Herlan Manurung
December 29, 2023
RIT exploring ways to increase plant-based dining options
Spectrum News talks to Herlan Manurung, corporate executive chef, and student Karaline Foley, president of the Vegan Club, about plant-based food options.
December 7, 2023
How to make Chef Herlan Manurung's tempeh and tofu curry
The Humane Society features Herlan Manurung, corporate executive chef and associate director of RIT Dining.
August 23, 2023
RIT adds dining options with food truck, a kosher deli, micro-markets, and more
A kosher deli, a food truck serving gourmet burgers, self-checkout micro-markets, and a buffet-style, all-you-care-to-eat Gracie’s are welcoming RIT students back to campus this academic year. Easier ordering and accessibility to know when an order is done will also be found throughout campus.
August 3, 2023
Don't say vegan: Food service adopting more plant-based meals
New Hope Network talks to Dustin Peterson, director of operations, retail and partnerships, about RIT's plans to increase plant-based meal options.
June 26, 2023
More plant-based food headed to RIT
Greater food options will be available for RIT students, faculty, and staff, as the dining staff explores ways to increase plant-based meal options. Students brought up the subject during meetings with Student Government, as well as student Paw Prints petitions and from members of the RIT Vegan Club.