academic Performance
Yeo, Sing Chen, Clin K. Y. Lai, Jacinda Tan, Samantha Lim, Yivan Chandramoghan, Teck Kiang Tan, and Joshua J. Gooley
Nature Human Behavior, February 20, 2023, 1-13

Monday, February 27, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Examining Reasons Undergraduate Women Join Physics
Franklin, Maxwell, Eric Brewe, and Annette R. Ponnock
Physical Review Physics Education Research 19, no. 1 (February 21, 2023): 010110

Monday, February 13, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Explanatory Black Boxes and Mechanistic Reasoning
Haskel-Ittah, Michal
Journal of Research in Science Teaching n/a, no. n/a

Monday, February 6, 2023, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Learning Progressions: An Empirically Grounded, Learner-Centered Framework to Guide Biology Instruction
Scott, Emily E, Mary Pat Wenderoth, and Jennifer H. Doherty
CBE—Life Sciences Education Vol. 18, No. 4 (2019 Winter)

Monday, January 23, 2023, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Context and Content of Teaching Conversations: Exploring How to Promote Sharing of Innovative Teaching Knowledge between Science Faculty
Lane, A. Kelly, Brittnee Earl, Stephanie Feola, Jennifer E. Lewis, Jacob D. McAlpin, Karl Mertens, Susan E. Shadle, et. al
International Journal of STEM Education 9, no.1 (Auguest 4, 2022): 53

Monday, December 8, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Game-Based Activities Targeting Visual Literacy Skills to Increase Understanding of Biolmolecule Structure and Function Concepts in Undergraduate Biochemistry
Terrell, Cassidy R., Kyle Nickodem, Alison Bates, Cassandra Kersten, and Heather Mernitz
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 49, no. 1 (2021): 94-107

Monday, November 21, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
How Well-Intentioned White Male Physicists Maintain Ignorance of Inequity and Justify Inaction
Dancy, Melissa, and Apriel Hodari
arXiv, Ocrober 5, 2022

Monday, November 7, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony in the STEM Classroom
Davidesco, Ido
CBE -- Life Sciences Education 19, no. 3 (September 2020): es8

Monday, October 31, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Decades of Systemic Racial Disparities in Funding Rates at the National Science Foundation
Chen, Christine Y., Sara S. Kahanamoku, Aradhna Tripati, Rosanna A. Alegado, Vernon R. Morris, Karen Andrade, and Justin Hosbey
OSF Prepreints, July 1, 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Rubrics to Assess Critical Thinking and Information Processing in Undergraduate STEM Courses
Reunders, Gil, Juliette Lantz, Suzanne M. Ruder, Courtney L, Stanford, and Renee S. Cole
International Journal of STEM Education 7, no. 1 (March 9, 2020): 9

Monday, October 17, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Systematic Inequality and Hierarchy in Faculty Hiring Networks
Aaron Clauset, Samuel Arbesman, and Daniel B. Larremore
Science Advances, Vol 1, No 1

Monday, September 26, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Gender-Diverse Teams Produce More Novel and Higher-Impact Scientific Ideas
Yang Yang, Tanya Y. Tian, Teresa K. Woodruff, Benjamin F. Jones, and Brian Uzzi
PNAS Vol 119 No. 36, August 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
PhDepression: Examining How Graduate Research and Teaching Affect Depression in Life Sciences PhD Students
Logan E. Gin, Nicholas J. Wisenthal, Isabella Ferreira, and Katelyn M. Cooper
CBE-Life Scienced Education 2021 20:3

Monday, September 12, 2022, 2pm-3pm Gosnell 1350
Guides to Advance Teaching Evaluation (GATEs): A Resource for STEM Departments Planning Robust and Equitable Evaluation Practices
Sandhya Krishnan, Jessica Gehrtz, Paula Lemons, Erin L. Dolan, Peggy Brickman, and Tessa C. Andrews
CBE-Life Sciences Education 2022 21:3

Monday, April 18, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Engaging Teachers in the Powerful Combination of Mathematical Modeling and Social Justice: The Flint Water Task
Julia M. Aguirre, Cynthia O. Anhalt, Ricardo Cortez, Erin E. Turner, and Ksenija Simic-Muller
Mathematics Teacher Educator, v7 n2 p7-26 Mar 2019

Monday, April 11, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
A QuantCrit Investigation of Society's Educational Debts Due to Racism and Sexism in Chemistry Student Learning
Ben Van Dusen, Jayson Nissen, Robert M. Talbot, Hannah Huvard, and Mollee Shultz
Journal of Chemical Education 99, no. 1 (January 11, 2022): 25-34

Monday, April 4, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Effects of Augmented Reality on Learning and Cognitive Load in University Physics Laboratory Courses
Michael Thees, Sebastian Kapp, Martin P. Strzys, Fabian Bell, Paul Lukowicz, and Jochen Kuhn
Computers in Human Behavior 108 (July 1, 2020): 106316

Monday, March 28, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Framework for Unpacking Students' Mindsets in Physics by Gender
Z. Yasemin Kalendar, Emily Marshman, Christian D. Schunn, Timothy J. Nokes-Malach, and Chandralekha Singh
Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, no. 1 (February 28, 2022): 010116

Monday, March 21, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Restructuring Physics Labs to Cultivate Sense of Student Agency
Yasemin Z. Kalendar, Emily Stump, Katelynn Hubenig, and N. G. Holmes
Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, no. 2 (October 1, 2021): 020128

Monday, March 14, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Racism, Sexism and Disconnection: Contrasting Experiences of Black Women in STEM before and after Transfer from Community College
DeeDee Allen, Melissa Dancy, Elizabeth Stearns, Roslyn Mickelson, and Martha Bottia
International Journal of STEM Education 9, no. 1 (2022)

Monday, February 28, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Mathematicians' Example-Related Activity When Exploring and Proving Conjectures
Elise Lockwood, Amy B. Ellie, and Alison G. Lynch
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 2, no. 2 (July 1, 2016) 165-96

Monday, Feburary 21, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Automated Writing Assessments Measure Undergraduate Learning after Completion of a Computer-Based Cellular Respiration Tutorial
Julie D. Uhl, Kamali N. Sripathi, Eli Meir, John Merrill, Mark Urban-Lurain and Kevin C. Haudek
CBE - Life Sciences Education 20, no. 3 (September 1, 2021): ar33

Monday, February 14, 2022 9am-10am Zoom
Evaluation of a Questionnaire Measuring University Students' Sense of Belonging to and Involvement in a Biology Department
Eve Knekta, Kyriaki Chatzikyriakidou, and Melissa McCartney
CBA - Life Sciences Education, 2020, 19:3

Monday, February 7, 2022 10am-11am, Zoom
Using Natural Language Processing to Facilitate Student Feedback Analysis
A. Katz, M. Norris, A.M. Alsharif, M.D. Klopfer, D.B Knight, and J.R. Grohs
Paper presentated at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference

Monday, January 31, 2022 10am-11am, Zoom
Disabling Barriers Experienced by Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Introductory Physics
Westley James, Caroline Bustamante, Kamryn Lamons, and Jacqueline J. Chini
Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, no 2 (August 19, 2020): 020111

Friday, December 3, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
A Model of Students' Combinatorial Thinking
Elise Lockwood
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 32, no. 2 (June 1, 2013): 251-65

Friday, November 19, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Professors Who Signal a Fixed Mindset About Ability Undermine Women's Performance in STEM
Elizabeth A. Canning, Elise Ozier, Heidi E. Williams, Rashed AlRasheed, and Mary C. Murphy
Social Psychological and Personality Science, August 16, 2021, 19485506211030400

Friday, November 12, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Student Perceptions of Authoring a Publication Stemming from a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)
Ashley N. Turner, Anil K. Challa, and Katelyn M. Cooper
CBE - Life Sciences Education 20, no. 3 (2021): ar46

Friday, November 5, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
'Engagement' Discourses and the Student Voice: Connectedness, Questioning and Inclusion in Post-Covid Digital Practices
L. Gourlay, K. Campbell, L. Clark, E. Katsapi, K. Riding, and I. Warwick
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), 15

Friday, October 29, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Usiing a Mechanistic Framework to Characterise Chemstry Students' Reasoning in Written Explanations
Patricia Moreira, Ainoa Marzabal, and Vicente Talanquer
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20, no. 1 (2019): 120-31

Friday, October 22, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Social Semiotics in University Physics Education
John Airey and Cedric Linder
Multiple Representations in Physics Education, edited by David F. Treagust, Reinders Duit, and Hans E. Fischer
Models and Modeling in Science Education.  Chm: Springer International Publishjing, 2017, 95-122

Friday, October 15, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Visual Literacy in Bloom: Uising Bloom's Taxonomy to Support Visual Learning Skills
Jessie B. Arneson and Erika G. Offerdahl
CBE - Life Sciences Education 17, no. 1 (March 1, 2018): ar7

Friday, October 8, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Historicizing Minoritized Identities of Sexuality and Gender in STEM Fields: A Grounded Theory Model
Annemarrie Vaccaro, Ryan A. Miller, Ezekial W. Kimball, Rachael Forester, and Rachel Friedensen
Journal of College Student Development 62, no. 3 (2021): 293-309

Friday, October 1, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context
Alex Kozulin (editor), Vladimor S. Ageyev, Suzanne M. Miller
Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives - Cambridge University Press, 2003

Friday, September 24, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Programmatic Assessment to Measure Student Understanding of Vision and Change Core Concepts across General Biology Programs
GenBio-MAPS: A Couch, Brian A., Christian D. Wright, Scott Freeman, Jennifer K. Knight, Katharine Semsar, Michelle K. Smith, Mindi M. Summers, Yi Zheng, Alison J. Crowe, and Sara E. Brownell. 
CBE—Life Sciences Education 18, no. 1, 2019. 
Friday, September 17, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
A Detailed Characterization of the Expert Problem-Solving Process in Science and Engineering: Guidance for Teaching and Assessment
Argenta M. Price, Candice J. Kim, Eric W. Burkholer, Amy V. Fritz, and Carl E. Wieman
CBE—Life Sciences Educaton 20, no. 3 (2021): ar43. 

Friday, September 10, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Reasoning with Evidence While Modling: Successes at the Middle School Level
Lauren Barth-Cohen, SarahK. Braden, Tamara G. Young, and Sara Gailey
Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, no. 2 (2021)

Friday, September 3, 2021 10am-11am, Zoom
Program Elements' Impact on Chemistry Doctoral Students' Professional Development: A Longitudinal Study
Brittany D. Busby and Jordan Harshman
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, no. 2 (2021)

Friday, April 30, 2021
What Really Impacts the Use of Active Learning in Undergraduate STEM Education? Results from a National Survey of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics Instructors.
Apkarian Naneh, Henderson Chariles, Stains Marilyne, Raker Jeffrey, Johnson Estrella, and Dancy Melissa. 
P:OS ONE 16, no. 2 (2021) 

Friday, April 23, 2021
Becoming a "Science Person": Faculty Recognition and the Development of Cultural Capital in the Context of Undergraduate Biology Research.
Thompson Jennifer Jo, Jensen-Ryan Danielle.
CBE—Life Sciences Education 17, no.4, 2018

Friday, April 16, 2021
Factors Influencing Quality of Team Discussion: Discourse Analysis in an Undergraduate Team-Building Learning Biology Course
Leupen Sarah M, Kephart Kerrie L., Hodges Linda C.
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, no. 1 (February 14, 2020): ar7.

Friday, April 9, 2021
Chapter from the book entitled "Queerness in STEM"
by Dr. Kyle Trenshaw
Contact Dina Zohrabi Alaee for pdf

Friday, April 2, 2021
Answer Frist: Applying the Heuristic-Analytic Theory of Reasoning to Examine Student Intuitive Thinking in the Context of Physics
Kryjevskaia Mila, Stetzer MacKenzie R, Grosz Nathaniel.
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 10, no.2 (2014): 020109.

Friday, March 26, 2021
Thinking Fast and Slow - First Chapter
Kahneman Daniel

Friday, March 19, 2021
Why Students Do not Turn on Their Video Cameras During Online Classes and an Equitable and Inclusive Plan to Encourage Them to Do So
Castelli Frank R, Sarvary Mark A.
Ecology and Evolution n/a, no. n/a. Accessed march 15, 2021.

Friday, March 12, 2021
Towards the STEM DBER Alliance: Why We Need a Discipline-Based STEM Education Research Community
Henderson Charles, Connolly Mark, Dolan Erin L, Finkelstein Noah, Franklin Scott, Malcom Shirley, Rasmussen Chris, Redd Kacy, St. John Kristen.
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematical Education 3, no.1 (2017): 247-54.

Friday, March 5, 2021
Standing Still: The Associate Professor Survey
Report on the Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession
The Modern Language Association of America, Web publication, 27 April 2009

Friday, February 26, 2021
Institutional Transformation Through Faculty Triads
Coons, Emily and Franklin, Scott V.
Rochester Institute of Technology

Friday, February 19, 2021
A Multifactorial Analysis of Acceptance of Evolution
Dunk, Ryan D. P., Andrew J. Petto, Jason R. Wiles, and Benjamin C. Campbell. 
Evolution: Education and Outreach 10, no. 1 (2017): 4.

Friday, February 12, 2021
Relationships Between the Religious Backgrounds and Evolution Acceptance of Black and Hispanic Biology Students
Barnes, M. Elizabeth, K. Supriya, Hayley M. Dunlop, Taija M. Hendrix, Gale M. Sinatra, and Sara E. Brownell.
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, no. 4, 2020. 

Friday, February 5, 2021
Catching the Wave: Are Biology Graduate Students on Board with Evidence-Based Teaching?
Shortlidge Erin, Goodwin Emma, Fletcher Miles, Cao Jane, and Flaiban Justin.
CBE Life Sciences Education, 2018.

Friday, January 22, 2021
Physics Computational Literacy: An Exploratory Case Study Using Computational Essays
Odden, Tor Ole B., Elise Lockwood, and Marcos D. Caballero. 
Physical Review Physics Education Research 15, no. 2.

Friday, January 15, 2021
How to Foster the Formation of STEM Identity: Studying Diversity in an Authentic Learning Environment
Singer, Alison, Georgina Montgomery, and Shannon Schmoll.
International Journal of STEM Education 7, no. 1 (2020): 57.

Friday, December 11, 2020
What Do I Want to Be With My PhD? The Roles of Personal Values and Structural Dynamics in Shaping the Career Interests of Recent Biomedical Science PhD Graduates
Gibbs, Kenneth D., and Kimberly A. Griffin CBE—Life Sciences Education 12, no.4 (2013): 711-23.

Friday, December 4, 2020
The Association Between Early Career Informal Mentorship in Academic Collaboration and Junior Author Performance | Nature Communications.
Accessed November 30, 2020.

Friday, November 27, 2020
No Journal Club - Thanksgiving Holiday Break

Friday, November 20, 2020
Improving Graduation Rate Estimates Using Regularly Updating Multi-Level Markov Chains
Shahab Boumi and Adan Vela. 
ArXiv:2008.13296 [stat], 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020
Online Mentoring for Talented Girls in STEM: The Role of Relationship Quality and Changes in Learning Environments in Explaining Mentoring Success
Stoeger, Heidrun, Debatin, Tobias, Hellemann, Michael, Ziegler, Albert
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2019, no. 168, 75-99.

Friday, October 30, 2020
In a 'Scientist Spotlight' Intervention, Diverse Student Identities Matter †
Azariah, Yonas, Sleeth, Margaret, Cotner, Sehoya.
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 21, no.1 (2020).

Friday, October 23, 2020
Undergraduates' Awareness of White and Male Privilege in STEM
Dancy, Melissa, Rainey, Katherine, Stearns, Elizabeth, Mickelson, Roslyn, and Moller, Stephanie
International Journal of STEM Education 7, no. 1 (2020) 52.

Friday, October 16, 2020
Attentioin Matters: How Orchestrating Attention May Relate to Classroom Learning
Keller, Arielle S., Ido Davidesco, and Kimberly D. Tanner
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, no. 3 (2020)

Friday, October 9, 2020
Teaching Labs During a Pandemic: Lessons from Spring 2020 and an Outlook for the Future
Fox, Michael F. J., Alexandra Werth, Jessica R. Hoehn, and H. J. Lewandowski.
ArXiv:2007.01271 [Physics], July 2, 2020

Friday, October 2, 2020
Applying Actor-Network Theory to Identify Factors Contributing to Nonpersistence of African American Students in STEM Majors
Green, André M., Brenda R. Brand, and George E. Glasson. 
Science Education 103, no. 2 (2019): 241–63.

Friday, September 25, 2020
Female Peer Mentors Early in College Increase Women's Positive Academic Experiences and Retention in Engineering
Dennehy, Tara C., and Nilanjana Dasgupta.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 23 (2017)

Friday, September 18, 2020
Black Male Success in STEM: A Case Study of Morehouse College
Gasman, Marybeth, Thai-Huy Nguyen, Clifton F. Conrad, Todd Lundberg, and Felecia Commodore
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 10, no. 2 (2017): 181–200

Friday, September 11, 2020
Good Teaching as Care in Higher Education
Anderson, Vivienne, Rafaela Rabello, Rob Wass, Clinton Golding, Ana Rangi, Esmay Eteuati, Zoe Bristowe, and Arianna Waller.
Higher Education 79, no. 1 (2020) 1–19.

Friday, September 4, 2020
Active Learning Narrows Achievement Gaps for Underrepresented Students in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Theobald, Elli J., Mariah J. Hill, Elisa Tran, Sweta Agrawal, E. Nicole Arroyo, Shawn Behling, Nyasha Chambwe, et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 12 (2020): 6476–83. 

Friday, August 28, 2020
Online Education Platforms Scale College STEM Insgtruction with Equivalent Learning Outcomes at Lower Cost
Chirikov, Igor, Tatiana Semenova, Natalia Maloshonok, Eric Bettinger, and René F. Kizilcec
Science Advances 6, no. 15 (2020)

Other STEM Ed Research Journal Clubs

The College of Engineering Technology (CET) Journal Club meets biweekly on Tuesdays in ROS A252, from 3:30pm - 4:30pm. For more information on joining, contact Mike Eastman.