Carla Dilella
Executive Director, RIT Housing
Carla Dilella
Executive Director, RIT Housing
In the News
October 31, 2022
Residence halls to undergo major ‘refresh’
A three-year, multi-million dollar project is about to start on RIT’s 1,800 rooms and nearly 400 bathrooms in 13 residence halls, the first major sprucing up since renovations were done more than 20 years ago.
August 17, 2021
Former Radisson hotel renovated to welcome RIT students
What used to be the former Radisson hotel at 175 Jefferson Road is now ready to welcome 124 upper class RIT students.
August 12, 2020
RIT welcomes new students to campus as staggered move-in process begins
New and returning students will move into the residence halls over the next week, in a carefully staged process aimed at ensuring a safe reopening of the campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic. New students will move in today through Aug. 15; returning students will move in Aug. 16-18.