Research Groups

Science and Mathematics Education Research Collaborative (SMERC) includes many researchers with an interest in STEM education, who are involved in numerous collaborative, grant-funded projects.

Physics Education Research Group

The Physics Education Research (PER) group at RIT is a community of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and faculty who are dedicated to understanding and improving all aspects of physics education. We are always seeking to grow in understanding, grow by welcoming new members, and grow in our impact on physics education locally and nationally.  Our PER group is part of a multidisciplinary STEM education research community at RIT and a key strategic area within the School of Physics and Astronomy. Our group employs quantitative and qualitative methods to answer questions and build theoretical models related to a range of topics in undergraduate and graduate education, including: equitable learning opportunities, quantum information science education, and career interest formation, problem-solving in complex environments, graduate admissions and retention. Explore our research page to learn more.

Molecular Biology Education Research Group (MBER)

The Molecular Biology Education Research (MBER) Group is a collaborative research lab co-led by Dr. Dina Newman and Dr. Kate Wright, faculty in the Gosnell School of Life Sciences at RIT. The team studies how students think about molecular biology concepts and develops tools for improving biology education. Learn about the MBER group members Dina Newman and Kate Wright

Principal Investigators: Dina Newman, Kate Wright

Inclusive Excellence Research

Under the HHMI Inclusive Excellence Initiative, research is being conducted on the motivation of faculty to participate in inclusion efforts, the incorporation of inclusive practices both in the classroom and in the lab, and on faculty’s perceptions and actual implementation of inclusive practices in the classroom. Learn more about Inclusive Excellence Research

Principal Investigators: Dina Newman, Scott Franklin
Postdoctoral Researchers: Rita Margarida Magalhães, Britt Wyatt

Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN)

This network is a partnership of more than 30 societies, institutions, organizations, corporations and national laboratories poised to lead a paradigm shift in increasing the participation of underrepresented racial and ethnic minority (UREM) students who enter graduate or doctorate level programs in the physical sciences. Its charge is to match the advanced degree participation rates to those of undergraduate student percentages and eliminate this disparity while increasing diversity in the reserve of future scientists. Learn more about the Inclusive Graduate Education Network

Principal Investigators: Casey Miller (Rochester Institute of Technology), Julie Posselt (University of Southern California)

Reformed Experimental Activities (REActivities)

Dr. Tina Goudreau Collison leads a collaborative effort focused on a reformed chemistry curriculum for teaching undergraduate laboratories using a scaffolding effect. Reformed Experimental Activities (REActivities) incorporates inclusivity, continuity, and engaged student learning in early chemistry experiences. Learn more about Reformed Experimental Activities

Principal Investigator: Christina Goudreau Collison
Co-principal Investigators at Rochester Institute of Technology: Dina Newman, Jeremy Cody
Co-principal Investigators at Monroe Community College: Jason Anderson, Brian Edelbach

Math and Stats Education Research Group

The Mathematics and Statistics Education Research group at RIT is a community of researchers dedicated to building understanding of and improving education in the mathematical sciences.  Our group is part of a multidisciplinary STEM education research community at RIT and a key area of growth within the School of Mathematics and Statistics. We interact broadly across other disciplines at RIT, reflecting the interdisciplinary importance of mathematical foundations for students from many different STEM fields. Our group employs quantitative and qualitative methods to answer questions and better understand a range of topics in mathematical, statistical, and computational education, including problem-solving in computational environments and educational data analytics/science. Explore our research page to learn more.