Changfeng Ge Headshot

Changfeng Ge


Department of Packaging and Graphic Media Science
College of Engineering Technology

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Changfeng Ge


Department of Packaging and Graphic Media Science
College of Engineering Technology


BSME, MSME, Tongji University (China); Ph.D., University of Dortmund (Germany)


Dr Ge joined RIT in 2005 and has served as the founding director of the American Packaging Corporation Center for Packaging Innovation at RIT since 2008. Prior to joining RIT, Dr Ge worked as the Technical Director for Pack Solutions Pte Ltd and Senior Engineer in Singapore Institute of Industrial Research in Singapore. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Packaging Research, ASTM D10.13 Chairman and board member of IAPRI. He was awarded research grants by NASA and NPA on “Protective packaging for Extravehicular activity on the lunar surface” and “Protective packaging for daguerreotype photographs for George Eastman Museum”, respectively.

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Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Lin, Kang, Changfeng Ge, and Jing Qian. "Exploring factors affecting the conversion of the coefficient of restitution to equivalent free fall drop height." Packaging Technology and Science 37. 2 (2024): 67-83. Web.
Ge, Changfeng, Dave Lernberger, and Kyle Dunno. "Measuring and Assessing Long‐Duration Impacts for Truck and Trailer." Packaging Technology and Science 37. 5 (2024): 379-398. Web.
Ge, Changfeng, et al. "A baseline study of the application of cottonseed protein and gin trash as heat-sealable paper coating for food packaging." Food Packaging and Shelf Life 40. (2023): 101222. Print.
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Full Patent
Ge, C,, et al. "Formation and Properties of Fibrous-based Material." U.S. Patent 62.554,215. 5 Sep. 2018.
Published Conference Proceedings
C, Ge. "Damages of Column Stacked Printed Packages Between a Single Axis Truck Profile and Field Vehicle Vibration." Proceedings of the ISTA Packaging forum. Ed. AJ. Orlando, FL: ISTA, 2017. Web.
C., Ge, et al. "An Introduction to Next-generation Loggers for Measuring Distribution Hazards on the Product and Package." Proceedings of the 19th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging. Ed. Vincent Rouillard. Mebourne, Australia: n.p., 2014. Print.
Ge, Changfeng, Thomas Kausch, and Daniel Goodwin. "Effect of the Package Height and Testing Speed on the Compression Test of A Corrugated Box." Proceedings of the 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging 2013. Ed. Mika Vaha-Nissi. Helsinki, Helsinki: IAPRI, 2013. Print.
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Provisional Patent
C, Ge C,Olles M, Kosgrove K, Diaz. "Formation and Properties of Agriculture Waste Based Open Cell Foam." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 330P238. 5 Sep. 2017.
GE, C, B Lansing, and R Aldi. "Formation and Properties of Starch/Lignin Foam." U.S. Provisional Patent Application . 62/293,464. 2016.
Full Length Book
GE, C and R. A Hurley. Package Development with SolidWorks 2015. 2015 ed. Mission, KS: SDC publications, 2015. Print.
Ge, Changfeng and Andrew Hurley. Package Development with SolidWorks 2014. 2014 ed. Mission, KS 66222: SDC Publications, 2014. Print.
Ge, Changfeng and Andrew Hurley. Package Development with SolidWorks. 2013 ed. Mission, KS: SDC, 2013. Print.
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Journal Editor
GE, C and B Welt, ed. Journal of Applied Packaging Research. Rochester: RIT, 2015. Web.
Book Chapter
Miri, M. J., et al. "Copolyester Synthesis Using Glycerol from Biodiesel Production." Renewable and Sustainable Polymers. Ed. G. F. Payne and P.B. Smith. UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. 11-35. Print.
Editor (book or journal)
Changfeng Ge. Journal of Applied Packaging Research. DEStech Publications, Inc., 2010. Print.
Published Article
Ge, Changfeng, and Daniel Goodwin. “Compression Strength Formulas for Bliss Cases and Wrap-aroundBoxes.” Journal of Applied Packaging Research, 4.3 (2010): 155-167. Print. «
Ge, Changfeng. “Adding Barrier-shrink-film to a PET bottle to improve barrier properties.” Journal of Applied Packaging Research, 4.2 (2010). Print. «
Ge, Changfeng, and Daniel Goodwin. “Application ofExperimental Modal Analysis to determinenatural frequencies of stacked corrugated boxes.” 17th IAPRI World Conference onPackaging, 12-15 Oct. 2010. n.p. Print. *
Published Book
Ge, Changfeng.Package Structure and Mechanism Design with SolidWorks 2010. Mission, KS: SDCPublications, 2010. Print.

Currently Teaching

1 - 4 Credits
Students will travel to a foreign country and learn about various aspects of engineering within the context of local customs, culture, and economy. Students will attend presentations and explore facilities that represent engineering disciplines in global locations. Details of the specific experience will vary and will be announced by the specific department. Students may receive credit only once per topic title.
3 Credits
This course is a capstone project using research facilities available inside or outside of RIT.
3 Credits
The course develops knowledge of engineering design graphics and skills of package structure design. Topics covered are basics of engineering design graphics, technical sketch, project plan, design matrix and computer aided design (CAD). Emphasis is given to use SolidWorks - CAD software to design typical packaging structures. The 10-week design project focuses on developing a packaging structure from an idea to a 3D virtual prototype.
1 - 3 Credits
Independent study, in consultation with the instructor, on any packaging-related topic. Approvals are necessary from the department chair. (Undergraduate Research and Independent Study (PACK-598 and 599) combined total credit allowed is limited to a maximum of 3 credits. Independent Study total credit limit maximum of eight credits.
3 Credits
The course develops knowledge of packaging design graphics and skills of package structure design. Topics covered are basics of engineering design graphics, technical sketch, project plan, design matrix, computer aided design (CAD), and rapid prototyping. Emphasis is given to use SolidWorks – CAD software to design typical packaging structures. The design project focuses on developing a packaging structure from an idea to an actual prototype.
3 Credits
The study of instrumentation systems for analysis, evaluation and application of shock and vibration test methods to develop protective package designs and effective product/package interaction. A research paper is required.
1 - 6 Credits
A thesis is based on experimental evidence obtained by the candidate in an appropriate topic demonstrating the extension of theory into practice. A written proposal which is defended and authorized by the faculty advisor/committee followed by a formal written thesis and oral presentation of findings are required. Typically the candidate will have completed research methods, data analysis and graduate writing strategies prior to enrolling in this course and will start the thesis process as soon as they have completed these courses to allow them to finish the thesis when they have finished their coursework. The candidate must obtain the approval of their graduate adviser who will guide the thesis before registering for this course.
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis
1 - 3 Credits
The purpose of this course is to provide students the opportunity to conduct research, develop a plan and evaluation components and submit the project as a demonstration of final proficiency in the program. The topic selected by the student will be guided by the faculty teaching the class and it will require the student to coalesce and incorporate into the final project a culmination of all their course work in the program to date.
0 Credits
Continuation of Graduate Project

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