Christopher Evans
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Office Location
Christopher Evans
Assistant Professor
School of Performing Arts
College of Liberal Arts
Currently Teaching
Theatre Ensemble
1 Credits
The Theatre Ensemble is an experiential-learning course in which students will have various opportunities to apply theoretic knowledge to practice through participation in a faculty mentored or faculty directed theatre production on campus. Course content will include CLA main stage productions, as well as other ensemble productions that perform or develop theatre performances covering a range of genres, periods and cultures. Students will be expected to write, create and/or analyze texts as well as participate as actors, designers, and technicians.
Design/Stagecraft Apprenticeship
1 Credits
This course is designed to provide motivated students interested in technical theatre the opportunity to observe and participate in the theatre design process from conception to execution, while learning basic stagecraft skills involved in professional theatre production via an internship at a local theatre. Students will work directly with professional directors, designers and stage technicians on the production of a play from design concept to performance. The experience will allow active engagement in collaborative processes and methods commonly employed to create theatre productions. Depending upon the interests and abilities of the student, and the needs of the specific production, students may be assigned to a specific area of design stagecraft (i.e. Costumes or Scenic), or learn and engage in a more general capacity. The learning objectives of this apprenticeship are to give students an understanding of the goals and methods of design and stagecraft as critical elements in translating a play text into a fully realized artistically unified theatre expression. Students will have bi-weekly meetings with the instructor.
Appreciation of Theatrical Design
3 Credits
This course fosters the understanding and appreciation of design as part of theatrical productions with specific reference to the fields of scenic, lighting, and costume design and the personnel involved. Students will explore the historical and cultural aspects of theatre while examining the relationship to their activities in everyday life. Students will learn how theatrical scripts and stage directions influence the design, aesthetics, and use of space in a theatrical production, and how to use the script to visualize the design process. Deaf Theatre and other cultural references will be used to discuss the ever growing need to address diversity and accessibility in theatrical productions. Emphasis will be placed on using literary analysis of themes and metaphors inherent in a script to develop an appreciation for the artistic and aesthetic aspects of technical theatre. No artistic or technical skills necessary.
Projection and Media Design I
3 Credits
This course explores the design and use of projections and media in live performance with emphasis on the development and communication of the visual idea. Students will study current and emerging technologies and techniques, including but not limited to the use of imagery, video, and captions in a live performance. Students will develop designs that emerge through a study of theory, script analysis, collaboration with directors and design teams, research, and conceptualization techniques. Special attention will be given to design for diverse audiences, including deaf and hard of hearing.