Andy Meneely Headshot

Andy Meneely

Associate Professor

Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Undergraduate Program Director

Office Location

Andy Meneely

Associate Professor

Department of Software Engineering
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Undergraduate Program Director


BA, Calvin College; Ph.D., North Carolina State University


Andy Meneely is an Associate Professor in the Department of Software Engineering, and has been at RIT since 2011. He is also an extended faculty member to the Department of Cybersecurity. Prior to then, Andy got his PhD in Computer Science at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina under Laurie Williams. His doctoral dissertation, entitled Investigating the Relationship between Developer Collaboration and Software Security involved formulating metrics to examine the socio-technical structure of software development teams using social network analysis. His research has resulted in many top-tier academic publications. He also earned his Masters at NCSU in 2008. Andy got his Bachelors at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI where he was a double-major in Computer Science and Mathematics.


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Book Chapter
Meneely, Andrew. "Analyzing Security Data." The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data: Analysis Patterns. online, n/a: Elsevier, 2015. Unknown. Web.
Meneely, Andrew, Ben Smith, and Laurie Williams. "iTrust Electronic Health Care System: A Case Study." Software System Traceability. Ed. Jane Cleland-Huang, Orlena Gotel, and Andrea Zisman. USA: Springer, 2011. 400-420. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Meneely, Andrew, et al. "An Empirical Investigation of Socio-technical Code Review Metrics and Security Vulnerabilities." Proceedings of the SSE 2014 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering. Ed. Unknown. New York, NY: ACM, 2014. Print.
Meneely, Andrew, et al. "An Empirical Investigation of Socio-technical Code Review Metrics and Security Vulnerabilities." Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering. Ed. Unknown. New York, New York: ACM, 2014. Print.
Meneely, Andrew and Daniel Krutz. "WIP: Teaching Web Engineering Using a Project Component." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education (FIE). n.p., 2013. Print.
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Journal Paper
Meneely, Andrew, Ben Smith, and Laurie Williams. "Validation Software Metrics: A Spectrum of Philosophies." ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 21. 4 (2012): 24-48. Web.
Shin, Yonghee, et al. "Evaluating Complexity, Code Churn, and Developer Activity Metrics as Indicators of Software Vulnerabilities." Transactions on Software Engineering 37. 6 (2011): 772-787. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Principles and practices forming the foundation for developing secure software systems. Coverage ranges across the entire development lifecycle: requirements, design, implementation and testing. Emphasis is on practices and patterns that reduce or eliminate security breaches in software intensive systems, and on testing systems to expose security weaknesses.
3 Credits
A course in web engineering, emphasizing organizational aspects of web development, design and implementation by individuals and small teams. Students will be instructed in the proper application of software engineering principles to the creation of web applications. Course topics will include, but not be limited to web usability, accessibility, testing, web services, databases, requirements elicitation and negotiation. A term-long, team-based project done in a studio format is used to reinforce concepts presented in class.
0 Credits
Software Engineering cooperative work block. One summer block of appropriate paid work experience in industry.
0 Credits
This course may be taken in lieu of one of the four cooperative education blocks to provide experience in non-traditional venues for creativity, innovation and research. Registration conditional on submitted plan of activity and approval of Department of Software Engineering.
1 - 3 Credits
The student will work independently under the supervision of a faculty adviser on a topic not covered in other courses (proposal signed by a faculty member)
3 - 6 Credits
This course provides the student with an opportunity to explore a project-based research experience that advances knowledge in that area. The student selects a research problem, conducts background research, develops the system, analyses the results, and builds a professional document and presentation that disseminates the project. The report must include an in-depth research report on a topic selected by the student and in agreement with the student's adviser. The report must be structured as a conference paper, and must be submitted to a conference selected by the student and his/her adviser.

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