Chelsea Petree
Chelsea Petree
Chelsea Petree is the Director of Parent and Family Programs. Chelsea moved to Rochester in 2015 to establish the Parent and Family Programs office, including developing a comprehensive parent communications plan and implementing family events and engagement opportunities. She has worked to establish a "parents as partners" culture at RIT, increasing support of families across the institution.
Chelsea received her Ph.D. in Family Social Science from the University of Minnesota in 2013. She serves as the Past President of AHEPPP: Family Engagement in Higher Education and is the editor of the College Ready book series. Chelsea has been nationally recognized for her research and innovated programming for parents and families, and has presented at conferences for organizations representing student affairs, parent and family programming, mental health, learning abroad, and emerging adulthood.
In the News
August 26, 2024
7 Things You Shouldn't Do When Your Kid Goes Off to College
Good Housekeeping speaks with Chelsea Petree, director of Parent and Family Programs, about how parents can help ensure their students have a successful transition to college life.
May 20, 2024
Staff members contribute to ‘College Ready’ book
June 15, 2023
Jeffries, Sullivan contribute to Petree’s book on college readiness
October 14, 2022
Petree publishes ‘Post-College Ready’, Cilano contributes chapter
May 20, 2022
Petree publishes book on advice for parents of college students