Jonathan Schroeder Headshot

Jonathan Schroeder

William A Kern Professor

Dean’s Office
College of Liberal Arts

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3014 Eastman Building

Jonathan Schroeder

William A Kern Professor

Dean’s Office
College of Liberal Arts


BA, University of Michigan; MA, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley


Professor Schroeder has published widely on the intersections of branding, identity, media, and visual culture. His current work is about ethics of representation in media images in popular culture, including advertising, the internet, and 20th century media. He is interested in how media images help create, maintain, and circulate stereotypical notions about identity, including gender and racial identities.

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Select Scholarship

Full Length Book
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. Designed for Success: Better Living and Self-Improvement with Midcentury Instructional Records. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2024. Print.
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. Designed for Dancing: How Midcentury Records Taught America to Dance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021. Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan, Anna Westerthal Stenport, and Ezster Szalczer, eds. August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text and Theatre. New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 2019. Print.
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Book Chapter
Schroeder, Jonathan and Mark Buschgens. "Critical Visual Analysis: Advertising, Branding, and Identity." Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Marketing, 2nd ed. Ed. Russell W. Belk and Cele Otnes. Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, 2024. 105-116. Print.
Sujon, Zoetanya, Mehita Iqani, and Jonathan Schroeder. "The Invisible Lives of Selfies." Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture. Ed. Barry Sandywell and Martin Hand. London, UK: Bloomsbury, 2024. 10-16. Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan. "The Selfie in Consumer Culture." Visual Culture Approaches to the Selfie. Ed. Derek Conrad Murray. New York, NY: Routledge, 2022. 166-187. Print.
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Invited Article/Publication
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "The Beguiling, Bizarre World of Midcentury Self-Help Records." MIT Press Reader. (2024). Web.
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Midcentury Dance Records and Representations of Identity." Independent Social Research Foundation Bulletin. (2021). Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "How Stereo was First Sold to a Skeptical Public." The Conversation. (2018). Web.
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Journal Paper
Gordon, Nickesia S., Jonathan Schroeder, and Janet Borgerson. "Folk and Fantasy: Colonial Imaginations of Caribbean Culture in Mid-century Calypso Album Cover Art." Howard Journal of Communications 34. 3 (2023): 252-272. Print.
Ruvalcaba, Cecilia, Duygu Akdevelioglu, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Stakeholders as Value Creators: The Role of Multi-Level Networks in Employee Wellness Programs." Journal of Macromarkeing 42. 3 (2022): 414-432. Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan. "Reinscribing Gender: Social Media, Algorithms, Bias." Journal of Marketing Management 37. 3/4 (2021): 376-378. Print.
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Published Review
Schroeder, Jonathan. "Nostalgia under Oppression." Rev. of Afro-Nostalgia: Feeling Good in Contemporary Black Culture, by Badia Ahad-Legardy. Society for U.S. Intellectual History Blog 1 Aug. 2023: 1-3. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Designed For: Midcentury Media." Popular Music Books in Process Series. International Association for the Study of Popular Music. Chicago, IL. 12 Jun. 2023. Lecture.
Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Designed for Dancing: How Midcentury Records Taught America to Dance." Camp 2022. Modernism Week. Palm Springs, CA. 22 Feb. 2022. Keynote Speech.
Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Race in Midcentury Album Covers." Race in the Marketplace Forum. RIM. Paris, FR. 26 Jun. 2019. Lecture.
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Published Conference Proceedings
Yang, Shuhan, Jonathan Schroeder, and Duygu Akdevelioglu. "Aesthetics of Food: The Role of Visual Framing Strategies for Influence Building on Instagram." Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research. Ed. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau. Paris, France: Association for Consumer Research, 2020. Print.
Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schrroeder. "Global Cultural Branding through the Investment of Historical Culture: A Case Study of the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony." Proceedings of the Conference on Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation Forum for Asian Studies. Ed. Forum for Asian Studies. Beijing, China: n.p., 2014. Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan, Janet Borgerson, and Zhiyan Wu. "Brand Culture: Concepts and Case Studies." Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Industries and Cultural Economics. Ed. Tain-Dow Lee. Taipei, Taiwan: Graduate Institute of Creative Industries, Shih Chien University, 2014. Print.
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Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. Designed for Hi-Fi Living. 1 Apr. 2019. McKenzie Commons RIT, Rochester. Exhibit.
Invited Paper
Karababa, Eminigül and Jonathan Schroeder. "Non-Western Markets and Consumer Cultures: Special Issue." Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. (2019). Print.
Journal Editor
Schroeder, Kedzior, Richard, Douglas E. Allen, and Jonathan E, ed. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2016. Print.
Schroeder, Jonathan E, ed. Consumption Markets & Culture - Special Issue: Communicating Identity/Consuming Difference. Oxford: Routledge, 2015. Print.
Martin, Kelly Norris and Jonathan E Schroeder, ed. Visual Communication Quarterly - Special Issue on When Images Cause Trouble. New York: Routledge, 2014. Print.
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Published Article
Puntoni, Stephano, Jonathan E. Schroeder, and Mark Ritson. “Meaning Matters: Polysemy in Advertising.” Journal of Advertising, 39.2 (2010): 51-64. Print. «
Buchanan-Oliver, Margo, Angela Cruz, and Jonathan E. Schroeder. “Shaping the Body andTechnology: Discursive Implications for the Strategic Communication of Technological Brands.” European Journal of Marketing, 44.5 (2010): 635-652. Print. «
Rice, Diana R., Jonathan E. Schroeder, et al. “What Did YouJust Call Me? European and American Ratingsof the Valence of Ethnophaulisms (Ethnic Labels).” Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 29.1 (2010): 117-131. Print. «
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Currently Teaching

1 - 4 Credits
An in-depth examination of a selected aspect of the communication discipline (e.g. strategic communication, technical communication, visual communication, computer mediated communication, advertising, public relations, journalism). Topics in Communication can be taken multiple times provided the topic being studied has changed.
3 Credits
This course explores visual communication, the process through which individuals -- in relationships, organizations, and societies -- create and interpret visual messages. A variety of theories from the disciplines of art history, psychology, communication theory, and graphic design will be discussed to develop methods for analyzing mediated messages. Students analyze visual messages from the following media: print photography, video, film, and the internet.
3 Credits
This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of strategic communication in advertising, public relations, health communication, crisis/risk communication, and/or political communication. This course will cover problem identification, audience research, message creation, and execution of strategic communication activities. It will also cover ethics and strategic communication through digital media. By the end of the course, students should be able to analyze and execute various components to help solve problems or achieve an organization’s goals and objectives.

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