Andrew Herbert
Andrew Herbert
BS, McGill University (Canada); MA, Ph.D., University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Dr. Herbert’s research interests lie in visual perception and related fields. He has published on different visual illusions, spent a lot of time trying to understand the perception of bilateral symmetry, and is interested in the timing and cortical loci of different perceptual and cognitive processes. The list of publications you can see below on this page is very wrong. You should go to to see something slightly more accurate.
Dr. Herbert’s work with students includes research on the perception of faces and facial expressions.
Dr. Herbert is a member of the Multidisciplinary Vision Research Lab (MVR Lab) housed in the Carlson Center for Imaging Science at RIT. This interdisciplinary lab hosts researchers in Psychology, Imaging Science, computing and the NTID.
Dr. Herbert received a B.Sc. in Biology from McGill University in Montreal, specializing in neurobiology. He completed an M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Western Ontario in Psychology. His advisor was the late (and greatly missed) Keith Humphrey. Dr. Herbert was a postdoctoral fellow for two years at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland working with Daphne McCulloch (Vision Sciences) and Eric Brodie (Psychology). This was followed by a postDoc with Jocelyn Faubert at the Ecole d’Optométrie, Université de Montréal. His first faculty appointment was at the University of North Texas (Denton, TX) in the Department of Psychology. He ran the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, and collaborated with colleagues at UNT and TCU.
Dr. Herbert has been at RIT since 2002. From December 2008 to January 2017 Dr. Herbert was Chair of the Department of Psychology. He served as Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts from 2017 to 2019. Now he's "just" a Professor..
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In the News
December 13, 2024
Student spotlight: Fulbright student's research applies AI to real-world problems
Diana Velychko, a Fulbright master’s student in artificial intelligence, is paving the way for more intuitive artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Her work focuses on the intersection of human perception and AI, aiming to bridge the gap between how people see the world and how machines interpret it.
May 3, 2024
More time indoors may be causing nearsightedness, now at epidemic levels
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May 2, 2024
Wellness Wednesday: Raising awareness about the importance of organ donation
WOSU's All Sides with Anna Staver talks to Andrew Herbert, professor in the Department of Psychology, about the global nearsightedness epidemic and its causes.
October 28, 2022
Team presents on eye-tracking research
July 23, 2020
Paper being used in online teaching guides