Joan Naturale Headshot

Joan Naturale

NTID Librarian/DSA Liaison

RIT Libraries - Research and Instruction Services
Academic Affairs

Office Hours
Availability is M-F from 9 am - 4 pm when there are no classes. I am available anytime for class presentations. Please note that I work remotely on Tuesdays when there are no classes.
Office Location
Office Mailing Address
RIT Libraries 90 Lomb Memorial Dr. Henrietta, NY 14623

Joan Naturale

NTID Librarian/DSA Liaison

RIT Libraries - Research and Instruction Services
Academic Affairs


Video Bio

Joan is the NTID and Deaf Studies Archives liaison for students, staff, and faculty.  She provides classroom instruction and research consultations and selects information resources in the NTID and Deaf Studies subject areas. For more info including email, chat, and subject guides visit Joan's InfoGuides. You can also make an appointment through her LibCal page.


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Moore, D., & Naturale, J. (2014). Finding hidden treasures: Research help in the library and archives. In K. Snoddon (Ed.), Telling Deaf lives: Agents of change (pp. 211–222). Gallaudet University Press.

Naturale, J. M. (2014). Seeing the world through deaf eyes: Chile study-abroad experiences of deaf students. St. John Fisher University.

Naturale, J. & Simmons, B. (2017). Sculptures in the air: ASL poetry and literature collections at RIT/NTID Deaf Studies Archives, Rochester, NY. Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Hidden Collections Grant. 

Naturale, J. (2021) NTID Library Blog. RIT Libraries.