Joan Naturale
NTID Librarian/DSA Liaison
Joan Naturale
NTID Librarian/DSA Liaison
Video Bio
Joan is the NTID and Deaf Studies Archives liaison for students, staff, and faculty. She provides classroom instruction and research consultations and selects information resources in the NTID and Deaf Studies subject areas. For more info including email, chat, and subject guides visit Joan's InfoGuides. You can also make an appointment through her LibCal page.
Select Scholarship
Moore, D., & Naturale, J. (2014). Finding hidden treasures: Research help in the library and archives. In K. Snoddon (Ed.), Telling Deaf lives: Agents of change (pp. 211–222). Gallaudet University Press.
Naturale, J. M. (2014). Seeing the world through deaf eyes: Chile study-abroad experiences of deaf students. St. John Fisher University.
Naturale, J. & Simmons, B. (2017). Sculptures in the air: ASL poetry and literature collections at RIT/NTID Deaf Studies Archives, Rochester, NY. Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Hidden Collections Grant.
Naturale, J. (2021) NTID Library Blog. RIT Libraries.
In the News
March 12, 2021
Deaf women fought for the right to vote
Essay by Joan Naturale, reference librarian, NTID, published by The Conversation.
November 7, 2022
Team presents at the Council of Library and Information Resources symposium
May 4, 2022
Naturale keynotes Deaf culture symposium
April 1, 2022
Naturale’s work adapted for school lesson plans
January 4, 2021
Team presents work on archiving Deaf cultural heritage