Hitomi Minamida Headshot

Hitomi Minamida

Assistant Professor

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
Japanese Option - Applied Modern Language and Culture BS Faculty

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Hitomi Minamida

Assistant Professor

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
Japanese Option - Applied Modern Language and Culture BS Faculty

Currently Teaching

4 Credits
This is the first course in the first year sequence designed for students with no prior exposure to Japanese. It provides a sound introduction to the language as it is spoken and written today. A strong emphasis is placed on oral proficiency and the appropriate use of language in Japanese society. Hiragana and Katakana syllabary is also taught for written communication. Not open to students with prior Japanese instruction. Students must take placement exam if this is their first RIT class in Japanese and they have some prior study of Japanese.
3 Credits
This course aims to increase student understanding of basic characteristics of the Japanese language. Topics include the genetic affiliation of the Japanese language, sound system, word formation, syntactic structures, socio-cultural factors in language use, and historical development of the writing system. Students will become acquainted with the language from a linguistics perspective and develop analytical skills by solving linguistic problems pertinent to Japanese language.